3819 Lancaster Avenue


The building’s front was altered in 1891.


“Circa 1890, three-story brick rowhouse with commercial first floor fronts. The building wraps around from Baring Street to Lancaster Avenue. Pressed metal Victorian shopfront on 3819… All upper windows have stone sills and slightly arched lintels. Double bracketed wood cornice. Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History



Samuel W. Caldwell     51        Medical doctor

Caroline E. Caldwell    43

Mary J. Caldwell          11        Born in WDC

Florence Brown           18        Boarder; artist; born in NJ

(ED489, 13)


1892 Dir.: Andrew J. Bair & Sons, undertakers, 33 N. 19th St. and 3819 Lancaster Ave.

            Andrew J. Bair lived at 1843 Filbert St. Charles S. Bair lived at 3813 Baring St.

It was a branch of the Bair funeral home until at least 1913.


1900 Dir.: William Robinson, embalmer



Walter J. Speakman     35        Clothing foreman; renting

Sallie Speakman           33        Married 15 years, two children, one surviving

Hazel Speakman          13

(ED 549, 13B)


1913 Dir.: Andrew J. Bair & Son, undertakers, main office 19th & Arch, branch office 3819 Lancaster Ave.


<3821 Lancaster                       around corner: 3813 Baring                                                         3737 Lancaster >

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Added 1/21/2021

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