3406 Baring Street

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3406baring


3404-3406 Baring was by Thomas D. Crespin as were 3400-02 and 3408-3410. Crespin usually identified himself as a bricklayer, although he is listed as a builder in the 1881 city directory. From at least 1856 until the 1870s, he lived at 116 N. 39th St. (which no longer exists) with his wife and seven children. In the 1870 census he declared $25,000 in real estate and $1,400 in personal property. His younger brothers, James C. Crispen and Joseph Crispen, probably worked with him. They were also bricklayers. In the late 1860s, Joseph lived at 34th and Filbert Sts. He did not claim any real estate. Thomas Crispen also apparently built 3509-11 and 3417-3421 Hamilton St. (The name was variously spelled Crespenn or Crispenn.)


“Second Empire-style, two-and-one-half story double; stone facade over brick construction. Original wood porch with some alterations in 3404.: Wood cornice with paired brackets with triglyph detail. Arcuated windows in dormer, slate shingles, of mansard replaced with asphalt shingles; Circe 1875 alterations to 3404 included three-story projecting bay with decorative pressed metal brick at first floor.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1866, June 14: Transfer of lots 3400, 3402, 3404, 3406, 3408 and 3410 Baring from Richard Smethurst to William Sellers and John Sellers Jr.

            The 1858 Directory lists Richard Smethurst, conveyancer & accountant, 144 S 4th St.


1873, Jan. 24: Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. survey #9900 for 3404 and 3406 Baring St. Insured value of $5,000 each payable to Thomas D. Crispin.

            It notes that the kitchen (room #2) has “a cooking range, iron sink, hot and cold water.” (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)


1874, March: Deed transferred from Thomas D. Crispen to John & Caroline A. Laughlin.


1878, Aug. 20: Death of Jessie Laughlin, 12 months old, daughter of J. W. and Carrie H. Laughlin



John W. Laughlin         48        Wholesale grocery

Carrie Laughlin            44

Mary Laughlin              17

J. Harry Laughlin         14

Sarah Toner                 20        Servant; born in Ireland

Maggie Walsh              20        Servant; born in England, parents in Ireland

            In 1870, they lived in the sixth house above [?] Haverford on N 43rd St.

            Laughlin was in business with brothers-in-law Samuel A. Coyle and John A. Linn in S. A. Coyle, J. W. Laughlin & J. A. Linn, at 615 Market. Laughlin may also have been a relative through Linn’s mother, Catherine Laughlin. The Coyle and Linn families lived at 231 N. 36th St. (the southeast corner of 36th and Baring).


1890 Directory: J. Henry Laughlin

                         John W. Laughlin (Sinclair & Laughlin)

                                    Sinclair & Laughlin (William M. Sinclair & John W. Laughlin), grocers, 225 & 227 Arch St.


1895 Directory: John W. Laughlin, president of J. W. Laughlin & Son, 50 S. Front St.



John W. Laughlin         68        Capitalist; owner with a mortgage

Caroline A. Laughlin    65        Married 40 years, 3 children, 2 surviving

Mary E. Laughlin         37

John H. Laughlin         36

Frances W. Laughlin    32        Daughter-in-law; married 5 years, 1 child

Rachael Laughlin           2        Granddaughter

Mary Flannagan           27        Servant; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1889

Kate Mc Laughlin        29        Servant; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1888


1901, Aug.13: Death of Caroline Patterson Laughlin, 65 years old. Burial at West Laurel Hill Cemetery.

            Property inherited by Mary E. Laughlin.


1904: The property was listed for sale but did not change hands. (Inquirer, Nov. 27)


1905:  Ad for sale: “3406 Baring St., 31 by 178 to Pearl, fine residence location; excellent filtration [of water] has reduced typhoid fever 86 per cent. in district east of Thirty-eighth in West Phila.”  (Inquirer, Jan 22)


1906: The property was again listed for sale but did not change hands. (Inquirer, Aug. 5)


1907: The property was again listed for sale but did not change hands. (Inquirer, May 26)


1908 Catalogue of the Univ. of Penna.

Jackson, A.F. (Dr.), Demonstrator.

