3414 Baring Street



3412-3414: “Italianate, three-story double with Circa 1905 Colonial Revival porch and fluted pilasters on stone pedestals,  dentillated cornice and dentillated second-floor lintels. Third-floor windows are partially divided paired arcuated windows. Overhanging flat roof; paired large ornate bracketsand smaller simpler ones”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1864-1868: This may have been part of the Mantua Female Seminary, a “day and boarding school for young ladies,” run by Rev. John Moore (3412 Baring St.)



Gove Mitchell             45                    Manufacturer of furniture; real estate: $7,500; personal property: $10,000

Anna Mitchell              32

Allen R. Mitchell         17                    Clerk in a store

Horace Mitchell           9 months         Born in August, 1869

Mary R. Croasdale       78

Jane Harrison               25                    Only in 2nd Enumeration

Sally Grouss                 25                    Only in 1st Enumeration; domestic servant; born in Baden (Germany)

            In 1865, their son, Isaac, died at the age of 17. They were living at “Hamilton St. east of Thirty-fourth.” (Phila. Inquirer, Dec. 1, 1865).

            Gove Mitchell was born in Middletown 2 mo. 10. 1825, and was reared in the simple faith of the Society of Friends. His parents, John Allen and Tacie (Stackhouse) Mitchell, both being elders in Middletown Meeting. After a few years of mature life as a farmer he removed to Philadelphia, where he was actively engaged in business for a number of years. He returned to Middletown in 1883, and at the organization of the People's National Bank of Langhorne he was made its cashier and retained that position until his death, June 17, 1904. He was twice married; first to Catharine Mather Croasdale, by whom he had two sons -- Isaac S., who died in early manhood, and Allen Robert, the subject of this sketch. He married (second) Anna Croasdale, who survives him, and had by her two sons-Horace G., born 8 mo. 23, 1869, for several years assistant cashier and now cashier of the People's National Bank; and George Rowland, born 10 mo. 18, 1873, an electrical engineer.

            Allen Robert Mitchell was born in Middletown, but spent his boyhood days in Philadelphia, and acquired his education at the Friends' school at Fifteenth and Race streets, Philadelphia, and at Bryant and, Stratton's Business College. On leaving school he secured a position in the store of Keirn & Biddle, jobbers and importers of woolen goods, and, after filling responsible positions in their employ for several years, in 1879 became a member of the firm and assumed the management of its financial affairs and has continued in the business ever since. The present firm name is J. R. Keirn & Co., who in addition to the importing business are proprietors of the Shackamaxon Worsted Mills, and manufacture a fine grade of worsted goods, running over one hundred looms and employing five hundred hands, and have established a market for their goods in all parts of the United States. He is a member of the Manufacturers' Club of Philadelphia.

            “Mr. Mitchell married February 20, 1879, Ada Begley, of Philadelphia, daughter of Thomas Smith and Sarah Phipps (Martin) Begley, and granddaughter of Thomas: and Sarah (Smith) Begley, her maternal grandparents being Benjamin and Jemima (Phipps) Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are the parents of three children: Edith Maud, born November 25, 1879; Allen Robert, Jr., born April 11, 1882; and Ada Begley, born March 7, 1885, died February

20, 1882…..” (History of Bucks County, 1905. Vol. III, Pp 520-521.)


1879, March 30: Death of Mary Jane Wallace, 68 years old, of 3414 Baring St. She was born in Philadelphia and never married. Burial at Woodlands Cemetery. (Phila. Death Index)



William Wallace           64        Gentleman

Catherine Wallace        59

Elizabeth Wallace        67        Sister; never married

Emily Wallace             24        Daughter

Bertha Wallace             21        Daughter

Annie Mullen               27        Servant; born in Ireland

Katie Mulvy                 21        Servant; born in Scotland

            Wallace was a retired merchant. Their son, William H. Wallace, Jr., was living at 103 N. 35th St. He was married to Anna Mary Linn of 231 N. 36th St. (southeast corner of 36th & Baring).


1888, March 18: Death of Katharine F. Wallace, 67 years, 5 months years old, of 3414 Baring St. She was born in Philadelphia. Burial at Woodlands Cemetery.


1890 Directory: Elizabeth Wallace

                        William H. Wallace      (also in 1889 and 1891 Directories)


1898, Jan. 8: Death of William H. Wallace, 82 years old, of 3414 Baring St. Burial at Woodlands Cemetery.



Louis L. Y. Schermerhorn        63        American Bridge Co.; born in N.Y.; renting

Romie B. Schermerhorn          53        Married 31 years, 4 children, 3 surviving; born in Mass.

Nolden D. Schermerhorn        28        Lawyer; born in Mass.

Rena Schermerhorn                 18        Born in Illinois

Alfred R. Schermerhorn           21        Dentist; born in Mich.

