3433-3439 Lancaster Avenue

The Shedwick Development Houses



The History of the Buildings


Circa 1875, two two-and-one-half story Second Empire-style rowhouse with stone facade over brick construction. The four houses share the original wood porch with ornate brackets and cornice. First floor full-height windows. Each unit has a second floor projecting wood bay. Double bracketed cornice below slate-shingled mansard. Gabled dormers have bracket and pierced detail.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


These houses were built by John Shedwick.  He and his sons built many houses in Powelton.  At the time these were built, they lived at 3408 Race St.


The Shedwick Development Houses were placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.  Their importance is described at the University City Historical Society website.


Previous Residents of 3433


1876: Sold by John Shedwick to George B. Duncan




George Duncan           42        Butcher

Amanda Duncan          36

Mary L. Duncan           15

George M. Duncan        2

George Lightcap          66        Father-in-law; gentleman

Elizabeth Lightcap       65        Mother-in-law

Hannah Ring               19        Servant; parents born in Ireland


1881 Directory: George c. Duncan, butcher


1895 Directory: Edward M. Mullen, laundry at 3624 Lancaster Ave., h 3433 Lancaster Ave.

            In 1900, he lived at 3502 Race St.



George C. Duncan       62        Wholesale provisions; owner, free of a mortgage

Amanda K. Duncan     55        Married 39 years, 3 children

Edith E. Duncan         18

Lizzie Wise                  24        Servant; black; born in Va.

Elizabeth S. Lightcap   85        Mother--in-law; widowed, 1 child



John R. Gerety             60        Coal yard watchman; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863, naturalized citizen; owner, free of a mortgage

Ellen R. Gerety            57        Married 33 years, 6 children, 4 surviving; born in Ireland

John A. Gerety            28        Coal yard superintendent

Nellie M. Gerety          23        Telephone co. supervisor [?]

Margaret V. Gerety      21        Telephone co. supervisor

Joseph P. Gerety          21



John Gerety                 69        Born in Ireland; owner with a mortgage, immigrated 1859, became a citizen in 1861

Ellen Gerety                65        Born in Ireland, immigrated in 1868, became a citizen

Margret V. Gerety        25        Telephone operator

Nellie M. Gerety          27        Telephone operator



Previous Residents of 3435


1876: Sold by John Shedwick to Mary S. Wetherill




Mary Wetherell            50        Widowed; born in Scotland

Jennie Wetherell          23        At school; parents born in Scotland

John Wetherell             17        At school; parents born in Scotland

Mary Wetherell            14        At school; parents born in Scotland

Fannie Johnson            45        Servant; black; widowed; born in Va.

Abraham Johnson        14        Servant; black; born in Va.


            Mary’s husband, John Wetherill, was a retired lumber merchant.  He was born in Pa. about 1810.


1881 Directory: Mary Wetherill, widow

                         George Wetherill


1882 Directory: Mary Wetherill, secretary at 1612 Poplar

            1612 Poplar St. was the address of the Howard Institute.


1886 Directory: Mary Wetherill, widow

                         George Wetherill


1890 Directory: Mary Wetherill, widow of John M.



John T. Church            44        Mercantile sales; renting

Ellen H. Church          40        Married 19 years, 2 children

June E. Church            17

Ned F. Church             16


            The 1895 Directory lists John T. Church of [James E.] Matthews & Church, produce at 3010 Market, h 17 S 32nd.



Samuel O. Bryne          56        Carpenter; parents born in Ireland; owner, free of a mortgage

Elizabeth Bryne           57        Married 30 years, 1 child; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863

Samuel T. Bryne          18

Agnes Andrews            87        Mother-in-law; married twice [widowed?] 3 children, 2 surviving; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863


            In 1900, they lived at 3439 Lancaster Ave.  Samuel was their only child.  They reported in 1900, they had been married 25 years.


1915, Aug. 31: Death of Samuel C. Bryne, 62 years old.


1917, Sept.: Samuel T. Bryne enlisted and served overseas from May 1918 to May 1919.



Elizabeth Bryne           67        Born in Ireland, immigrated in 1863, became a citizen in 1875; owner, free of a mortgage

Samuel T. Bryne          28        Investigator for a loan broker

Mary Bryne                  70        Sister-in-law; single; parents born in Ireland

Louis Baus                   66        Lodger; cabinet maker [?] for railroad; born in France, immigrated in 1871, became a citizen in 1878



Elizabeth Bryne           77        Owner, house valued at $18,000; widowed; born in N. Ireland

Samuel T. Bryne          38        Electricity inspector; married at age 35

Gertrude Bryne            43        married at age 40

Samuel S. Bryne           2 yrs. 10 months

J. Webster Bryne          1 yr. 1 month

Sadie T. Webster          44        Lodger; sales lady in a department store

            Elizabeth Bryn and Sadie Webster were the daughters of James Webster and Catherine Bradley.



