3711 Hamilton Street


The History of the Building


1876, June: Deed to 3711, 3713, 3715, 3717, and 3719 transferred from Joseph Campion to Life Insurance Company American.


1876, June: Deed to 3711, 3713, 3715, 3717, and 3719 transferred from Life Insurance Company American to Louis M. Simpson.


3701-19: “two-and-one-half story Second Empire style doubles; stone facade over brick. First-floor Victorian porches; some altered-(3703, 3705-07, 3709, 3719); four registers, slate- shingled mansard (3701, 3705-07, 3709 asphalt); slightly arched dormer windowheads. All built by the same developer.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents of 3711 Hamilton Street


1876, June: Deed transferred from Louis M. Simpson to Alexander Whilldin & Isaac Hazlehurst.

            Alexander Whilldin was owner of a company that sold in cotton, wool and yarns at 126 Chestnut St. In 1881, he lived at the corner of N. 15th and Jefferson. Isaac Hazlehurst was a lawyer with an office at 508 Walnut St. and living at 2020 Spruce in 1881.


1876, Oct. 18: “For Sale, Modern Residences. No. 3711 Hamilton street…. Fred Sylvester, No. 203 S. Sixth Street” (Inquirer)


1877, March: Deed transferred from Alexander M. Whildin to Sarah M. Stites(?).

            In 1881, a Sarah Stiles lived at 429 N. 19th St.


1879 Directory (Fall, 1878): Albert G. Freeland, hatter at 537 Chestnut St.


1879, March: Deed transferred from Louis M. Simpson to Thomas Neilson, Trustee for William Neilson.

            In 1880, Thomas R. Neilson (age 54) was a physician. He was born in the Spanish West Indies. His father was born in Ireland and his mother in England. His wife, Sarah C. Neilson was born in Pennsylvania. His son, William D. Neilson (age 29), was a lawyer living at 325 S. 12th St. William was a partner in the firm of Neilson and Neilson along with Robert H. Neilson, probably his brother, who listed the same home address in 1881. The trust was probably set up by Robert Neilson who was probably Thomas’s father. Robert was born about 1780 in Ireland. In 1860, he claimed real estate worth $200,000 and personal property worth an equal amount. His wife, Emma, was born about 1795 in England. In the 1858 directory, their address is given as 1301 Spruce St. Robert was probably a shipping merchant as was Robert Neilson, Jr.


1880 Directory: Albert G. Freeland

                        Harry Shedwick, builder

                                    He was a son of John Shedwick. In 1870, the family lived at 3624 Baring St. The Shedwick family built many houses in and around Powelton. The 1881 directory lists Harry living at 622 N. 34th St. (Mantua).



H. W. Smith                 44        Actuary in life insurance; born in Mass.

Louisa Smith                38        “General disability”

Virginia Smith              23        Daughter; born in New York

Lulu Smith                   20        Daughter; born in New York

            The 1878 directory lists his home as 4061 Aspen.


1881 Directory: Henry W. Smith, insurance, Walnut & 4th St., h 3711 Hamilton

            The 1887 Directory lists him living at “Moore Station.”


1885, July: Deed transferred from Thomas Neilson, Trustee for William Neilson under will of Robert Neilson (dec'd) to Joseph Baugh.


1887 Directory: Joseph Baugh, leather

                         William Strickland of Strickland & Pennypacker (William Strickland & Charles Pennypacker), grocers at the corner of 41st and Lancaster


1890 Census Veterans Schedule: Joseph Baugh, Private, Penna. Co. G, Reg. 30th, 1861-‘64, served 3 years, 1 month. (ED 590, 3)

            This regiment was recruited at Phoenixville, Pa.


1890 Directory: James M. England

                         Baugh Joseph


1895 Directory: Joseph Baugh, hides at 236 Moore


1896 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Baugh. Receiving day Tuesday.


1896 Directory: William Strickland



Joseph Baugh               46        Manufacturer

Mary Baugh                 42        Married 12 years, no children

James M. England       39        Brother-in-law; unemployed during previous 12 months


1903, March 28: Joseph Baugh listed as “invalid” in Civil War Pension files.


1903, April: Deed transferred from Joseph & Mary (wife) Baugh to Alfred & Mary (wife) Wilkinson.

            Alfred Jabez Wilkinson was a lawyer. His wife’s maiden name was Huhn. Both Alfred Wilkinson and Joseph Baugh were born in Chester Co.


1903, April: Deed transferred from Alfred & Mary (wife) Wilkinson to Joseph & Mary (wife) Baugh.


1904, Dec. 15: Death of Joseph Baugh, 62 years old, of 3711 Hamilton St. He was born in Chester Co. and was in the hide and tallow business. Burial was at West Laurel Hill Cemetery.

1906 Blue Book: Mrs. Joseph Baugh

                           James M. England


1907, Dec. 9: Death of Mary Baugh, widow of Joseph Baugh of 3711 Hamilton St.



George Phillips            30        Manager at auger works

Ida S. Phillips               29        Married 9 years, 3 children

John Phillips                  8

Edna Phillips                 5

Margaret Phillips            1


George Ambrose Phillips and Ida Sally Ann Heiser

were married In Hamburg, Berks Co., Pa. August 11, 1900.*



George A. Phillips       40        Superintendent in a machine shop; owner with a mortgage

Ida Phillips                  39

John Phillips                18

Edna Phillips               15

Margaret Phillips         11


1923 Marriage of Edna May Phillips to Henry W. Seher


1928: Double wedding of Mae Irene Musselman to John David Phillips (Left)

and of Margaret Anna Phillips to Frank Bernard Danzeisen (Right)

showing Edna and Henry Seher with their daughter, Hazel (Center)*



George A. Phillips       50        Superintendent in a auger factory; owner, house valued at $8,000

Ida Phillips                  49

* Phillips family photos courtesy of the DawnFamilytree (Dmarchant9), Ancestry.com.


1940: Not enumerated in this census.


1950 Directory: George A. Phillips

            Ida Phillips died Dec. 25, 1962. George A. Phillips died March 22, 1968 in Lansdale, Montgomery Co., Pa.


< 3713 Hamilton                                                                                                                                3709 Hamilton >

Revised: 1/6/2021

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