3313 Baring Street


 “three-story, Italianate-style, double, roughcast over brick. First-floor. full-height windows, original wood porch with part of balustrade missing. Segmental windows below overhanging flat roof with large wood sinuous brackets.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The house on this property was demolished in 2009 and a permit issued for new construction.




1863, May IRS: Clement Biddle, “Baring below 34th.”

            He does not appear in the IRS records for this area before this.  The 1861 directory lists his home as 208 N. 13th St.


1866 Directory: C. M. Biddle, merchant, 131 Market, home: Baring above 33rd



Clement [Miller] Biddle            31        Wholesale hardware merchant; real estate: $8,000, personal: $20,000; b 1838, d 1902

Lydia C. Biddle                        29        Born in N.J.

Lucy Biddle                                8        In school; b 1861, d 1914; married name was Lewis

William C Biddle                        6        In school; b 1864, d 1942

Robert Biddle                           3 

Caroline M. Cooper                 16        In school; born in N.J.

Emma Griscom                       25        Born in N.Y.

Phoebe Records                       46        Domestic servant; black; born in Del.

Edward Records                      20        Servant; black

2nd enumeration adds:

Andrew Berry                   abt 45         Black

Anna Robinson                 abt 30         Black

            “The Biddles, who aligned themselves with the Hicksites following the separation of Philadelphia Quakers in 1827, were active in various causes, including Quaker education, public health, and the peace movement. Clement M. Biddle (1838-1902), Clement Miller Biddle (1878-1959), and Lucy Biddle served on the Board of Managers at Swarthmore College. Additionally, Lucy Biddle was responsible for the gift that was the basis of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Lydia Biddle Rickman's notes on the family genealogy are included in the collection.”  (Biddle Family Papers, 1793-1951, http://www.swarthmore.edu/library/friends/ead/5177bifa.xml accessed Sept 11, 2008)

            “Lucy Biddle Lewis (1861-1941) was the oldest child of Clement M. Biddle (1838-1902). She was active in Quaker postwar relief work and the peace movement, serving on the American Friends Service Committee, as National Chairman of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and from 1908-1941, on the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College.  Papers of Lucy Biddle Lewis are important for association with the women's suffrage movement and for early activities of the American Friends Service Committee.” (See photo in bios)

(The Quaker Testimony for Peace: Archival Resources at Swarthmore College)

            Clement and his father, William C. Biddle, were partners in the Biddle Hardware Co. (509 Commerce and 512 North) along with Clement’s cousin, Charles M. Biddle (3417 Race St.) and others.

            Note: Nicholas Biddle (Andalusia) was not a close relative.


1878, Jan. 10: Marriage license issued to Julia G. Shipper of 3313 Baring St. and Charles S. Dovey of Louisville, Kentucky.

            Charles Samuel Dovey died Oct. 18, 1888.


1878 Death Notice: “DOVEY – On the 15th instant, at Louisville, Ky., John J. Dovey, in the sixty first year of his age.  The relatives and friends of the family, also Pulaski Lodge, F. and A. M., Pottsville, Pa.; St. George’s and Albion Societies, Philadelphia are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock, from the residence of Francis K. Shipper, No. 3313 Baring street, West Philadelphia.” (Phila. Inquirer, July 17, 1878)

            John J. Dovey was the father-in-law of Julia Shipper, daughter of Francis and Clara Shipper.  He was a mining engineer.  In 1850 and 1860, they lived in Schuylkill Co., Pa.  In 1870, he lived with his wife, Catherine, and their 6 children at 614 N. 35th St.



Francis K. Shipper                   56

Clara Shipper                           48        Father born in England   

Frank G. Shipper                     26        Clerk

William C. Shipper                   19 

Isaac Shipper                           17 

Kate Shipper                            21 

Cecilia Shipper                         14        At school

Clara Shipper                             7        At school

Cecilia Deyoung                       30        Sister[-in-law]; single; father born in England

            In 1865 & 1870, they lived at 3406 Bridge St.

            He was a partner with Abraham Detweiler (3417 Hamilton St.) in the flour business.


1883, Jan. 19: Marriage of Ida R. Griffith, daughter of James and Julia Griffith, to Isaac DeYoung Shipper


1887 Directory: Francis K. Shipper

                         Franklin G. Shipper, clerk

                         William C. Shipper, salesman


1888 Death: “DOVEY – Suddenly, on the 18th instant, CHARLES S. DOVEY.  Relatives and friends are invited to the funeral services, at his late residence, No. 3313 Baring street, this Wednesday, 21th instant, at half past 2 o’clock precisely. Internment private.” (Phila. Inquirer, Oct. 24, 1888)

            He was married to Julia Shipper, daughter of Francis and Clara Shipper.  In 1880, they were living in Muhlenberg Co., Kentucky, where he was the proprietor of a coal mine.  They returned to Philadelphia where he went into the plumbing business with William B. Dixey.


