3805 Lancaster Avenue


3803-05, 3807-09, 3811: “two-story red brick rowhouse with first-floor commercial fronts and incised wood cornice…. 3811, which also has entrance at corner of Baring and Lancaster Streets, has incised wood window heads at first floor. --- Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The History



1879 & 1880 Directories: McGinerty Patrick, grocer

            The 1878 directory lists him as selling liquors at 259 S. 12 St.



J. P. McGinerty            35        Grocer; born in Ireland

Rose McGinerty          31        Born in Ireland

Joseph McGinerty          9

John McGinerty             8

Mary McGinerty            5

Rosann McGinerty        2


1882 Directory: McGinerty Patrick of J. & P. McGinerty

McGinerty J. of J. & P. McGinerty

            James Patrick McGinerty died in 1916 at age 67. He was a tea merchant. He was buried in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery.



Philip L. Stuhltrager     35        Milkman; renting

Helen Stuhltrager         30        Married 10 years, 4 children

Frances A. Stuhltrager   8

Howard Stuhltrager       5

Philip Stuhltrager, Jr.      1

John Stuhltrager          32        Brother; [no occupation listed]

            In 1910, Philip, Helen and their now five children lived at 1449 N. 52nd St.


1901 Directory: Stuhltrager John, motorman

 Stuhltrager Philip L., manager


<3807 Lancaster                                                                                           3803 Lancaster >

Added 9/19/2022

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