3818 Spring Garden Street
George Wiegand built 3810-26 on the south
side of Spring Garden St.
Previous Residents
Earlier house:
1870 Directory (Fall 1869): O'Neill John, laborer
1870, 2nd Enumeration (November):
John Leibold 40-44
Catharine Leibold 40-44
Henry Leibold 15-19
as “Leipold”) The 1871 directory lists him as a
blacksmith at 3332 Lancaster Ave. and living at 3663 Lancaster Ave.
1871 Directory: Cannon James, Tinsmith
Brown Magnus H., Salesman
1874 Directory: Leibold John,
1880 census lists him and Catharine living at 222 Woodland Ave. They were born
in Germany. He is listed as a laborer who had been unemployed for six months.
1881 Directory: Wright Samuel, moulder
3816 Spring Garden 3820
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