307 North 37th Street

Description: Description: Description: 307n37th


307-09: “two-and-one-half story brick Second Empire-style double. Some slate shingles remain. Fenestration and facade radically altered circa 1925. First-floor front brick addition; 309 later stuccoed.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The lot was original part of a parcel that included 303, 305, 307, and 309 N. 37th St. as well as 3627 and 3629 Powelton Ave. The history of that parcel is as follows:


1867, May 17: Deeded to John Magraw by Louisa E. Baring, et al.

            John Magraw is listed in the 1867 city directory as a clerk at 4131 Chestnut St. That was the home of real estate agent Enoch G. Hopkins whose office was on 41st St. near Haverford Ave.


1867, June 28: Deeded to Joseph Dallas Hall by John Magraw


1867, Sept. 21: Deeded to John K. McCurdy by Joseph Dallas Hall


1869, April 1: Deeded to Thomas Foster by John K. McCurdy


1869, April 2: Deeded to John M. Mole by Thomas Foster

            John M. Mole almost certainly built 303-309 N. 37th St. He was a carpenter who was born in England about 1841. He was probably the brother of Thomas H., John, Walter, and James Mole all of whom were carpenters. They may have been the sons of a W. Mole who was a builder. In 1866, all of them were living near 17th St. and Ellsworth. They probably arrived in the U.S. about 1860 and they all left Philadelphia between 1870 and 1880 except for James.

            In 1870, John and Elizabeth A. Mole lived in West Philadelphia, probably west of 40th St. Elizabeth was born in Ireland. She claimed real estate worth $15,000 and personal property valued at $2,000. John Mole was involved in about 50 land sales in Philadelphia between 1869 and 1873, possibly as a builder. He probably left Philadelphia about 1874.


Previous Residents


1869, Dec. 11: 307 N. 37th St. deeded to T. Graham Ashmead by John M. Mole

            Thomas Graham Ashmead was the son of Albert Ashmead and Elizabeth Graham. In 1860 and 1870, he lived with them at 3500 Hamilton St. Thomas purchased both 305 and 307. He sold 305 two days later (see below) but kept 307 until April 1870. The same day his brother, Albert S. Ashmead, purchased 309. In 1860 and 1870, Albert and Elizabeth Ashmead claimed $50,000 in real estate. In June, 1870, Thomas claimed $3,000 in real estate.


1870, April 1: Deeded to Jacob W. Helffrich by T. Graham Ashmead

            Jacob W. Helffrich and his family lived at 1225 Cass St.


1870, June: The census first enumeration included a blank line indicating the house was empty.


1870, Nov., 2nd enumeration

John McClain              35-39

Sadie McClain              30-34

William McClain          10-14

Fannie McClain           10-14

Clark McClain              5- 9

Tilly Extell                   [No age given]

            Note: the second enumeration of the census only provides broad age groups.


1871 Directory (Fall 1870): McLean John N., President at 4 N. 8th St.


1877 Directory: Helffrich Jacob W., machinist

            The 1874 directory still lists him at 1225 Cass St.



Jacob W. Helffrich       44        Machinist

Sally S. Helffrich          38

Charles B. Helffrich     16        Clerk in bank; unemployed 8 months in past year

Harry B. Helffrich        14        Errand boy; unemployed 8 months in past year

Annie A. K. Helffrich   6


1883 Directory: Samuel W. Latta, physician

            He lived at various addresses in Powelton, most prominently at 3500 Hamilton St. and 3626 Baring St. (See photos and biography at those addresses.)


1889, Dec. 12: Deeded to Henry B. Helffrich by Jacob W. Helffrich


1893, Dec. 18: Deeded to John L. Fry by Henry B. Helffrich


1893, Dec. 19: Deeded to Henry B. Helffrich by John L. Fry


1894, Nov.: Marriage license issued to Louisa F. Bushnell and Henry B. Helffrich of 307 N. 37th St.



