3623 Spring Garden Street


3611-3631 were built on the former estate of Charles Truitt.


1894, Oct. 18: Title for 3611-3631 Spring Garden St. transferred to Benjamin D. Gardiner by Elizabeth T. Truitt

            Gardiner paid $24,000 for the lot. He then secured a mortgage for $60,500. (Inquirer, Oct. 20, 1894)


1894, Nov. 5: “In West Philadelphia, at Thirty-six and Spring Garden streets, B. D. Gardiner announced twelve [sic.] fine dwellings….” (Inquirer) The next day they referred to these correctly as 11 dwellings.


3611-3631: “spectacular Willis Hale-style Pompeiian brick row; symmetrical composition of. raised end and central gables, with mansarded section on each side. Turned wood posts support pediments that mark each pairs of doors; elongated keystone in second story. handsome terra cotta panels and figures around alternate units.--- Significant.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


History of the Building


1895, Aug. 27: Title transferred to Elizabeth T. Kellner and Charlotte Kellner by Benjamin D. Gardiner, etc.

            Gardiner was a lawyer with his office in the Girard Trust Building. He was a partner in Comly and Gardiner. He received a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1885.



Charles M[cD.] Harvey            41        Publisher; born in Washington [DC], father born in Washington; renting

Margaret Harvey                      36        Married 12 years, 2 children, one surviving

Fredrick W. Harvey                   7

Hellen Harvey                         66        Mother; widowed, 2 children; born in NY

Mary Mc Haugh                       29        Servant; parents born in Ireland


1902 Directory: Harvey Charles McD., editor

            The 1899 directory lists him as the manger at 209 S. 6th St. and living at 432 N. Preston St. The 1908 directory lists him as a journalist living at 3627 Spring Garden St. The 1914 directory lists him as President of the Confectioners’ Journal Publishing Co. and living at 4213 Pine St. In died Oct. 24, 1924.

            In 1914, Frederick Harvey became engaged to Jane Mayhew Bell of Washington, D.C.



Elizabeth T. Kellner    54        Widowed, 3 children; parents born in Germany

Charlotte Kellner         50        Sister; never married; parents born in Germany

            Previously, they lived at 3619 Spring Garden St. with their father, Dr. Gottlieb Kellner and their brother, George. Dr. Kellner was the editor of the German Demokrat and prominent in the German-American community. (see his obituary there.)



Elizabeth F. Kellner     63        Owner, with a mortgage; parents born in Germany

George A. Kellner       68        Assistant Chief Clerk for steam railroad; widowed; born in Germany, immigrated in 1852, naturalized citizen in 1858

Charlotte H. Kellner    61        Parents born in Germany


1934: Probate of will of George A. Kellner at $12,000 to sisters Elizabeth F. and Charlotte H. Kellner (Inquirer, May 19)

            Elizabeth Fredericks Kellner died Jan. 18, 1938. She was living in Drexel Hill. She was 81 years old. Charlotte Hess Kellner died in Drexel Hill Dec. 9, 1944 age 84.


1938, July 11: Title transferred to Morris Lastick by Charlotte Kellner


< 3625 Spring Garden St.                                                                                                        3621 Spring Garden St. >

Revised 2/22/2021

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