406 N. 32ndStreet

Numbered 334 until after the 1880 Census


Previous Residents


1870: 334 N. 32nd

William McCahen        36        Wholesale grocer; born in Ireland; real estate: $10,000; property: 25,000

Sarah (Sally) McCahen 35        Born in Ireland

Maggie E. McCahen    11

Thomas E. McCahen     9

William McCahen        5 mons.

Thomas Cooper           33        Wholesale grocer; born in Ireland

John Cooper                28        Clerk in a store

Mary Chestnut             20        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

            The 1866 Directory lists William McCahan on 32nd below Bridge (Spring Garden). He and Sarah B. Cooper were married in Philadelphia in April, 1858. Thomas and John Cooper were her brothers.


1872, Nov. 26: Death of Sarah McCahan

  In 1880 and 1900, the William had remarried, and the family lived at 3419 Baring St.


1880: 334 N. 32nd

George P. Matthews    40        Hardware; born in Conn.

Clara C. Matthews       38

Hellen L. Matthews       1

Sarah Briner                 50        Servant


1890 Directory: George P. Matthews 125 S 11th, h 406 N 32nd


< 404 N. 32nd                                                                                                                           408 N. 32nd >

Revised 7/23/2022

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