101 N. 35th Street



101-107: “two-and-one-half story Second Empire style double with stone facade over brick construction. Original wood Victorian porch with shared gabled entry intact. Decorative scrolls under wood cornice. Slate-shingled mansard has four dormers with arched windowheads. 105 and 107, Colonial Rivival porch, alterations.

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The 1872 Hopkins Atlas shows the land owned by John Shedwick. He was probably built these houses about 1874.


Previous Residents


1875 Directory: Abraham Brown of William Brown & Co. (William Brown & Abraham Brown), clothiers at 830 Market St.



Abram Brown              40        Salesman; born in N.J.

Margaret Brown           36        Born in N.J., parents born in England

Mary W. Brown           13

Joseph C. Brown            3

Joseph Whitaker          70        Father-in-law; born in England; married [?]

Martha Whitaker          19        Sister

Catharine Whitaker      35        Servant; born in Ireland


1895 Directory: Abram Brown, salesman


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Blithe

                          Harry A. Blithe

                          Wesley L. Blithe

                          Roy E. Blithe



Henry Blithe                58        Druggist

Emma Blithe               59        Married 32 years, 6 children

Harry A. Blithe            28        Druggist

Edith M. Blithe            23

Roy Blithe                   19

Florence E Blithe        17


1900, Sept. 26: Marriage license issued to Edith M. Blithe of 101 N. 35th St. and Harry L. Mather


1906, Nov. 11: Death of Emma Lesher Blithe, 65 years old, wife of Henry Blithe, daughter of William G. Lesher and Catherine Moag.


1908, June 5: Marriage license issued to Margaret H. Lindsay and Roy E. Blithe of 101 N. 35th St.



Henry Blithe                68        Proprietor of a drug store; owner, free of a mortgage

Wesley L. Blithe           37        Architect


< 103 N 35th St.                                                                                            3439 Lancaster Ave. >

Revised 8/14/2022

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