Samuel Bryne               49        Clerk for Philadelphia Electric, earned $1,200 in 1939 for 52 weeks of work; 4 years of high school; homeowner, house valued at $5,600

Gertrude Bryne            46        8 years of education

Ann W. Kelly               58        Sister-in-law; widowed; one year of high school

Sadie Webster              54        Sister-in-law; shoe clerk in Department store, earned $1,11 in 1939 for 52 weeks of work; single; one year of high school

John A. Webster          51        Brother-in-law; unemployed plumber, unemployed throughout 1939; single; one year of high school

Samuel R. Bryne          12        Son

Webster Bryne             11        Son


1947, Jul. 20: Death of Ann C. (Webster) Kelly, 61 years old, she was the widow of Daniel E. Kelly.  She was retired from doing rug repairs.


1965, Dec. 3: Death of Gertrude Bryne, 69 years old, of 3435 Lancaster Ave.



Previous Residents of 3437

1876: Sold by John Shedwick to William D. Bones




John Lober                  32        Manufacturer; born in N.J., father born in France, mother in N.J.

Clara W. Lober            29

William Lober                2

Charles H. Lober           1

William Lober              25        Brother; hatter

Mary Connor               25        Servant

Kate Lavery                 26        Servant; born in Ireland


            The 1881 Directory lists John B. Lober of Warren, Foster, & Co., h 3409 Race St.  Warren & Fister, & Co., (E. Burgess Warren, John B. Lober, & Samuel L. Foster) roofers & pavers, 226 Walnut, 42 Richmond & Locust St. wharf, Schuylkill.


1889 Directory: Francis X. Kelly

Thomas Kelly, salesman


1895 Directory: Sophia Macassen, widow of John

                        Harry S. Macassen, Clerk

The 1890 directory lists John, Sophia and Harry S. Macassen living at 2208 Chestnut St.  Sophia is listed as a dressmaker.  John died in July 1891.  Harry died in 1897.


1900 Directory: Sophia Macassen, widow of John

Martin J. Cooley, student

Ervin Richards, student



Sophia Macassen          70        Widowed, 6 children, 3 surviving; born in Ireland; owner, free of a mortgage

Mary Macassen            31        Single; parents born in Ireland

Agnes Macassen          30        Single; parents born in Ireland

Martin Cooley              22        Lodger; at school

Richards                      23        Lodger; at school

Price                            26        Lodger; at school


Martin Jennings Cooley and Henry Thompson Richards completed their medical degrees at the University of Pennsylvania in 1899.  Emrys Richards completed his degree in 1900.


1902, Oct. 22: Death of Agnes S. Macassen, 35 years old, of 3437 Lancaster Ave.


1903, June 16: Death of Sophia Macassen; high mass at St. James' Church.



George Warner            44        House decorator; born in England, immigrated in 1908

Edith Warner               40        Married 19 years, 3 children; born in England, immigrated in 1909

Their children were probably also living with them.  None of them were apparently enumerated elsewhere:

Hilda Maria Warner     17

Ivy Warner                   15

Ralph Warner                7

            Edith Ada King and George Warner were married in Norfolk, England in 1891.  Edith arrived in the U.S. on June 5, 1909 with the three children: In 1920, they lived at 3722 Locust St. with their three children and some roomers.  George was listed as a painter.  Their son, Ralph, was born in Africa.



Jeffrey Dougherty        32        Saloon proprietor; parents born in Ireland; owner with a mortgage

Rita M Dougherty        31        Born in Del.

Mary Gist                    67        Mother-in-law; born in Del.



Previous Residents of 3439

1876: Sold by John Shedwick to Elizabeth and Henry Wilson




James A. Tully             45        Musician; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1870; owner, free of a mortgage

Madelene Tully            40        Married 17 years, 2 children, 1 surviving; born in Germany

Amelia Tully                13        Born in N.J.

– 2nd household

Samuel C. Bryne          47        Carpenter

Elizabeth. Bryne          47        Married 25 years, 1 child; born in Ireland

Samuel T. Bryne            7


            James A. Tully and Madeline Stub were married in 1883 at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Philadelphia.



James A. Tully             53        Orchestra musician; born in Ireland; renting [sic]

Madeline Tully             51        Married 26 years, 2 children, 1 surviving; born in Germany

Amelia M. Tully           23        Born in N.J.



James A. Tully             64        Theater musician; born in Ireland, immigrated 1874, became a citizen in 1876; owner, free of a mortgage

Madeline Tully             61        Born in Alsace, France, immigrated in 1881


            James Tully died in 1934 and Madeline Tully died in 1938.  They were living at 3411 Hamilton St.


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