3625 Spring Garden Street


3611-3631 were built on the former estate of Charles Truitt.


1894, Oct. 18: Title for 3611-3631 Spring Garden St. transferred to Benjamin D. Gardiner by Elizabeth T. Truitt

            Gardiner paid $24,000 for the lot. He then secured a mortgage for $60,500. (Inquirer, Oct. 20, 1894)


1894, Nov. 5: “In West Philadelphia, at Thirty-six and Spring Garden streets, B. D. Gardiner announced twelve [sic.] fine dwellings….” (Inquirer) The next day they referred to these correctly as 11 dwellings.


1895, Nov. 29: Title transferred to Frederick A. Poth & his wife by Benjamin D. Gardiner, etc.

            “Frederick A. Poth, the brewer, has purchased eight properties [3611-3631] on the north side of Spring Garden street, from Benjamin D. Gardiner, for $55,250.” (Inquirer, Dec. 19, 1895) At the same time, Poth purchased 3613-3621 and 3627-3631 from Gardiner.


3611-3631: “spectacular Willis Hale-style Pompeiian brick row; symmetrical composition of. raised end and central gables, with mansarded section on each side. Turned wood posts support pediments that mark each pairs of doors; elongated keystone in second story. handsome terra cotta panels and figures around alternate units.--- Significant.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


History of the Building


1897: Ad for house rentals at 3625 Spring Garden St. and 3426, 3430, and 3313 Powelton Ave. by Frederick A. Poth:  "Four of the handsomest residences in West Phila.: lights, two tiled bathrooms, with porcelain tubs; stationary washtubs; best heating appliances and plumbing in Phila. Beautifully decorated, and all conceivable appliances to make very handsome homes. Great inducements to good tenants if leased at once." (Inquirer, June 6)

            3625 Spring Garden St. was listed as 12 rooms for $45.84 per month. The houses on Powelton Ave. were 15 rooms and listed at $75.00.



Juliana Portuondo        72        Widowed, 10 children, 6 surviving; born in Cuba, immigrated in 1869; renting

Trinidad Portuondo     54        Daughter; born in Cuba, immigrated in 1869

America Portuondo     37        Daughter; born in Cuba, immigrated in 1869

Estrella Portuondo      31        Daughter; born in Cuba

Bernardo Nunez          14        Grandson; parents born in Cuba

Maria Everton             26        Domestic; born in Ireland, father in England, mother in Ireland, immigrated in 1892

Sarah Kelly                  25        Servant ; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1893

            Juliana M. Blez y Bustamente married Jose Maria Portuondo y Mustelier. He died in 1891. Bernardo Nunez was the son of Dolores Portuondo and Gen. Juan Emillo Nunez.


1900: "The Misses Portuondo, of West Spring Garden St., are among the pretty and accomplished visitors who are enjoying cottage life on Pacific avenue [Atlantic City] for the summer. They are prominent in social and charitable circles of Philadelphia. (Inquirer, Aug. 8)


1901, March 20: "Mrs. Juliana Portuondo has sent out invitations for the wedding of her daughter, Miss Estrella Portuondo, to Mr. William Joseph Green, Monday evening, April 8 at 7 o'clock, in the Northminster Presbyterian Church. A reception will follow at the residence of the bride, 3625 Spring Garden street, from 8 until 10. Mr. and Mrs. Green will be at home after May 15 at 3625 Spring Garden street." (Inquirer)


Estelle (Portuondo)Green

1901: Inquirer, April 9: "IN WEST PHILADELPHIUA. Miss Estelle Portuondo Becomes the Wife of W. J. Green in the Northminster Church.

            "A pretty Easter wedding took place yesterday in the Northminster Presbyterian Church, Baring and Thirty-fifth streets, when Miss Estelle Portuondo, daughter of Mrs. Juliana Portuondo and the late Jose M. Portuondo, was married to Mr. William Joseph Green, by the Rev. Joseph W. Cochran, pastor of the church. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Vincente Portuondo. She wore a magnificent gown of white duchesse satin, trimmed with renaissance lace, and carried orchids and lilies of the valley.

            "Mrs. Frederick R. Marinez-Cardeza, who was maiden of honor, wore pink liberty gauze, and carried a bouquet of bridesmaid roses. The maid of honor, Miss Hazel Green, a sister of the groom, wore white liberty gauze, and carried bridesmaid roses...."

            "A reception followed at the home of the bride's mother, 3625 Spring Garden street, after which Mr. and Mrs. Green left for a trip to Havana, Cuba, where they will visit Governor and Mrs. Emillo Nunezz, the latter being the bride's sister.

            "They will be at home May 15, at 3625 Spring Garden street. Mr. Green is a graduate of Princeton University, and is a member of the Princeton Club."


1910: Not enumerated


1911 Directory: Loeb Leopold, President, Leopold Loeb & Co. (tobacco) and Loeb-Nunez Havana Co. at 306 N. 3rd St.

            The 1910 census shows Leopold and Hannah (Rosenburg) Loeb. Living at 4212 Parkside Ave. with their two sons, a daughter, two of Hannah's nieces, and a servant. They had two other children. Leopold was 56 and Hannah was 55. They were both born in Germany. He immigrated in 1874 and was naturalized. She came in 1868.They were married Dec. 27, 1882 at Congregation Rodeph Shalom.


1902, Jan. 6: Death of Juliana Portuondo of 3625 Spring Garden St.


1917, July 1: Death of Hannah (nee Rosenburg) Loeb, 64 years old, wife of Leopold Loeb of 3625 Spring Garden St. Funeral at her late home.


1918 Directory: Wilson Burton [K.], police sergeant



Burton K. Wilson        48        Philadelphia police sergeant; renting

Lidye W. Wilson          46

Margaret H. Wilson     24

Constance B. Wilson   19        Telephone operator

Roland B. Perkins        34        Son-in-law; claim agent for steam railroad

Katharine C. Perkins    27

Thomas J. Church        21        Son-in-law; clerk for steam railroad; parents born in Ireland

Mae K. Church            21


1922, Mar. 15: Death of Constance Burt Wilson, daughter of Burton K. and Lydia W. Wilson of 3625 Spring Garden St.


1946: This and neighboring properties were sold with the dissolution of the Estate of Frederick A. Poth


< 3627 Spring Garden St.                                                                                                        3623 Spring Garden St. >


Revised 2/22/2021

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