3406 Baring St.

601 Pennsylvania Building”


1908 Yearbook: American Society of Mechanical Engineers

“FULLER, Allen Jenckes (1901), Supt., Bureau of Water, City Hall, and for mail, 3406 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa.”



John W. Laughlin         78        Broker (rest illegible)

John H. Laughlin         44        Son; dry goods inspector (?)

Francis W. Laughlin     42        Daughter-in-law; married 15 years, one child

Rachael C. Laughlin     12        Granddaughter

Mary E. Laughlin         47        Daughter; single

David H. Ritchey         30        Boarder; school superintendent

Henrietta M. Ritchey    39        Boarder; dentist; married 6 years, no children

Andrew F. Jackson      30        Boarder; born in Scotland, immigrated 1900, father born in Scotland, mother in N.J.

Susan Wise                  21        Servant; born in Va.


1911, Sep. 4: Death of John W. Laughlin, age 79, son of John Laughlin and Mary Williamson


1919 Women’s Undergraduate Record [Yearbook], Univ. Penna.:

“Rachel C. Laughlin, Ed.

‘3406 Baring Street.

‘Where are you going, my pretty maid?

‘I’m going to Penn again, sir, she said.

‘Boredom and study cannot hinder me,

‘When I’ve set my heart on a master’s degree.

‘Π ΛΘ; Sophomore Honors.’ ”



Mary E. Laughlin         57        Single; owned with a mortgage

Francis W. Laughlin     51        Sister-in-law; clerk in a department store; widowed

Rachel Laughlin           22        Niece; stenographer at Univ. of Penna.

Elizabeth J. Brown       44        Servant


1928, January: Deed transferred from Mary E. Laughlin to National Bank of Manayunk.



Frances W. Laughlin    63        Married, married at age 27; owner, house valued at $25,000

Rachael C. Laughlin     32        Daughter

Mary E. Laughlin         67        Sister-in-law; single


1940: Apparently missed by the 1940 census.


1940, Dec. 5: Title transferred to Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co.


1945: Listed for sale: “3406 Baring. Vacant. 3-story, stone & brick, spacious grounds. $8000.” (Inquirer, Sept. 22) This is equivalent to approximately $115,000 in 2020.


1946, Jul. 17: Title transferred to Ann M. Dougherty by Fidelity Philadelphia Trust Co.


1946, Aug. 24: Title transferred to Mary M. O'Donnell by Ann M. Dougherty


1946, Dec. 1: Title transferred to Ernest Cooper and Francis, his wife by Mary M. O'Donnell

            Ernest Arthur Cooper was the son of Ernest and Mildred Cooper. In 1920, he lived with them at 3616 Baring St. and in 1930 at 3614 Baring St. The history of the family is given on the page for 3616.


1950 Directory: J. Rogers Davis

                         John R. Davison



1st floor:

Ernest A. Cooper         35        Salesman of wholesale paper products

Frances Cooper            32        Born in NJ

David Cooper                8

Judith Cooper                5

Janet Cooper                  4

2nd floor: Vacant

3rd floor

John Davison              30        Passenger conductor for railroad co.

Mildred Davison          30

Mary Davison                7

John Davison, Jr.           4

Patricia Davison            1

            Judith Cooper graduated from Wellesley and Jefferson Medical College. She married in 1970 when her parents were living in Springfield, Delaware Co. (Inquirer, Oct. 25)


1950: Rental ad: “ENTIRE floor, mod[ern], 2 bedrs., dining rm., kitch., pvt. Bath & entr. Own util[ities]. Must have baby, $65 mo. 3406. [tel.] EV 6-7203.”  (Inquirer, Sept 4)


1955, Mar. 7: Title transferred to Howard and Relend Cooper by Ernest and Francis Cooper and Francis


1968 Directory: A. Glass


< 3404 Baring                                                                                                        3408 Baring >

Revised 5/19/2023

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