3708 Hamilton Street


The History of the Building


3708-3710: “two-and-one-half story, six-register, Second Empire style double with stone facade over brick. Victorian wood porch. Slate-shingled mansard. Aluminum over slightly arched dormer window heads of 3708”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1878 Directory: George W. Snyder telegraph operator

                         Nicholas J. Snyder

                         Nicholas J. Snyder, Jr., clerk

            The 1876 directory lists them at 3714 Baring St.


1879, Nov. 18: Death of Nicholas J. Snyder, 33 years old, of 3708 Hamilton St.; burial at Woodland Cemetery

"DEATH OF A TELEGRAPHER - N. J. Snyder, a well known telegraph operator of this city, died yesterday afternoon, at five o'clock, at Kane, Pa., where he had gone for the benefit of his health. For the past few years he has been in the employ of Messrs. Drexel & Co., of this city."  (Inquirer, July 12, 1879)



George E. Snyder


Superintendent at telegraph co.

Mary F. Snyder



Nicholas Snyder



Julia Snyder



Fanny J. Fulton



            Nicholas Snyder had been a cabinet maker.


1881 Directory: Theodore F. Phillips, oils, 107 S Water, h 3708 Hamilton

                         John P. Cunningham (P. Phillips & Cunningham)


1887 Directory: Theodore F. Phillips (Phillips & Cunningham)

                         John P. Cunningham (P. Phillips & Cunningham)


1895 Directory: William P. Davis, coal, 4629 Girard Ave.



Martinus Van Gelder               55        Professor of music; born in Holland

Rosa Van Gelder                     50        Married 27 years, 2 children; born in N.Y., parents born in Germany

Otta M. Van Gelder                 17

Leonora Rosa Van Gelder       16

            The 1895 Directory lists him at 428 N. 32nd St. In 1900, they lived at 302 N. 35th St.

            Martinus Van Gelder was a violinist and composer. Rosa Van Gelder was a pianist. The Library of Congress lists sheet music for “Alpine dance” for piano by Martinus van Gelder, New York: Schirmer, G., 1876.

Martintus van Gelder, c1895

Martintus van Gelder, the violinist and composer, is a native of Amsterdam, Holland, where he was born July 31, 1854. In his fourteenth year he dedicated a fantasie concertante for orchestra, to William III, King of Holland, who personally accepted this work from the hands of the youthful composer. Mr. van Gelder studied under Ferdinand von Hiller, Otto von Kcenigsloew and Delphin Alard. He received the gold medal at the Concours International de Composition Musicale in Paris, October 31, 1872. His Symphony in C was performed for the first time with great success by the renowned Stumpf Orchestra in Amsterdam, and in 1873 the King of Holland decorated him with the Cross of the Golden Lion Order. Mr. van Gelder came to America in 1876, and made his debut, which was a pronounced success, at Steinway Hall, New York, February 1, 1877. After residing in New York for five years Mr. Zeckwer offered him a position at the Academy, where he taught for seven years. During this time he frequently appeared in public, and his playing is well known to all Philadelphia concert goers. One of his greatest achievements in composition is the Cantata, "The Lord Reigneth," for soli, chorus and orchestra, which was performed by the Philadelphia Chorus with great success. In 1888 Mr. van Gelder went to Europe, where he wrote his second symphony, a Violin Sonata, and several other compositions. While abroad he wrote quite a number of interesting letters for the Journal. The following season he resumed his teaching at the Academy.”

(Program for the Silver Jubilee Concert, Given by the Pupils of the Philadelphia Musical Academy, Academy of Music, 1895)



Florence H. Richards               42        Physician; single; parents born in England; owner free of a mortgage

Bridget (Harvey) Richards       75        Mother; widowed; born in England, immigrated in 1869

Mary E. [“Nellie”] Richards     46        Sister; church social worker; single

            In 1910, Bridget was already widowed. They lived at 1802 Catherine St. Her husband, Joseph Richards, was a “metal chemist.”  Florence was the physician at William Penn High School for Girls. She was an early advocate for physical education and lessons on “hygiene” for girls. She wrote a book call Hygiene for Girls which she discussed in an article in the journal The School Review in 1914. The book included such topics as the value of exercise, bathing, suitable cloths, tight corsets, nutrition, the danger of fried food, and the value of fresh air. However, it also discussed “in a simple way the reproductive organs with special hygiene of the body during menstruation.”  She noted that “[t]his lesson may be taught by the teacher, or she may leave the girls to read it by themselves at home.”   The subject of “sex hygiene” was to be “presented by the woman physician in the senior year.”  This included such topics as venereal disease, prostitution, and “the white slave traffic, why girls enter this life and how they are often trapped in it.”  In 1922, she was listed as a member of the Council of the Pennsylvania Birth Control Federation.


1927 Directory: F. H. Richards, MD


1928, Feb. 1: Death of Bridget Harvey Richards, 83 years old



Mary E Richards                      56        Social worker with the Board of Education; owner, house valued at $8,000

Florence H. Richards               53        Sister; physician with the Board of Education

Theresa V. Verdin                   50        Servant; widowed; father born in N.Y., mother in “another state”

            They still lived here in 1940.


1944, Feb. 13: Death of Florence Richards, 66 years old


1945, Feb. 4: Death of Mary Ellen Richards, 65 years old


1998, May: Purchased by Sheldon Schwartz


< 3706 Hamilton                                                                                                             3710 Hamilton >

Revised: 6/9/2022

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