Jacob W. Helffrich       63        Boarding and Livery stables; renting

Sarah S. Helffrich         58        Married 37 years, 4 children, 3 surviving

Annie A. Helffrich       26


1904, June 8: Marriage of Annie Amelia K. Helffrich to Arthur Lowrie Reeder

            The marriage was performed at 307 N. 37th St. by Rev. J. Addison Henry of the Northminster Presbyterian Church.


1907, Apr. 14: Death of Sarah Snyder (Boon) Helffrich, 65 years old; burial at West Laurel Hill

            Jacob Helffrich died in 1912. He was living at 3715 Lancaster Ave.


1907, July 13: Deeded to Andrew Botto by Henry B. Helffrich

            Andrew Botto lived at 3626 Hamilton St.



John W. Atkinson        45        Father born in N.J.; [no occupation listed]

Martha C. Atkinson     38        Married 6 years, no children; born in Md., father in Md., mother in Va.


1916, Nov. 24: Deeded to James Somerville by Andrew Botto



Robert Somerville        50        Police sergeant; born in [Northern] Ireland, immigrated in 1892, became a citizen in 1897

Jean Somerville            40        Born in N.Y., parents born in Scotland

James Somerville         39        Brother; police officer; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1905, became a citizen in 1910

Fidel Barreras              19        Lodger; student; born in Cuba, immigrated in 1917

            In 1930, Robert and Jean Summerville were living at 5419 Woodcrest Ave. He was working in a bank.


1925, Feb. 20: Deeded to William D. Martin and Robert McCracken by James Somerville


1925, April 24: Deeded to William D. Martin int. of Robert McCracken by William D. Martin and Robert McCracken


1925, April 24: Deeded to Lydia Becker by William D. Martin int. of Robert McCracken



Lydia Becker                61        Widowed; owner, house valued at $7,000

Edward K. Becker       22        Son; electrician at stock exchange

-2nd household

William Nixon             67        Restaurant chef; renting for $40 per month; age at first marriage 30

Chrissie Nixon             85        Wife; age at first marriage 20

Irene Marshall             62        Daughter

            Lydia Becker was the widow of Theodore Becker. In 1910, they lived at 1427 S. 20th St. He was a packer for a furniture manufacturer and she was the proprietor of a cigar store. They lived with their three children and her mother, Clara Buckley. Clara was the widow of David F. Buckley. She died Oct. 13, 1910 at the age of 65. Theodore Becker died April 19, 1921 at age 47. He was the son of Josephine and Theodore Becker, Sr. At the time, they were living at 2707 Somerset St.

            Christine Nixon was previously married to William H. Jones, her second husband. She had 5 children by her first husband was David H. Marshall. Four were still alive in 1900 including Irene. Christine and William were married about 1890. He was retired from the Navy. In 1900, they and her daughter, Irene, lived in Bethlehem, Northampton Co. Pa.


1931, Oct. 5: Deeded to Edgar E. Moon by sheriff sale


1932, Jan. 18: Deeded to Subsidiary Realty and Securities Corp. by Edgar E. Moon


1932, Aug. 22: Death of Irene Marshall of 307 N. 37th St.; burial at Arlington cemetery; cause of death was heart failure.

            She suffered from tabis dorsalis (syphilitic myelopathy).

            The informant for the death certificate was Clarence J. Marshall who listed his residence at this house.


1940: Not enumerated in this census. It was probably empty.


1942, Mar. 9: Deeded to Rebina (?) Rosenberg by sheriff sale


1943, Nov. (?) 27: Deeded to Frank Lindsey and Sarah, his wife by Rebina (?) Rosenberg


1948, Apr. 14: Marriage license issued to Audrey E. McConkey of Glenside, Pa. and Wilbur C. Lindsey of 307 N. 37th St


1955, March 16: Deeded to Alton Davis by Frank Lindsey and Sarah, his wife


< 309 N 37th.                                                                                                                                                305 N 37th >

Revised: 1/29/2022

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