3807 Lancaster Avenue


3803-05, 3807-09, 3811: “two-story red brick rowhouse with first-floor commercial fronts and incised wood cornice…. 3811, which also has entrance at corner of Baring and Lancaster Streets, has incised wood window heads at first floor. --- Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History


1876 Directory: Williams John L., barber


1880 Directory (Fall 1879): Converse John C., upholsterer



Charles H. Beasley       37        Sewing machine agent; born in Virginia

Rose Beasley               21

Susan R. Beasley          67        Mother; blind; born in Virginia

Mary J. Beasley            16        Sister; born in Pennsylvania, parents in Virginia

Cornelius A. Beasley    64        Father; brick layer; has broken arm; born in Virginia

            The 1884 directory lists Charles as a liquor dealer living at 1035 Ellsworth St. Cornelius was still a brick layer living at 1151 S. 11th St.


1885-1891 Directories: Brannan William N., plumber

            The 1880 census shows him as William Brannon, Jr. age 24 living with his parents at 102 N. 35th St. His father was a coachman. William and his younger brother, James, became plumbers.



Frank Reilly     38        Tool dresser; widowed; mother born in Ireland; renting

Helen Reilly       9

Edward Reilly    5

Mary Reilly        2


<3809 Lancaster                                                                                           3805 Lancaster >

Added 9/18/2022

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