3609 Spring Garden Street

The Truitt Estate

Now 3611-3631 Spring Garden St.


This estate was sold to Frederick A. Poth in 1895. He developed the row of houses that now stand on this site.


Previous Residents



C. B. Truitt                  45        Hardware merchant; born in Maryland; real estate: $113,000; personal property: $115,000

Elizabeth Truitt           35

Mary Truitt                  13

C. B. Truitt                    8

Eliza Truitt                    5

Catharine Truitt             3

Margaret Dixon           45        Servant; born in Maryland

Ann Murphy                28        Servant; born in Ireland

Margaret Mccloskey    23        Servant; born in Ireland

            Charles B. Truitt was the son of Robert Truitt (born July 13, 1782, died April 7, 1821) and his second wife, Mary Bennett (Aug. 16, 1790 to April 25, 1862, married Jan. 9, 1811). His first wife, Mary Bishop (abt. 1784). Charles married Elizabeth Tremper Ray. They and family were listed in the 1850 census in the South Mulberry Ward. They had an older son, Robert W., who was age 9. In 1860, Elizabeth’s mother, Mary Ray, was living in a house at the corner of the Truitt’s lot. She was the widow of Moses Ray.

            In 1870, Robert Truitt was living at, 3505 Baring St.

            In 1860, Charles B. Truitt and several associates incorporated the West Philadelphia Market Co. The incorporation papers state that:

            “the object and purpose of said corporation shall be to erect and maintain suitable building or building and stalls, with all things necessary for the use thereof, at any place within the limits of the Twenty· fourth ward, city of Philadelphia, the same to be appropriated and used as a public market house, for the sale and vending of meats and vegetables, and all other kinds of victuals and provisions whatever, and such other edible as the board of managers may deem proper; Provided, That all farmers, wherever resident, shall have all the rights, privileges and immunities, in renting stalls and selling produce therefrom, that is or may be granted to any citizen of Philadelphia or elsewhere.”

            The associates included Thomas T. Butcher (207 N. 35th St.) and J. Henry Askin (3509 Baring St.)


1862 Directory: Charles B. Truitt

                         Robert W. Truitt

            Both were listed as working for Truitt & Co. (Robert W. & Thomas D. Watson), hardware 528 Market St.



Charles Truitt              59        Hardware merchant; born in Maryland; real estate: $10,000, personal property: $5,000

Elizabeth Truitt           50

Mary Truitt                  23

Charles Truitt, Jr.         18        Hardware clerk

Elizabeth Truitt           15

Catherine Truitt           12

Ella Truitt                      8

Annie Friel                  22        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

Isabella Taylor             19        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

Sarah Fassett               13        Domestic servant; black; born in Maryland

            Elizabeth R. Truitt married Marcus Darrow. They lived at 206 N. 36th St. in 1880 and 434 N. 32nd St. in 1900-1910. Mary lived with the Darrow family in 1900. (See more at those addresses.)

            Ellen married George A. Smith in 1898. In 1920, they lived at 3613 Hamilton St. Mary Truitt lived with them in 1920.



Charles B. Truitt          69        Hardware dealer; born in Md.

Elizabeth T. Truitt       59        Father born in Ireland

Mary T. Truitt              33

Charles B. Truitt, Jr.     27        Coal dealer

Catharine O. Truitt      23

Ella F. Truitt                18

Mary Dugan                 20        Servant; born in Ireland

Annie Donnelly           22        Servant; born in Ireland

Bella Lovett                 14        Servant; born in Va.; father born in Pa. mother in Va.


1886, Oct. 5: Death of Charles B. Truitt

     “Charles B. Truitt, Sr.

     “Charles B. Truitt, Sr., the retired merchant, died of general debility yesterday morning at his residence, No. 3609 Spring Garden street. He was born in Worcester county, Md., September 29, 1811, and at the age of sixteen years entered the employ of Handy, Symington & Bird, hardware dealers, and in five years became the general manager of the house. In 1838 he, with his brother and W. S. Pendleton, of Boston, founded the firm of Truitt, Pendleton & Truitt, afterwards Truitt, Bro. & Co. He retired from business several years ago. The deceased leaves a widow and six children, the eldest of whom is R. W. Truitt, of R. W. Truitt & Co, hardware dealers, No. 16 North Fourth street.”


1887: Marriage license issued to Catharine Ostrander Truitt of 3609 Spring Garden St. and John Burton Robinson Bennett of 3410 Race St.


1892, Aug. 1: Marriage of Mary Wilbraham to Charles B. Truitt, Jr. in Atlantic City, N.J.

            In 1900, they lived in Atlantic City.


to 3631 Spring Garden St.                                                                                                       to 3611 Spring Garden St.


Revised 2/18/2021

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