1889 Marriage: “BRILL-SHIPPER. -- On Thursday evening, Nov. 7, 1889, in Cavalry Church, West Philadelphia, by the rector, the Rev. Thomas Poole Hutchinson.  Edward Brill, Esq., and Cecelia, daughter of Francis K. Shipper, Esq., of West Philadelphia.” (Phila. Inquirer, Dec. 13, 1889)

            In 1880, Edward Brill was living with his parents at 3601 Spring Garden St.  In 1889, he was living at 3411 Baring St. with his brother John.  Their brother George M. Brill was President of the family owned J. G. Brill Co., one of the largest manufacturers of trolley cars.  He lived at 414 N. 32nd St. and later at 3500 Powelton Ave.  Edward and Cecilia moved to 3465 Chestnut St.


1890 Directory: Julia Dovey


1896 Blue Book: Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Shipper


1897: Robert W. Price, application for membership in League of American Wheelmen. (Good Roads, v. 25, 4/2/1897, pg. 422)



Francis Shipper            76        Capitalist 

Clara Shipper               65        Married 49 years, 8 children; born in NY, parents both born in England

Kate Price                    41        Daughter; married 7 years, no children

Julia Dovey                  44        Daughter; widowed with2 children

William Shipper           39        Son; Clerk

Clarice Shipper            26        Daughter

Francis S. Dovey          21        Grandson; clerk

Charles S. Dovey         10        Grandson

Robert Price                 42        Son-in-law; manager in dry goods

Cecelia Deyoung          52        Sister-in-law; single


1902, March 22: Death of Francis K. Shipper, 78 years old.  Burial at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. (Phila. Inquirer and Phila. Death Index)

            Fell Dead In His Yard. Francis K. Shipper, 78 years old, of 313 Baring street, was stricken with heart disease and fell dead In his back yard.” (The Times, March 22, 1902)


1904, Oct. 10: Marriage license issued to Edith E. Duncan and Francis S. Dovey


1905, June 21: Marriage of Maria Anna Wilson (680 Brooklyn St.) and William C. Shipper.  They were married at the bride’s home by the minister of the Church of the Savior (Protestant Episcopal), 38th and Chestnut Streets.


1909, Aug. 13: Marriage of Augustine Demelia Biddle Smithson to Charles Samuel Dovey. They were married in Baltimore Co. MD

            In 1910, they lived at 302 N. 35th St.



Clara Shipper               78        Widowed, 8 children, 7 surviving; parents born in England; owner with a mortgage

William Shipper           49        Woodworker for car [rest illegible]

Mary Anna Shipper      41        Married 5 years, 1 child

Charlotta L. Shipper    3         Granddaughter

Celia Deyoung             62        Sister; single; parents born in England

Julia Dovey                  54        Daughter; seamstress; widowed, 4 children

Maggie Barkett            23        Servant; black; born in Va.

Clara Shipper               35        Daughter; single


1912, Sept. 8: Death of Clara De Young Shipper, widow of Francis K. Shipper of 3313 Baring St. and daughter of Isaac Deyoung and Mary Thomas. (Phila. Inquirer and Phila. Death Index)


1920: Ezra Halsey Day, Second Lieutenant; Signal Reserve Corps, (b. 1896). (Official list of officers of Officers Reserve Corps v. 4, 1920,  pg 28.)



Franklin G. Shipper     67        Clerk for City of Philadelphia; owns free of a mortgage

Margaret Shipper         60

Genevive J. Shipper     40        Music instructor

Sarah Helly                  20        Servant; parents born in Ireland

Lillyan Greene             14        Servant

James A. Wheatley       27        Lodger; salesman for a rubber co.; born in Md.

Catharine Wheatley      26        Born in Md., father in Ireland, mother in Md.

— next household

Edward F. Bledsoe      27        Electric motor salesman; born in Calif.

Anna M. Bledsoe         27        Parents born in Md.


Margaret Fortune         44        Cashier in a men’s clothing store; married

George Fortune           16        Son; clerk in a grocery; father born in Ohio

Robert Fortune            24        Son; Automobile mechanic; father born in Ohio

            In 1900, the Shippers lived at 3202 Summer St.  Franklin and Margaret reported they had been married 22 years.  They had had another child who died before 1900.

            Edward F. Bledsoe and Anna M. Luckett were married in Philadelphia in 1919.

            Margaret Fortune was the widow of William Edward Fortune.  In 1910, they lived at 5148 Brown St.  William was a printer.  George Vernon Fortune was baptized at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Williamsport, Lycoming Co., Pa. in 1903.



Franklin G. Shipper     77        Salesclerk in tax office; married at age 27; owner, house valued at $12,000

Margaret Shipper         72        Married at age 20; born in N. Ireland

Genevieve J. Shipper   50        Professional musician

__ next household

Amos Guest                25        Fruit inspector; married at age 22; renting for $35 per month; born in N.Y., father born in Pa., mother in N.Y.

Lois Guest                   23        Married at age 20; born in N.Y., father born in N.J., mother in N.Y.  

Robert Guest               8 mon.  Born in N.Y.


Marie Hurley               27        No occupation; married at age 20; renting for $20 per month

Irma Hurley                 1 yr. 7 months

Ethel Freudenthal        30        Lodger; married at age 18; clerk for candy firm


1940: This house was missed by the census.


1950 Directory: Paul L. Goodman

                          Etta C. Heikes


2009, Feb. 26: Demolition permit issued


< 3315 Baring                                                                                                                                    3311 Baring >

Revised 6/2/2022

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