
Inventory of Buildings
Lancaster Ave.
Arch St.
Race St.
Winter St.
Summer St.
Powelton Ave.
Pearl St.
Baring St.
Hamilton St.
Spring Garden
N. 32nd St.
N. 33rd St.
N. 34th St.
N. 35th St.
N. 36th St.
N. 37th St.
N. 38th St.
N. 39th St.


North 32nd Street
306-08-10-12:   Circa - 1880, three-story Victorian red brick rowhouse with original wood porch, spanning across 306-08. 310-12 have circa 1960 porch alterations. Building decorated with tan and red brick patterned band and pressed brick, Corbelled brick cornice. Over second floor is bracketed flared metal pent that slopes from roof line. Wood gable with spokes projects from third floor. ---Contributing.
314   Circa 1870, three-story red brick Victorian rowhouse with splayed and pressed brick lintels, pressed brick belt courses and, corbelled brick cornice. Original porch removed and replaced with enclosed circa 1940 brown brick addition.---Contributing.
316-18   Circa 1870, three-story red brick Victorian double with S-shaped bracketed wood cornice. 316 has altered porch and reduced
window size. circa 1940. Built with 320-22 Contributing.
320-22   Circa 1870, three-story red. brick Victorian double built with 316-18. 320 refaced with brick, and corbelled brick cornice circa 1915. 322 has stone facade added; original wood modillioned cornice Contributing.
400   Circa 1890, three-story building at corner of North 32nd- Street and Baring Street. Roughcasting over brick construction. Some windows filled in. Corner entrance with shopfront openings and pressed metal cornice. Metal cornice at flat roofline.---Contributing.
408-410   Circa 1865, three-story Italianate-style double. Porch removed; front three-story roughcast projecting bay added with arched entrance. 408 stuccoed. window shapes altered. 410 roughcast facade, some alterations to windows, original overhanging eaves of flat roof with brackets along side facade Contributing.
412-14   Circa 1865, three-story Italianate style double. cruciform plan with entrance in cross arms. Stucco over brick construction. Original porches removed; circa 1950 wrought iron porches and colonial picture windows. 412 shallow-sloped roof line, bracketed cornice. 414 has flat roof with box cornice.---Contributing.
416; 3200 Hamilton   Circa 1865, three-story stuccoed Italianate style buildings with front Victorian wood porches and side entrances. Combination shallow pitched and flat roof lines; various combinations of arcuated windows. 3200 Hamilton has first-floor front projecting bays and porch with modillioned cornice.---Contributing.

Built in 1884 as single development. Attributed to George Hewitt.

420-22: three-story, four-register brick double, porch-fronted. Splayed brick lintels, third-floor multi-light sash, corbelled and pressed brick cornice Contributing.

424-26-28: two-and-one-half story mansarded brick rowhouses. Porch-fronted. Each house has two registers, corbelled brick cornice, pedimented. dormers in, mansard Contributing.

430-32: two-and-one-half story, two-register mansarded brick rowhouses, altered porches. Full-height first-floor windows altered; stone lintels, stone-capped stepped brickwork forms pediment over dormers. Brick cleaned and repointed.--- Contributing.

434-36-38: originally matching two-and-one-half story two register mansarded brick rowhouses. altered. Original porches intact. Corbelled brick cornice, pedimented dormers in mansard. 436-38 has pressed metal bay addition and later re-sided.---Contributing.

440-42: three-story, four-register brick double; porch-fronted, original porches with new supporting foundation. Splayed brick lintels. Raised brick quoins around third-story windows. Corbelled and pressed brick cornice Contributing.

417-41   Circa 1890, originally a block of thirteen identical three-story, two-register brick rowhouses. now in various conditions. 325, 427 and 433 demolished. Some have been cleaned and poorly repointed while others remain. uncleaned with original. invisible mortar joints. Brownstone lintels with brick piers dividing each house. Metal finials on cornices between houses. Most porches altered.--- Contributing.