3411 Hamilton Street




The northern edge of this property was part of the northern boundary of the Bingham-Baring estate.


three-story, four-register Italianate double, stuccoed, rusticated quoins. Wrap around Victorian porch. Double arcuated windows at third floor. Flat overhanging roof with paired brackets.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places, 1985)


1859, Jan. 6: Title for 3409-3419 Hamilton transferred to the Estate of Robert Steen by Jeremiah Bonsall


History of 3411 Hamilton St.



Richard Humphriss      34        Doctor of divinity; born in MD.; no real estate (renter), personal: $1,800

Isabella Humphriss      25        Born in N.H.

Annie F. Humphriss      3        Born in N.H.

Phoebe Essick             24        domestic servant

            Rev. Humphriss was pastor of the Christ M. E. Church.

            In 1850, Richard lived with his parents in Southwark, Ward 1, Philadelphia. His father, Joshua, was a Methodist clergyman. Both Joshua and Ann (his mother) were born in Maryland as was his brother Richard W.

            In 1880, they were living in Reading, Berks, Pa. (ED 46). (Isabella is identified as Mary I.)  They still only have one child.

            The 1887 Directory of Philadelphia lists Rev. Richard W. Humphriss living at 1620 N 17th St. In 1889, they are listed at 1424 Catherine.

            “Rev. Richard Humphriss was born in Sudlersville, Md. 5/27/1836. He was educated at the public schools of Philadelphia, the Wilmington academy and Dickinson College at Carlisle. He taught in the principal male grammar school at Pottstown, Pa. and was a teacher in Dickinson seminary at Williamsport. He was licensed as a local preacher in the nineteenth year of his life. He entered Philadelphia Conference in March, 1857, when 21 years old and was appointed pastor of Chestnut Hill church Philadelphia. [much follows as to further studies and appointments in Concord, Portsmouth, New Bedford, etc.] He married Mary I. Johnson during this time. In 1868 he was transferred to his home Conference and stationed at Trinity M. E. church in Philadelphia. He continued in that city in important stations 12 successive years.”

(Granite State Monthly, a N. H. magazine devoted to History, Biography, Literature and State Progress vol. 6, 1883, p. 348)



George Lescure           40        Clerk

Edward Lescure           81        Father; clerk; father born in France

Mary Lescure               40        Wife; born in N.J., parents in England

Virginia Lescure           42        Sister; teacher

Edith Lescure              11        Daughter; at school

            In 1870, they lived at 4038 Lancaster Ave.


1881 Directory: George Lescure, clerk


1886: Death of Edward P. Lescure, 85 years old, of 3411 Hamilton St. "The relatives and friends of the family, Phoenix Lodge No. 130, F. and A. M., and the Masonic fraternity in general, Philadelphia Lodge No. 13 I.O.O.F., Veterans of the war of 1812 and 1814 and members of the accounting and disbursement department of the Pennsylvania Railroad are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence.” (Inquirer, April 10, 1883)


1891 Directory: Daniel W. Sweeny, insurance agent, 277 Bullitt Building


1891, Sep. 27: Death of Daniel W. Sweeney, 43 years old, of 3411 Hamilton St.

            “Daniel William Sweeney, well-known in business circles in this city, died at his residence… after a short illness which developed into typhoid pneumonia…. His parents were in but moderate circumstances and his father having died when the boy was quite young, he was admitted to the Girard College…. [He] was indentured to the hardware business in accordance with the rules of the college…. He remained at this employment for about seventeen years then engaged in the fire insurance brokerage business eventually adding life insurance underwriting….

            “Mr. Sweeney had a very large business acquaintance and a numerous list of warm personal friends….

            “Mr. Sweeney was an enthusiastic lover of music and was gifted with a bass voice of remarkable purity and compass and he has at various times been a member of some of the best church choirs in the city….”

