305 North 37th Street


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 305n37th



The lot was original part of a parcel that included 303, 305, 307, and 309 N. 37th St. as well as 3627 and 3629 Powelton Ave.  The history of that parcel is as follows:


1867, May 17: Deeded to John Magraw by Louisa E. Baring, et al.

            John Magraw is listed in the 1867 city directory as a clerk at 4131 Chestnut St.  That was the home of real estate agent Enoch G. Hopkins whose office was on 41st St. near Haverford Ave.


1867, June 28: Deeded to Joseph Dallas Hall by John Magraw


1867, Sept. 21: Deeded to John K. McCurdy by Joseph Dallas Hall


1869, April 1: Deeded to Thomas Foster by John K. McCurdy


1869, April 2: Deeded to John M. Mole by Thomas Foster

            John M. Mole almost certainly built 303-309 N. 37th St.  He was a carpenter who was born in England about 1841.  He was probably the brother of Thomas H., John, Walter and James Mole all of whom were carpenters.  They may have been the sons of a W. Mole who was a builder.  In 1866, all of them were living near 17th St. and Ellsworth.  They probably arrived in the U.S. about 1860 and they all left Philadelphia between 1870 and 1880 except for James.

            In 1870, John and Elizabeth A. Mole lived in West Philadelphia, probably west of 40th St.  Elizabeth was born in Ireland.  She claimed real estate worth $15,000 and personal property valued at $2,000.  John Mole was involved in about 50 land sales in Philadelphia between 1869 and 1873, possibly as a builder.  He probably left Philadelphia about 1874.


two-story. red brick double… Number 305 has Victorian porch, corbelled brick, metal cornice with consoles”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1869, Nov. 22: 305 N. 37th St. deeded to T. Graham Ashmead by John M. Mole

            Thomas Graham Ashmead was the son of Albert Ashmead and Elizabeth Graham.  In 1860 and 1870, he lived with them at 3500 Hamilton St.  Thomas purchased both 305 and 307.  He sold 305 two days later (see below), but kept 307 until April 1870.  The same day his brother, Albert S. Ashmead, purchased 309.  In 1860 and 1870, Albert and Elizabeth Ashmead claimed $50,000 in real estate.  In June, 1870, Thomas claimed $3,000 in real estate.


1869, Nov. 24: Deeded to Charles G. Blatchley by T. Graham Ashmead

            Charles G. Blatchley was a pump manufacturer who was born in Connecticut.  In 1880, he lived at 614 Wood St. in Philadelphia.


1870: blank lines in the first and second census enumerations suggest this house was empty in June, 1870 and Nov., 1870.


1870, July 2: Deeded to Daniel M. Boring by Charles G. Blatchley



Garrett B. Hibbard      30        Milk dealer

Anna Hibbard              34

Clarence Hibbard           8

Enos D. Hibbard           6

            In the 1890 City Directory, he is listed at 4032 Powelton Ave.


1885, Nov. 2: Deeded to Jacob W. Stelffrich by Daniel M. Boring


1889, Nov. 12: Deeded to David J. Myers, Jr. by Jacob W. Stelffrich


1889, Dec. 6: Deeded to Jeanne Sherer by David J. Myers, Jr.


1896: “Bicycle Rider Hurt.  Josephine Sherer, of 305 North Thirty-seventh street, was yesterday run down and injured while riding a bicycle at Powelton avenue above Thirty-seventh street, by a wagon driven by Andrew Cavins, of 756 Taylor street.” (Phila. Inquirer, Sept 25)


1898:  “The Misses Sherer, 305 North Thirty-seventh street, gave a euchre party at their home on Monday evening.”  (Phila. Inquirer, March 6)



Joseph E. Sherer          51        [occupation illegible]; born in France, immigrated 1850

Jeanne (Jane) Sherer     48        Married 22 years, 3 children; born in France, immigrated 1855

Marie Sherer                22        Born in Philadelphia

Josephine A. Sherer     19        Stenographer-typist; born in Philadelphia

Jeanne  Sherer             13        Born in Philadelphia

            The 1880 census says his parents were born in Holland and he was a fireman for a meter company.  She was listed as a dress maker.  The 1890 City Directory lists him as a painter living at 3627 Lancaster Ave.


