3408 Race Street


The History of the Building


Built by John Shedwick.


This house is not shown on the 1872 G. M. Hopkins Atlas, unlike the neighboring 3410-3422 which were also built by John Shedwick.


two-and-one-half story Second Empire style house of smooth cut stone construction. First floor wooden porch has had its kitchen balustrade replaced with wood panels, but original wood gabled entry intact. Segmented windows below wood scroll and bracketed cornice. Three dormers with segmental window heads project from slate-shingled mansard.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents of 3408 Race Street


1873 Directory (Fall, 1872): James C. Shedwick of John Shedwick & Son, builders

                                           James C. Shedwick of John Shedwick & Son, builders

            They are not listed in the Philadelphia city directories for 1872 or 1871.  In 1866, they were at SE corner, 32nd & Baring St. (327 N. 32nd St.)  In 1870, they were living at 3624 Baring St.  Shedwick and his sons were home builders who built many homes in the area including all of the houses on the south side of the 3400 block of Race St.  The “Shedwick Development Houses” at 3433-3439 Lancaster Ave. are on the National Register of Historic Places.



John Shedwick             65        Builder; born in England

Margaret A. Shedwick 61        Born in England

James C. Shedwick       40        Builder; born in England

William J. Shedwick     28        Builder; born in PA

Geo. W. Shedwick       25        Traveling salesman

Florence Shedwick       25        Daughter-in-law

Margret A. Shedwick   9 mon. Granddaughter

Carrie Hadfield            19        Niece; born in England

Sarah McClean             22        Servant; born in Ireland


1881 Directory: John Shedwick


1888, December 19: John and Margaret (Campbell) Shedwick celebrated, at their residence, No. 3408 Race St. Philadelphia, the 50th anniversary of their marriage.


1889 Directory: James Shedwick, carpenter

                                    In 1910, James lived at 3606 Powelton Ave.

                         John Shedwick (J, Shedwick & Son)

                         J. Shedwick & Sons (John & George Shedwick) carpenters


1891 Directory: George W. (Shedwick & Bro.)

                          John Shedwick, contractor


1895 Directory: George Shedwick (William J. Shedwick & Bro.)

                          John Shedwick


1895: John Shedwick was an elder of the Northminster Presbyterian Church at 3500 Baring St.


1896: “John Shedwick died at his residence, No. 3401 Race Street, West Philadelphia, January 3, 1896, aged seventy-nine years, seven months and eighteen days. He is buried in the family lot in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Philadelphia. To the union of John and Margaret (Campbell) Shedwick were born: James, John, Joseph, all born in Stockport, England; Mary, Emma, William, Geoge, and Henry all born in Philadelphia. (Descendants of Joseph and Mary Dodge Campbell in America. Henry Graham Ashmead. 1907.)


1900: June 8, 1900

“House Closed”

[Margaret] Shedwick    80        Female

& on a later page:

George W. Shedwick  46        Son

Elizabeth Shedwick     44        Daughter-in-law


1905: “Margaret Shedwick survived her husband nine years, dying at the family residence in West Philadelphia, March 10, 1905, aged eighty-five years. Three months and eighteen days. Her remains were interred in the family lot in Mount Moriah Cemetery.” (Descendants of Joseph and Mary Dodge Campbell in America. Henry Graham Ashmead. 1907)

            The children of John and Margaret Shedwick provided funds for a window in their memory at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3500 Baring St.  It is the fourth window from the front on the east side.


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. George W. Shedwick

                                    In 1910, George and Elizabeth were living with his brother at 3606 Powelton Ave.

                          Rev. & Mrs. Joseph W. Cochran [He was the minister of Northminster Presbyterian, 3500 Baring St.]

                          Mrs. Marianna C. Scudder



Louisa A. Sadler          52        Keeper of a boarding house; widowed; born in Delaware; renting

Maud E. Sadler            25        Daughter; assistant keeper of a boarding house; born in Delaware

S. Clarke Harrington    45        Brother; born in Delaware

Elizabeth Yocum         80        Boarder

Georgie Yocum           78        Boarder

Mary Cooper                55        Boarder

Mary Mosler                31        Boarder; accountant; mother born in Germany

Bertha Mosler              29        Boarder; stenographer; mother born in Germany

Florence Mosler           26        Boarder; stenographer; mother born in Germany

Carrie E. Atkinson       43        Boarder; clerk

Ella Sharvan                42        Boarder; bookkeeper

Alice Hawe                  48        Boarder; [occupation illegible]; father born in Ireland, mother in Mass.

Meta R. Shelly             28        Boarder; private secretary

Louise Lynch               23        Boarder; kindergarten teacher; born in N.Y., mother born in Pa.

            In 1900, the Sadler family lived at 3809 Baring St.  Kendall Sadler, Sr. was a coal dealer.  In 1910, Louise Maude, Kendall, Jr. and Samuel Clarke Harrington were living at 3616 Baring St. where Louisa managed a boarding house.  Kendall, Sr. died at the Medico-Chirugical Hospital of a brain tumor in January, 1916. 


1921 University of Pennsylvania students:

            James George Morgan. Sophomore from Nanticoke [Luzerne Co., Pa.].  Sch. of Dentistry.

            William John Beckley, Jr. Sophomore from Nanticoke. Wharton School.

            Raymond A. Livingston. Sophomore from Nanticoke, Wharton School.

            Joseph Frankois. Freshman from Nanticoke. School of Dentistry

            Martin Peter Peterson. Freshman, Chemical Engineering, from Riga, Russia. Towne Scientific School

            (Catalogue of U. of P.)


2010 owner: Constellar Corp.


< 120 N. 34th                                                                                                        3410 Race >

Revised 7/5/2022

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