411 North 33rd Street

Before 1880 this was number 333.


Description: Description: Description: 411n33rd



409-11: “three-story Italianate-style double; stucco over brick. Simple wood porch posts across front; cruciform plan. side entrances in cross arm. Partially separated paired arcuated windows at third floor. Large ornate brackets be low overhang of flat roof”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)





Ann Garber                 56        No real estate listed, person property: $1,000

Amana Garber             31

Ral J. Garber                25

Anna M. Garber          22

John M. Garber           17        Works in coal office

            John M. Garber married Josephine Thomas. In 1900, she and their son, Herbert T. Garden lived at 3722 Baring St. with his wife, Lillie (Hoffman) Garber and Lillie’s sisters.


1861 Directory: John M. Garber, 33rd below Bridge (Spring Garden)

            Garber A. & Sons (Samuel J. Garber and Ann Garber), coal dealers, 257-259 S. Broad.

            Garber & Brother (Samuel J. and John M. Garber), coal merchants, 13th & Willow


1863, March: Deed transferred from Ann Garber to Mary Ann Martin.


1865 Directory (compiled in Fall, 1864): Edwin Chambers, 3001 Chestnut, h 33rd below Hamilton

                        Cyrus Chambers, Jr., 3001 Chestnut, h 2009 Vine

                        Chambers Brother & Co. (Edwin & Cyrus Chambers, Jr.) 3001, 3003, & 3005 Chestnut

            The 1864 directory lists Edwin Chambers, machinist, S. W. 7Th & Cherry, h Monument Rd.


1865: Death of Alice Chambers, 1 years old, daughter of Edwin C. and Martha B. (Barnard) Chambers


1866 Directory: Edwin Chambers, 3001 Chestnut, h 33rd below Hamilton



Edwin Chambers         44        Machine manufacturer; real estate: $20,000; property: $40,000

Martha Chambers        41        Her parents were born abroad

Bernard Chambers       15        In school

Paul Chambers             13        In school

Elizabeth Chambers    abt 10  [Only in 2nd enumeration]

Sarah Chambers             3

Elizabeth Grooms       30        Domestic servant; black

            Edwin C. Chambers was born in Kennett Square, Chester Co., Pa. He married Martha B. Barnard who was born in New Garden, Chester Co., Pa. Simon Bernard Chambers married Mary Phillips Brosius. He died in 1921 at age 65. Elizabeth Chambers died in 1886 at age 27.

            In 1908, the firm of Chambers Brothers & Co. was described as follows:

            “Founders' Week in the City of Philadelphia represents the Fiftieth Anniversary of the establishment of the firm by two brothers, Edwin and Cyrus Chambers, Jr., the latter surviving. His inventions in Machinery for Folding Sheets of Paper, and in Brick Making Machinery formed the basis of this business, and have continued the specialties to which the Company devotes its attention. Mr. Chambers is the patentee of many notable inventions and improvements in these lines, as well as other mechanical devices.

            “The active business management has naturally passed to younger men, and for several years has been in the hands of J. H. Chambers, General Manager ; S. B[ernard] Chambers, Treasurer; and H. K. King, Mechanical Engineer, who have all had the benefit of their senior's training.

            “The product of this Company has always been of high quality, is largely used in the United States, as also in foreign countries, and after fifty years is still the acknowledged standard. The works employ about 175 men and are located at Fifty-second and Media Streets.”

(Philadelphia, its Founding and Development, 1683-1908. 1908)


1875, May 7: Edwin C. Chambers died

            In 1880, Martha was living with Bernard, Elizabeth and Sarah on Peach St. next to Cyrus Chambers, Edwin’s brother and business partner.


1877 Directory: John R. Callahan

            In 1880, he lived at 308 N. 37th St.



George C. Newman     38        Manufacturer; born in Germany

Philippena Newman    38        Born in Germany

Ladie Heiser                 14        Niece; clerk/cashier; born in N.J., parents born in Germany

Minnie Heiser              12        Niece; at school; born in N.J., parents born in Germany

            He founded the Newman Galleries which are now run by the fifth generation of descendants of Adolph Newman at 1625 Walnut St.

            “Among the art dealers in Philadelphia there is not one better prepared to satisfy the most cultured taste than Mr. George C. Newman, 806 Market Street. Having superior facilities for carrying on the business, this well-known house, by strictly honest and fair dealing with all, has established a rapidly increasing patronage, until to-day it stands in the front rank of this line of business. The stock of pictures, comprising all the latest publications of etchings, engravings, photo gravures, facsimiles and water colors, would delight the eyes of connoisseurs. The beautiful mantel mirrors, in cream and gold or all gold, exquisitely carved, embellished with roses and scrolls, artistically arranged, and the various patterns in the styles of different periods can be had at proportionate prices, and are constantly kept on hand. There is an endless array of pretty art mouldings for the framing of pictures. This magnificent display of works of art presents to the notice of those who desire to purchase gifts for home decoration an ample variety to select from.

            “The experience of Mr. George C. Newman in this business covers a period of forty years.”

(The City of Philadelphia as It Appears in the Year 1894... Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.)


1881 Directory: George C. Newman, frames, [business address:] 806 Market

            In 1887, they lived at 3207 Baring St.


1895, May: Deed transferred from James Henry Martin & William W. Martin will of Mary Ann Martin to Benjamin F. Busch.

            The 1895 directory lists Benjamin F. and Isabelle Busch living at 1511 Park Ave. He was a salesman for a piano manufacturer. Isabelle was the daughter of Maurice and Hannah F. Joy. Her father died before 1895. By 1910, Benjamin and Isabelle were living with her mother and brothers at 2022 Arch.



George W. Powell        47        Fence manufacturer; born in N.J., father born in N.J., mother in N.Y.; renting

Grace E. Powell           45        Married 26 years, 3 children, 1 surviving; mother born in Mass.

Anna S. Powell            24

Amanda Ling               23        Servant

            In 1910, they lived at 3412 Baring St.


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Johnson


1909, Apr. 10: Marriage of Myrtle Yetter of E. Stroudsburg, Pa. to Almer P. Stevens of 411 N. 33rd St. They were married in Delaware

            In 1910, they lived at 3315 Baring St. with their newborn daughter.


1920, February: Deed transferred from Benjamin F. & Isabelle Joy (wife) Busch to Ralph J. Barg.


< 413 N. 33rd                                                                                                                                    409 N. 33rd >

Revised 7/31/2022

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