1903, July 24: Deeded to Hannah E. Lyster by Jeanne Sherer

            Hannah Lyster was the widow of Edward Lyster, a coal and lime dealer.  She was 70 years old.  They lived at 3845 Powelton Ave.  She died Oct. 5, 1904.


1905, March 31: Deeded to Paul R. Heyl deed by [??] Lyster, et al. executors for Hannah E. Lyster



Hunbrass Dixon          36        Merchant selling tea & coffee; born in Maryland; renting

Eunice Dixon             25        Married 5 years, 1 child; born in Maryland

Ambrose Dixon           4

Ethel Tull                    18        Sister-in-law; born in Maryland

Charles Odell               40        Boarder; dentist; single; born in Ohio, father born in Virginia, mother in Ohio


1911, March 13: Deeded to George B. McCracken, by sheriff sale


1911, March 22: Deeded to William J. Bowden by George B. McCracken



William J. Bowden       37        Machinist; father born in England, mother in Ireland; owner, free of a mortgage

Ann M. Bowden          35        Parents were born in Ireland

Ann  Bowden                7

William J. Bowden         6

Leo Bowden                  5

Paul Bowden                 3

Thomas Bowden           2

Elizabeth Bowden         1

            In 1910, William Bowden was living with his 51-year-old widowed mother and five of his seven siblings at 3417 Haverford Ave He was an assistant superintendent at Baldwin Locomotive Works..  In 1911, he married Anna M. Shallow.  She was the daughter of Edward F. and Elizabeth C. Shallow who lived at 3621 Hamilton St. in 1910 and 1920.   In 1910, she was living with her parents and working as a stenographer for a telephone company.



William Bowden          47        Machinist in locomotive works; married at age 28; owned, house valued at $2,500

Mary Bowden              46        Married at age 27

Anna M. Bowden         18        Daughter

William J. Bowden       16        Son

Leo A. Bowden            15        Son

Paul V. Bowden           14        Son

Thomas P. Bowden     12        Son

Elizabeth G. Bowden   11        Daughter

Helen G. Bowden        10        Daughter

John J. Bowden              8        Son

Mary Bowden                7        Daughter

Edward K Bowden        5        Son



William J. Bowden       57        Machinist for Baldwin Locomotive, earned $2,250 in 1939; 4 years of high school; owner, house valued at $4,000

Anna Bowden              55        Four years of high school

Anna M. Bowden        27        Secretary at Girard Trust Building, earned $1,300 in 1939; 2 years of high school

Leo A. Bowden            25        Salesman for Fuller Brush Man, earned $2,080 in 1939, worked 60 hours in previous week; 3 years of high school

Paul V. Bowden           24        Demonstrator for International Machine Co., earned $780 in 1939; 4 years of high school

Elizabeth Bowden       21        Clerk for a florist, earned $572 in 1939; 4 years of high school

Helen Bowden             20        Hospital librarian, not employed in 1939, currently working 40 hours per week; 4 years of high school

John J. Bowden           18        Student; 2 years of high school

Mary E. Bowden          17        Student

Edward Bowden          15        Student

Thomas Bowden         22        Florist for Callahan Florist, earned $1,480 in 1939; 4 years of education


1941: Marriage license issued to Helen G. Bowden and Edward F. Hanlon


1942, Dec.12:  John J. Bowden enlisted as a Warrant Officer.


1943, Oct. 2:  Thomas Phillip Bowden began active service.  He was in the 284th Combat Engineers.  He served in the U.S. until Oct. 1944 when they went to Europe.  He served until March, 1946.  The history of the 284th is detailed in their website.


1945, July 16: Paul V. Bowden began service in the Army.  He served until Nov. 1946 in the HO Co., 1st Regiment achieving the rank of Sargent.


1947, Aug. 30: Marriage of Helen Louise Howden to Thomas P. Bowden


1950 Directory: William J. Bowden


1952, Aug. 21: Death of Thomas P. Bowden, 34 years old


1956, July 30: Deeded to William J. Bowden and ?? by William J. Bowden


< 307 N 37th.                                                                                                         303 N 37th >

Revised 5/18/2015

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