3715 Baring Street


Description: Description: 3715baring


The History of the Building


3715-17 & 3719-21 are shown on the 1878 Scott Atlas.


3715-17: “two-and-one-ha1f story, Second Empire-style double; stone facade over brick; 3715 wrap-around porch….”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1875, Jul. 14: Title transferred to William Nelson West by Joseph Campion by Sheriff


1875, Jul. 13: Title transferred to Ammon Rimby by William Nelson West


1879, Mar. 8: Title transferred to Robert G. Severson by Sheriff



Robert G. Severson     42        Manufacturer; parents born in Del.

Mary C. Severson         40

Mary A. Severson         16

Robert K. Severson       8

Hannah Jones              21        Servant; born in England

            Robert was born in Philadelphia in Oct. 1835. His 1895 passport lists him as 5'2" and living in Burlington, Vt. In 1850, he was living with his parents, James T. and Mary Ann Farson Severson in Southwark Ward 6, Philadelphia. His father was a shoemaker. The 1866 IRS records list him at 308 Wharton St. with an income of $1,210. In 1900, they lived in Burlington Vt. where he was superintendent of a cotton mill. Robert and Mary had been married 37 years and had 2 children. The 1878 directory lists him living at 3729 Baring St. however that was a church. He was working for Joel H. Gates & Co. The 1877 directory lists him at 1513 N. 6th St.


1881 (Fall of 1880) Directory: Robert G. Severson, furniture


1881, March 8: Land transfer registered from Robert G. Severson to Charles J. Allen

            Charles Allen lived at 3709 Baring St. In the 1892 Bromley Atlas, Allen is shown owning 3505-3515.


1883 Directory: John C. D. L. Barretto, grain

            In 1880, John (Joao) DeLima Barretto (age 33), his wife Matilda (30), their two children (Nellie, 11, and Joseph, 9) and her mother, Matilda Vivian (62), lived at 717 Florida St. He was born in Portugal and immigrated as a child and became a naturalized citizen in 1868. He listed his occupation as purchasing agent. Matilda was born in New York and her parents were born in England.


1886, Oct. 18: Death of J. C. L. Barretto, 43 years old years old


1887 Directory: Matilda Beretto, widow of John

                                    The 1894 directory lists her living at 3418 Sansom St. Her son, Joseph h. Barretto, was living at 3833 Baring St.

                          Sadie Billman, widow


1891 Directory: Emma Prichett, widow of James C.

                         Herbert C. Prichett of Herbert C. Pritchett & Co. (Herbert C. Prichett and Louis F. Harlow), mineral waters at 315 N. Broad St.

            James C. Prichett died April 9, 1890 when they were living at 206 N. 34th St. In 1880, they lived 1507 N. 19th St. He was a commercial flour dealer. In 1870, he reported real estate valued at 4105,000 and personal property valued at $75,000. The 1892 directory lists Emma Prichett living at 851 N. 41st St. Herbert was living at 1721 N. 27th St. Emma died in 1903 at age 66.


1898 Directory: Warren C. Goodwin, insurance at 401 Chestnut


1900 Directory: Warren C. Goodwin, student

            The 1900 census lists him as a 36-year-old roomer at 3742 Powelton Ave. He was a 1902 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He had graduated from Haverford College in 1889. The 1920 census lists him at 3740 Powelton Ave. He was 56 and a physician. He was married, but apparently did not have any children.


1900: This house was not covered by the census.


1900, Aug. 20: Title transferred to Abram Stratton by George M. & William G. Warner, Executors of will of Martha D. Allen

            This involved an expanded area which added almost 17 feet from the property to the east.


