3410 Race Street


The History of the Building


3410-3420 Race St. are shown on the 1872 G. M. Hopkins Atlas. They were built by builders, John Shedwick and his son James C. Shedwick who lived at 3624 Baring St. in 1870. They built a home for themselves at 3408 Race St. and moved there about 1872.


3410-3412: “two-and-one-half story Second Empire style stone double with wood porch and original wood gabled entry. First floor projecting wood bays. Six segmental windows below small and bracketed wood cornice; Four dormers with segmental window heads project from slate-shingled mansard.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1873-1878 Directories: Samuel R. C. Mathews, fire hydrants at 400 Chestnut St.


1879 Directory: Samuel R. C. Mathews, hardware

            The 1880 directory lists his home address as 103 N. 34th St. He is again listed as selling fire hydrants.


Annie O. Greer            41        Born in Del.; single

Mary M. Greer             30        Sister; “P teacher;” single; health problem: Gastric [...??]; born in Md.

Joseph Bennett            59        Cousin; travelling salesman; born in Del.

Virginia C. Bennett      57        Wife; born in Del.

John B. R. Bennett       26        Salesman; born in Del.

Louisa M. Bennett       19

Joseph M. Bennett       17

George W. Elkins        42        Boarder; commission salesman

Francis Elkins              36

Kate King                    25        Servant; born in Ireland

Mary J. Moore              20        Servant; born in Ireland

            In November 1870, Joseph Bennett and his family lived at 3519 Hamilton St. Virginia Bennett’s maiden name was Grier.

            George and Francis Elkins had lost three children in Jan. 1875 when they were living at 3214 Baring St. In 1900, they lived at 3317 Baring St. and in 1910, they were boarders at 412 N. 34th St. They did not have any more children.

            Joseph S. Bennett married Emma Louise Jenkins of 3703 Powelton Ave. in 1889.


1882 Directory: J. B. R. Bennett, clerk

                         Annie P. Greer

            In 1886, Maria Louisa Bennett married Horace G. Hill of 314 N. 33rd St. He grew up at 3405 Hamilton St. The 1887 directory lists Joseph B. Bennett living at 3313 Spring Garden.

            Joseph and Virginia Bennett soon moved in with their daughter and son-in-law at 3416 Baring St. In 1887, John Burton Robinson Bennett married Catharine Ostrander Truitt of 3609 Spring Garden St. In 1900, they lived with their four children at 828 S. 48th St. He was a clerk.


1884 Directories: Lawrence L. Power of L. Power & Co. (Lawrence Power & John L. Murphy), machinery at 20 S 23rd St.


1891 Directories: Lawrence L. Power (L. Power & Co.)

                           John A. Power

            In 1895, they were living at 205 N. 36th St. (See more information there.)


1894 Directory: Thomas Mathews, salesman


1895 Directory: Edward H. Mathews, salesman

                         Thomas S. Mathews, salesman



Thomas Mathews        49        Dry goods salesman; born in MD, parents born in VA.; owner, free of a mortgage

Laura E. Mathews        40        Married 19 years, 6 children; born in VA, father born in VA, mother in MD

William T. Mathews     17        Clerk

Charles A. Mathews     13

Raymond Mathews      10

Sadie W. Mathews          8

Howard K. Mathews      4

Joseph W. Mathews     10 months

Mary R. Hilliard           45        Nurse; born in NJ, father born in NJ, mother inVA

Authila Walters            22        Servant, Cook; black; married one year, no children; born in VA



Thomas S. Mathews     61        Traveling salesman, notions and hosiery; born in MD; owner, free of a mortgage

Laura E. Mathews        49        Married 28 years, 7 children, 6 surviving; born in VA, father born in VA, mother in MD

Raymond Mathews      20

Sarah W. Mathews       18

Howard K. Mathews    14

Joseph K. Mathews      10

Alverta Romans           23        Servant, Cook; mulatto; married 3 years; born in MD



Laura E. Mathews        58        Widowed; born in Va., parents in Md.

Harry K. Mathews       24        Physician working “at home”

Joseph W. Mathews     20        Blue prints in navy yard

Sarah W. Mathews       27        Clerk in a bank

Pierce J. Muir               32        Accountant for a brush manufacturer; born in Mass.

Alice M. Muir              24        Stenographer for railroad; born in Mass.


1950 Directory: V. M. Dodge

                         James A. Fallows, M.D.

                         J. E. Goldberg

                         Horace C. Hutchison

                         Mary Susan MacDowell


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Revised 6/21/2014

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