3811 Lancaster Avenue


3803-05, 3807-09, 3811: “two-story red brick rowhouse with first-floor commercial fronts and incised wood cornice…. 3811, which also has entrance at corner of Baring and Lancaster Streets, has incised wood window heads at first floor. --- Contributing.

See 3819 Baring Street, two-story addition to this development.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1876 Directory: Fasy Charles E., machinist

            The 1875 directory lists him at 3614 Grape (now Melon) St.


1879 Directory (Fall 1878): McCann Francis H., home and office, conveyancer at 3811 Lancaster Ave. & 139 S. 5th St.


1880 Directory: McCann Francis H., real estate at 229 S. 6th St.

            The 1881 directory lists his home as 208 N. 38th St.



Mary Cullin      56        Born in Ireland

Annie E. Kan  43        Sister; born in Ireland

Mary J. Kan     13        Niece; father born in Pennsylvania, mother in Ireland

            “Kan” perhaps should be McCann.


1898: Doyle Mary E.



Mary Doyle      38        Seamstress; single; parents born in Ireland

Ella Doyle       35        Seamstress; single; parents born in Ireland


1903 Business Directory: McCann Francis H., real estate office


1909 Directory: McCann Francis H., real estate, home: 3814 Spring Garden St.

            He died at his home in 1912 at age 76.


1968 Directory: McCann F. H., real estate


<3819 Lancaster                                                                                           3809 Lancaster >

Added 9/20/2022

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