1900, Aug. 25: “Architects Gilbert & Reid are at work on plans for alterations to the property at 3715 Baring street, for Abram Stratton. This will consist of as new porch, enlarging rooms, etc.” (Inquirer)


1900, Sept. 12: Permit issued to “Burd P. Evans, C[ontractor], 706 N. Ninth st., int[ernal] and ext[ernal] alteration, 3715 Baring st.: cost, $2500.” (Phila. Builders’ Guide)


1905 Directory: Abraham Stratton of Scott & Stratton

                         John A. Stratton, student


1906, Apr. 27: Title transferred to John W. Stacy by Abram Stratton


1908, Nov. 4: Title transferred to Herman H. Wilson by John W. Stacy

            It was then immediately transferred to Anna G. Stacy.


1908: Rev. H. Alfred Boggs

            In 1910, he lived at 3706 Hamilton St.



Julia A. Gyger              74        Widowed; 3 children; own income

Anna Gyger                 44

Adelaide Gyger            43

Margaret Gyger            40

Ella Dandridge             18        Servant; black; born in Va.

            Julia was the widow of Jesse Gyger. In 1880, they lived in Radnor, Delaware Co., where he was a farmer. In 1900 they lived at 3706 Baring St. See pictures of Julia, Anna and Margaret on that page.


1915, Apr. 23: Title transferred to Anna, Adelaide, & Margret Guyer by will of John H. Stacy



Julie A Gyger               83        Widowed; owner free of a mortgage

Anna Gyger                 54

Adelaide Gyger            53

Margaret Gyger            50


1921, Aug. 9: Death of Margaret Gyger. She was 52 years old. The cause of death was chronic endocarditis. She was buried at Old St. David’s Cemetery from the Church of the Savior – Episcopal.


1926, Feb. 24: Death of Julia Anna Gyger. She was 90 years old. The cause of death was listed as “senility – arterio sclerosis.”  She was buried at Old St. David’s Cemetery from the Church of the Savior – Episcopal.



Anna Gyger                 65        Owner, house valued at $15,000

Adela A. Gyger            61


      Anna Gyger (1865-1945)

(see a younger photo at 3706 Baring St.)



Anna Gyger                 75        Owner; value $7000; 8 years of school

Adelaide Gyger            73        Sister; 8 years of school


1945, Dec. 26: Death of Anna Gyger. She was 80 years old. The cause of death was a carcinoma. She was buried at Old St. David’s Cemetery from the Church of the Savior – Episcopal.

            Her will left $15,000 to her sister, Adelaide. (Inquirer, Jan. 16)


1950 Telephone Directory: Miss A. Gyger



Adelaide Gyger            83        Single

Blanche Ruggles          59        Cousin; divorced; born in Iowa


1952, Mar. 30: Death of Blanche V. Ruggles, 61 years old, of 3715 Baring St. She was widowed and a was practicing nurse. Internment at Martinsburg, Iowa.


1952, May 27: Death of Adelaide Gyger, 86 years old, of 3715 Baring St. Internment at Old St. David's.

            “An inventory filed yesterday in the estate of Miss Adelaide Gyger, 3715 Baring st., who died May 27 at 86, showed she left $353,001….

            “In her will, she bequeathed $25,000 to religious, charitable and missionary groups. Bequests of this nature included $10,000 to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. and $5000 each to American Oncologic Hospital, 33d st. and Powelton ave., and the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Savior, 3733 Chestnut St.

            “Sixteen relatives and friends will share the residue in amounts ranging from 3 to 15 percent….” (Inquirer, July 24)


1952, Aug. 13: Title transferred to Friendship Co-operative Housing, Inc. by Estate of Adelaide Guyer


1954, June 10: Marriage license issued to Mary Trimmer, 24 years old, of 3715 Baring St. and Raleigh Spinks, 27, of 3715 Baring St.


1972: “GALA VEGETERIAN DINNER. Take pot-luck in special dinner hosted by Philadelphia Vegetarians. Bring meatless dish for four, recipe card. 3715 Baring St.” (Inquirer, June 22)


< 3717 Baring                                                                                                                           3709 Baring >

Revised 4/5/2022

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