3809 Lancaster Avenue


3803-05, 3807-09, 3811: “two-story red brick rowhouse with first-floor commercial fronts and incised wood cornice…. 3811, which also has entrance at corner of Baring and Lancaster Streets, has incised wood window heads at first floor. --- Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History



Annie Chew     30        Dress maker; widowed

Maggie Chew   15        Dress maker; father born in NJ

John Chew         6        Father born in NJ

Ida M. Chew      4        Father born in NJ

Flora Chew      4 months   Father born in NJ



William H. Solomon    49        Brakeman; renting

Anna M. Solomon       47        Married 17 years, 2 children; born in Germany

Ida B. Solomon            14        Mother born in Germany

Marie Solomon            11        Mother born in Germany

Mary Laurentz             12        Boarder; parents born in Germany

            The 1895 directory lists him living at 822 Brooklyn St.


<3811 Lancaster                                                                                           3807 Lancaster >

Added 9/18/2022

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