Carrie Johnston                        37        Servant; black; born in Cuba

            The 1890 directory listed Rena Schermerhorn at 3217 Hamilton St. The 1898 Blue Book listed Louis Y. Schermerhorn living at 3215 Hamilton St.

            Louis Y. Schermerhorn died April 2, 1908. At the time, they were living at 511 Lincoln Dr., Germantown.


1903, May 2: Marriage license issued to Rena Schermerhorn of 3414 Baring St. and Dr. Arthur B. Breeze. (Phila. Inquirer)



Clara E. Hough            43        Physician; single; born in N.J., parents born in N.Y.

Mary A. Hough            41        Sister; secretary at University of Penna.; single; born in N.J., parents born in N.Y.

Jean S. Hough              38        Sister; student; single; born in Md., parents born in N.Y.

Jeannie K. Styan          73        Boarder; widowed, 5 children

Ella Harrison               40        Boarder; stenographer

Gillian S. Morrison       35        Boarder; married 5 years, 1 child

Margareta Morrison       3        Boarder; father born in Md.

            She was in the Class of 1885 in the Elementary Course at West Chester State Normal School. She was from Media, Pa. studying to be a teacher.

            (Catalogue of the West Chester State Normal School of the First District: consisting of the counties of Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery. 1888)


c1910: Clara E. Hough applied for membership in the American Osteopathic Association

            (Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, Volume 9, 1910)


1913 Directory: Flack, Arthur M., osteopath

            They previous lived at 3601 Spring Garden St.


1916 Directory: Flack, Arthur M., Dan of Philadelphia College of Osteopathy & osteopath, ,



Arthur M. Flack           44        Physician

Belle B. Flack               39

Arthur M. Flack           14        Magazine agent

Charlotte A. Flack       11

Bailey T. Flack               9

John B. Flack               22 months

            Arthur Flack Home in 1880:                Millerstown, Butler, Pennsylvania

Arthur M. Flack  Home in 1900:         Butler Ward 5, Butler, Pennsylvania

Genealogy: http://www.flackgenealogy.com


1920: Deed transferred from W. Austin Obdyke, Surv Trustee of will of Robert Steen dec'd to Arthur M. Flack.


Source: Scope, the Yearbook of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1928



Arthur M.. Flack          55        Osteopathic physician; married at age 27; owner, house valued at $22,000

Belle Flack                   50        Married at age 23

Arthur Flack                24

Charlotte A. B. Flack   21

Bailey T. Flack             20

John B. Flack              12

Charles B. Flack             9

Belle B. Flack                 7


1929, Feb. 2: Marriage of Elizabeth Regina Spaeth to Dr. Arthur Miles Flack, Jr. (3414 Baring St.). The marriage was in New York City.


1931 Directory: Bailey Flack, senior, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy

                        Arthur Flack, A.B., sophomore


                                                      Bailey T. Flack, 1931


1931, Nov. 17: Marriage of Charlotte Virginia Puder to Bailey T. Flack (3414 Baring St.) 


1934 Directory: Arthur M. Flack, neurologist on the staff of the Philadelphia Hospital of Osteopathy



1935, July 5: Marriage of Charlotte Augusta Bailey Flack to Robert Hastings McCobb            (See 1940, below)


1936 Directory: J. Flack, pre-osteopathy


1938 Directory: John Flack, sophomore, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy

   John Flack, 1938


1939, June13: Death of Belle Bailey Flack, 59 years old, of 3414 Baring St. She was born in Franklin, Venango, Pa.


1940, March: Arthur Miles Flack entered the Philadelphia Hospital for Incurables with Paget’s Disease. He died there Jan. 25, 1941.



                          Belle Bailey Flack, 1940



Read Druchenmiller     33        Investigator for Pennsylvania Liquor [Control Board], earned $1,860 in 1939; widower; lived in Easton, Northampton Co., Pa. in 1935; 4 years high school; renting for $25 month

David H. Baker           33        Partner; investigator for Pennsylvania Liquor [Control Board] , earned $1,860 in 1939; married; 4 years college; lived in Syracuse, N.Y. in 1935

— 2nd household

Robert McCobb           39        High school teacher, earned $2,550 in 1939; born in Maine; 5 years college; renting for $35 per month

Charlotte McCobb       31        Jr. high school teacher, earned $800 in 1939 for 15 weeks of work; 4 years college

Priscilla McCobb           1        Daughter

— 2nd household

Belle B. Flack              17        Renting for $25 per month

Charles Flack               19        Brother; 4 years high school

            Belle and Charles Flack were the younger siblings of Charlotte McCobb.


1950 Directory: John J. Carpenter

                         Mrs. Tobin, M. D.


1961: New members Powelton neighbors: Harry Covvin  (Powelton Post, Feb., 1961.)


1969: New member of Powelton Village Civic Association: Miss Joyce White  (Powelton Q. 1(1): p 4.)


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