            “Mr. Sweeney was married in 1880 to Miss Fanny D. Moore, who survives him. He also leaves two children, daughters 8 and 10 years of age…..” (Inquirer, Sept. 29, 1891)


1894: “Albert W. Dilks, architect, 1001 Chestnut Street has made plans… for alterations and additions to houses No. 3409-11 Hamilton Street, for estate of Robert Steen. These include new baths, chambers, etc.” (Phila. Builders Guide, April 4) Permit were granted to John W. Leamy, contractor, for this work. (Inquirer, April 6)


1895 Directory: John M. Harding, chief clerk, Broad St. Station

                           W. Stewart Harding


1896: William Stewart Harding listed in the Catalog of U. of P. as a student in Civil Engineering

 American Society of Civil Engineers lists him as a junior member working with the Chf. Engrs. Dept. Penna. R. R.



J. Harding                    50        Secretary R.R.; mother born in N.J.; renting

Alice C. Harding          48        Married 27 years, one child

Stewart W. Harding     25        Civil engineer

Ann H. Yearsley          79        Mother-in-law; widowed, one child

Bridgt McCrossin         36        Servant; widowed, one child, deceased; born in Ireland, immigrated 1881

            In 1880, they lived at 1646 Masters St. John was a stenographer.


1906, Nov. 4: Death of Ann H. Yearsley at age 86. She was the widow of Townsend Yearsley.



John M. Harding          60        Secretary for railroad; renting

Alice C. Harding          59        Married 38 years, 1 child

Stewart Harding           35        Civil engineer


1910, June 26: Death of John M. Harding, 60 years old, of 3411 Hamilton St. Funeral at his late residence.


1917: Stewart Harding listed in General Alumni Catalog U. of P.: B.S. in C.E.; Chi Phi; Coal Operator; mem. Union League; Zoological Soc. Bus: Commercial Trust Building


1918: Chi Phi Fraternity Membership lists W. S. Harding, graduate of Lafayette, ’96 P; Lloydell Coal Co.



Stewart Harding           45        Retail coal merchant; renting

Alice C Harding           66        Mother

Catharine McGoldrick 30        Servant; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1904


1920, December: Deed transferred from W. Austin Obdyke (Surv Trustee of Will of Robert Steen) to Alice C. Harding.


1922, Aug. 14: Death of Alice C. Harding, 71 years old; burial at Westminster Cemetery, Bala Cynwyd, PA

            The title was transferred to Evelyn L. Stult by will of Alice C. Harding


1926, Mar. 13: Death of William Stewart Harding, 51 years old, heart disease (Stokes-Adams syndrome); burial at Westminster Cemetery, Bala Cynwyd, PA


1929, Feb. 20: Title transferred to Theodore C. Schumacher and Ruth, his wife by Evelyn L. Stult



Theodore Schumacher 65        Blacksmith; married at age 28; born in France, immigrated in 1888; owner, house valued at $15,000

Catherine Schumacher 50        Born in France, immigrated in 1894; married at age 22

Theodore Schumacher 27        Born in Pennsylvania; carpenter

Margaret Schumacher  22        Born in Pennsylvania; stenographer

William E. Banister      33        Lodger; constructor elevators (sp. Unsure)

            Theodore Schumacher was born in Alsace, France in 1863, the son of Carl and Katherine Schumacher.


1934, Mar. 13: Death of James Andrew Tully, 78 years old, of 3411 Hamilton St. They previously lived at 3439 Lancaster Ave.


1938, Jan. 21: Death of Madeline Strub Tully, 80 years old, widow of James A. Tully.



Theodore Schumacher 76        Machine blacksmith, earned $1,200 in 1939; owner, house valued at $6,800; born in Alsace Loraine; 8 yrs. of school

Catherine Schumacher 60        Wife; born in Alsace Loraine; 8 yrs. of school

Theodore Schumacher 38        Son, carpenter for acoustical concern, earned $2,400 in 1939; married; 8 yrs. of school


1946, May 4: Death of Theodore Schumacher, 82 years old


1950 Directory: Edward W. Berlinger

                         Theodore Schumacher


1957, Dec. 5: Death of Catherine Schumacher, 77 years old; burial at Northwood Cemetery


< 3413 Hamilton                                                                                                   3409 Hamilton >

Revised: 12/21/2021

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