3624 Baring Street


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3624baring



The History of the Building


3624-26: “two-and-one-half story, Second Empire-style double house, cruciform plan, with entrance in cross arms; stone façade over brick; 3624 side porch removed…”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


3620-3626 Baring were built by John Shedwick and his sons.


Previous Residents


Click for Time Line


1868, May 8: Title for 3620-3626 Baring St. transferred to John Shedwick by William N. West



John Shedwick            54        Home builder; born in England; real estate: $70,000, personal: $ 15,000

Margaret Shedwick      51        Born in England

James C. Shedwick      32        Home builder; born in England; real estate: $15,000

William Shedwick        17        Apprentice carpenter

George Shedwick         15        Twin

Harry Shedwick           15        Twin

Isabel Hackett             34        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

Bridget Ford                20-24   (only in 2nd enumeration)

            In 1866, they were at SE corner, 32nd & Baring St. (327 N. 32nd St.)

            In 1880, they were at 3408 Race St.

            Houses built by Shedwick at 3433-3439 Lancaster Ave. are on the National Register of Historic Places.  See the web pages of the University City Historic Society for the history and some photos of the houses.

            Mrs. Shedwick was the former Margaret Campbell.  The Descendants of Joseph and Mary Dodge Campbell in America, by Henry Graham Ashmead provides very thorough biographies of Margaret, John and several of their sons.

            At the time of the first enumeration in June, 1870 was working for the H. K. Harnish family at 3501 Spring Garden St.


1872, Mar. 18: Title transferred to John Ferguson by John Shedwick


1874-‘81 Directories: John A. Fergusson of Fergusson Brothers (Alexander C. and William Fergusson), chemicals/dye stuffs, 104 Chestnut St.

            Alexander Fergusson lived at 3305 Arch St.


1875, Nov. 8: Title transferred to Adam E. Wiegand [a conveyancer] then immediately to Emily C. Furguson



John Fergusson            35        Broker; born in Scotland

Emily C. Fergusson     27

Anna C. Fergusson      9

Emily Fergusson           7

Blair Fergusson             5

Kate McDevitt             24        Servant; born in Ireland

Rose W. Jones             18        Servant; born in Scotland, parents born in Ireland


1883, Aug. 15: Title transferred to Isaac B. Seeley by Emily C. Furguson

            In 1880, Isaac Seeley and his family lived at 1347 Chestnut St.  Isaac was 45 years old, born in Canada.  His parents were born in Vermont.  His wife, Helen, was 42 and born in Illinois.  Her father was born in New York and her mother in New Hampshire.  Their two sons, Frank (11) and Walter (7) were both born in Pennsylvania.


1888 Directory: Isaac B. Seeley of I. B. Seeley & Co. (Isaac B. Seeley, George M. Streeter & Edwin Chesterman) trusses at 25 S. 11th St. also wine merchant at 1004 Walnut


1890 Directory: Frank H. Seeley


1895 Directory: Frank H. Seeley, physician at 1027 Walnut St.

                          I[saac]B. Seeley, trusses at 1027 Walnut St.

                          Walter B. Seeley, fitter



1898 Blue Book: I. B. Seeley

                           Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Henry Seeley

                           Walter B. Seeley

                                    The 1906 Blue Book lists Walter living at 29 W. Upsal, Germantown.


1898 Blue Book: I. B. Seeley and Walter B. Seeley were members of the Powelton Club. (For a brief history of the club, see the Powelton History Blog.)


1900 Directory (Fall, 1899): I. B. Seeley, trusses at 1027 Walnut  - The 1902 directory lists his home as New York City.  He died in Chicago, June 3, 1918.  Services were held at the home of his son, Walter, in Germantown.

                        Frank H. Seeley, office at 1027 Walnut St. – The 1902 directory lists him living at the Aldine Hotel.

                        Walter B. Seeley, office at 1027 Walnut St. – The 1902 directory lists him living at 1902 Walnut St.


1900: House not enumerated in census


1900, Oct. 29: Title transferred to Elizabeth A. Kincher by Isaac B. Seeley


1902 Directory: Anderson Givin, lumber, 843 Real Estate Trust Building

            The 1894 directory lists him living in Haverford.  According to his passport application in Nov., 1905, he was born in Huntingdon, Pa., July 28, 1858.  He was married to Jennie R. Givin.  She was born in Bordentown, N.J., Nov. 20, 1858.  The 1880 census lists him living with his parents, John B. and Mary C. Givin, at 4058 Aspen St.  His father was also in the lumber business.  The 1880 directory (from the Fall of 1879) lists him and his father living at 3826 Baring St.  He was a bookkeeper


1905 Directory: Samuel B. Lenhart

                                    In 1910 he and his wife were living at 303 N. 37th St.

                        Chester W. Wells

                                    In 1900, he was boarding at 3504 Baring St.  He was from Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania.  In 1870, his father, Theodore Hill, was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly for one year.  In 1880, Chester was an attorney still living with his parents.  The 1904 directory lists him as deputy collector of port at the Customs House and living at 1334 S. 4th St.  In 1910, he lived at 303 N. 37th St. with the Lenharts.



