3715 Hamilton Street


1876, June 3: Title for 3711-3719 Hamilton St. transferred to American Life Insurance Co. by Joseph Campion by Sheriff

            3715: “All that unfinished two story brick messuage with mansard roof and lot of ground situate on the north side of Hamilton street. 175 feet west of Thirty-seventh street…”


1876, June 9: Title for 3713-3715 Hamilton St. transferred to Alexander Willdin by Louis M. Simpson


1879, Oct.: Title transferred to George H. Hill by Alexander Whildin & Jane, his wife


1879, Nov. 13: Title transferred to Henry C. & Mary E. Ewing by George H. Hill



H[enry] C. Ewing           40         Paper hanger; parents born in Del.

M[ary] E. Ewing             30

Bessie V. Ewing             12

William C. Ewing           10

Mary C. Ewing                7

Bulah H. Ewing               5

Annie Stanford              23         Servant

Kate Clements               22         Servant; born in N.Y., parents born in Ireland

Elizabeth Ewing             70         Mother; born in Del.

            Henry C. Ewing and Mary E. Barnett were married in Philadelphia on Dec. 6, 1866 at the First Independent Church. In 1870, they lived in the 26th Ward. Henry was 30 years-old and Mary was 23. Bessie was 3 and William was 6 months old, born in Dec. 1869. Elizabeth Ewing (age 66, born in Delaware) lived with them.


1881, Sep. 11: Death of Elizabeth Ewing, 74 years old


1884, Feb. 22: Title transferred to Henry C. Ewing by will of Mary E. Ewing


1891, Apr. 16: Marriage of Clara H. Liberton to William Ewing by Rev. Henry C. McCook, D.D. at the home of her parents (3629 Hamilton St.)


1900: Apparently empty at the time of the census


1900, Jun. 27: Title transferred to Thomas O. Mitchell by Henry C. Ewing



Thomas O. Mitchell       43         Merchant, retail butcher; mother born in N.J.

Sarah Mitchell                43         Married 18 years

George H. Mitchell         21

Leiather Lee                  25         Servant; black; born in Va.

            In 1900, they lived at 438 Preston St. In 1920, they lived at 4401 Baltimore Ave. Thomas and George were merchants dealing in meats.


1911, April 16: For Sale. “LIVE SILVER MALE FOX – Will make nice pet, has beautiful coat of fur, $7.50. Geo. H. Mitchell. 3715 Hamilton st.” (Inquirer)


1912, Apr. 15: Title transferred to Alexander H. Connor by Sheriff


1919, Sep. 27: Title transferred to Frank P. Crist & Mary K., his wife by Alexander H. Connor



Frank Crist                    65         Retail butcher; owner, free of a mortgage

Mary Crist                     64         Born in Ohio

May Crist                      39

George Boon                37         Son-in-law; plumber with own shop

Emma Boon                 35         Daughter

George Boon                12         Grandson

            George Boon is the son of Harry and Ida Boom. In 1910, he, Emma and George, Jr. lived with his parents at 3607 Hamilton St. In 1890 and 1900, they lived at 3827 Hamilton St. When George and Emma were first married (c1880), they lived at 2237 Catherine St., a nice two-story row house.


1920, May. 1: Death of Sarah Powell Crist, 88 years old, of 3715 Hamilton St.

            “Sarah Powell Crist died on Saturday at her home, 3715 Hamilton street. She was a direct descendant of one of the twenty sons of the Powell family which lived in Gloucester county, N. J., during the Revolutionary War. She was 88 years old. She was a member of the D. A. R. and lived all her life in this city. She leaves one son, Frank Crist, 3715 Hamilton street; one daughter, Mrs. William C. Barrett, 3939 Powelton avenue, and a number of grandchildren. (Inquirer, May 3)


1920, May. 11: Death of Frank P. Crist, 65 years old, husband of Mary K. Crist


1920, Oct. 6: Title transferred to Edwin S. Oat and Agnes M., his wife by Mary K. Crist


1921: Marriage license issued to Margaret Oat of 3715 Hamilton St. and Charles S. Ivory of 5113 Springfield Ave.

            In 1910 and 1920, the Oat family lived at 309 N. 37th St.


1921: Boarding: “HAMILTON ST. 3715 – Large front room, with board for two, next bath, shower” (Inquirer, June 10)


1928, Aug. 22: Death of Edwin Stanton Oat, 59 years old, of 3715 Hamilton St.



Agnes M. Oat                56         Widow; owner, house valued at $8,000

Rodgers M. Oat             35         Son; proprietor of retail furniture store

Lillian Leask                  50         Lodger; artist at an art store

Mary Crossman             70         Lodger


1931, Aug. 26: Marriage license issued to Dorothy S. Ellis of 227 S. 47th St. and Roger M. Oat of 3715 Hamilton St.


1938, Mar. 12: Title transferred to Ray M. Pease and Mary, his wife by Agnes M. Oat


1939, Jan. 31: Death of Catharine Tate Kelly, 69 years old, widow of Edwin F. Kelly She was born in New York.



Charles Pease                65         Paperhanger; 2 years of high school; lived in NY in 1935

Mary Pease                    58         One year of high school; lived in NY in 1935

Ray Pease                      37         Credit manager for newspaper, earned $2,000 in 1939; 4 years of high school; lived in NY in 1935

Mary Pease                    41         Daughter-in-law; lab worker at U. S. arsenal, earned $1,200 in 1939; 4 years of high school; lived in VA in 1935

Allen Pease                      5         Grandson

Elinor Pease                    4         Granddaughter

Sue Younger                 67         Lodger; widowed

John Carr                      39         Lodger; Clerk for ice cream manufacturer, earned $1,200 in 1939; 8 years of schooling; lived here in 1935

Mary Carr                     34         Lodger; clerk at museum, earned $1,100 in 1939; born in NJ; 8 years of schooling; lived here in 1935

Amanda Latham            80         Lodger; 8 years of schooling; lived here in 1935

Edwin Grigg                 39         Lodger; glassblower at glass tube manufacturer, earned $2,000 in 1939; 4 years of high school


1940, Dec.: Marriage license issued to Helen C. M. Love of 3339 Spring Garden St. and Edwin B. Grigg of 3715 Hamilton St.


1943: Ruth Jacobs of 1715 Hamilton St. began auxiliary training at Fort Des Moines, Iowa (Inquirer, Jan. 25)

            In April, she completed training in the Administrative Specialist School. (Inquirer, April 3)


1950, Mar. 10: “Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Pease of 3715 Hamilton st., will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow at their home. They have three sons and five grandchildren.” (Inquirer)


1950, Sep. 24: Death of Mary E. Pease, 68 years old, wife of Charles L. Pease of 3715 Hamilton St. She was born in Brooklyn, NY.


1953, Dec. 18: Title transferred to Leila E. Chestnut and Joe Leonard by Ray M. Pease and Mary, his wife


1964, Sept. Powelton Post: “Sarah Barbara Nemeth born July 9th to Andy and Betty Nemeth who have just renovated 3715 Hamilton.”


< 3717 Hamilton                                                                                                                       3713 Hamilton >

Revised: 1/9/2021

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