Annie Bush                  60        Married twice, 4 children, 2 surviving; born in Md., father born in Pa., mother in Md.; renting

Chester E. Carpenter   36        Son-in-law; foreman for Pullman Co., father born in Vt., mother in Md.

Florence R. Carpenter  26        Married; teacher; five months no children; born in Md.

Margaret H. Regg         22        Daughter; single

Rachel Murphy            58        Lodger; single mother born in N.J.

Almena Murphy           60        Lodger; single mother born in N.J.

Alice E. Rahn              41        Lodger; single; teacher; parents born in Germany

Anna J. Pollock            60        Lodger; single; teacher in city school; mother born in N.J.

Mary R. Fraher             52        Lodger; single; father born in Va.

Nellie Wheatley           24        Lodger; single; music teacher; father born in Del., mother in Md.

Sarah Dugan                36        Servant; single; parents born in Ireland

Margaret Cunningham 18        Servant; single; born in Ireland

            In 1920, Annie S. H. Bush lived at 3515 Hamilton St.  She was the widow of Luther Bush.

            Chester and Florence Carpenter purchased 3511 Hamilton St. in 1920 and moved there.

            In 1920, Almira and Rachel Murphy lived with their sister and brother-in-law at 201 N. 36th St.  Another sister, Sarah E. Shoemaker, lived with her husband and daughter at 209 N. 34th St.  In 1880, the sisters all lived with their mother at 2106 Brandywine St. (Mantua).

            In 1920, Alice E. Rahn lived two doors down at 3620 Baring St.


1911 Directory: William Eyler salesman

                         Alice Rahm, teacher


1916 Directory: Annie S. H. Bush, widow of Luther

                         Charlotte Estabrooks, nurse

                         Anna J. Pollock, teacher


1919, Sep. 17: Death of Blanche Eavenson Horter; cause of death was acute septic endocarditis.

            "Horter Burial Tomorrow

            "Wife of Soap Manufacturer Died after Brief Illness

            "Funeral services for Mrs. Blanche Eavenson Horter, forty-three years old, who died Wednesday afternoon, will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow at the home 3624 Baring street. The Rev. John Blair, pastor of the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, will officiate. Interment, which will be private, will be in West Laurel Hill cemetery.

            "Mrs. Horter had been in ill health for several years with heart disease. She spent the summer at Island Heights, N. J., with her family and excitement following an athletic carnival there is supposed to have caused her breakdown.

            "She was the daughter of Martin M. Eavenson, soap manufacturer of Camden, and was married to Charles M. Horter, associated with the Heaton & Wood Company, 1802 Chestnut street, in January, 1904. For many years she was a member and worker in the Olivet Presbyterian Church, Twenty-second and Mt. Vernon streets, and later was affiliated with the Tabernacle Presbyterian Church at Thirty-seventh and Chestnut streets. She is survived by her husband and two children, Marjorie and Donald." (Ev. Pub. Ledger, Sept. 19, 1919)

            Her husband and children moved into his family’s house at 211 N. 36th St.



Maurice W. Wiley        43        President of a lumber co.; born in Md.; renting

Ellen Baker Wiley        34

Welles Rusk Wiley       2 yrs., 4 months

            In February, 1916, the Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia) reported that “Mrs. Joseph Boyd Baker, of Covington, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Ellen Rutter Baker, to Mr. Maurice W. Wiley, formerly of Baltimore.  Mrs. Baker and Miss Baker are spending the month of February at Summerville, S.C.”

            In 1930, they lived in Moorestown, N.J.



Lewis F. Ulmer 58        Merchant selling retail cigars; married at age 35; renting for $75 per month

Nancy Ulmer               50        Married at age 27; born in Maryland

Edgar Foster                43        Lodger; salesman [rest illegible]; born in N.Y.

Margaret Uppenkanth  40        Lodger; milliner in millinery shop; born in Kansas

Anna Hammerly          50        Lodger; born in Ohio

Edwin Hoyer               65        Lodger; proof reader at a printing house; widowed; parents born in Maryland


1940: This address was not enumerated in the census.  The house may have been empty.


1941, Sep. 10: Title transferred to David B. McLaughlin and Mildred E., his wife, by Elizabeth A. Kincher

            David McLaughlin and Mildred Given were recently married.  In 1940, he lived with his parents on Summit St. in Darby.  His father, Robert, was a brakeman for the railroad.  David was listed as unemployed and a “new worker.”  He reported having four years of high school.  In Dec., 1942, he enlisted as a Warrant Officer.  He had been a machinist with two years of college.  Mildred was the daughter of William and Albert Given.  They lived at 3411 Baring St.


1950 Directory: William P. McGowen

                                    In 1940, he lived at 436 N. 33rd St.

                         David B. McLaughlin

                         John F. Schira


1956, July 26: Title transferred to Powelton Village Development Association, Inc. by David B. and Mildred E. McLaughlin


1968 Reverse Directory: H. M. Brooks (3rd floor)

                                      C. Brown (1st floor)


2009: owner: Vaughn J. Cook

            purchase date: 10/1986


< 3622 Baring                                                                                                                                    3626 Baring >

Revised 5/7/2022

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