3510 Baring Street


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3510Baring


The History of the Building


This lot was originally combined with 3512 Baring St. as part of a lot numbered 231-237 N. 36th St. (See details at 3512.)


two-and-one-half story brick Victorian house with front gable piercing slate-shingled mansard. Elaborately milled Victorian porch; terra cotta string course and frieze.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1880, Oct. 27: Title transferred to Kate J. Patton by Samuel A. Coyle and Elizabeth A. Coyle, his wife


1886, Dec. 11: Title transferred to Sallie A. Brown by Kate J. Patton


1889 Directory: William H. Brown house at 3510 Baring - business: 233 S. 4th

            They previously lived at 3601 Baring St.


1891 Directory:  Brown, George H., asst supervisor, h 3510 Baring


The 1892 Bromely Atlas shows the lot divided, 3510 is there, but 3512 is not.


1892: William H. Brown joined a law suit aimed at stopping the introduction of electric trolleys on Baring St. to replace the old horse-drawn streetcars. (See the Powelton History Blog for details.)


1895 Directory: George H. Brown, supervisor

                          Wm. H. Brown, chief engineer, Broad St Station


1898 Blue Book: W. H. Brown was a member of the Powelton Club. (For a brief history of the club, see the Powelton History Blog.)



William H. Brown        64        Civil engineer; born 1836

Sarah A. Brown           53        Married 37 years, six children, three surviving

Alice M. Brown           22        Single

Mary Brenner               22


William H. Brown - “Chief Engineer of Pennsylvania Railroad: born In Lancaster County. Pa., Feb. 29. 1836; educated at the Philadelphia High School, and took up the profession of engineering, assisting in railroad and city surveys. In October, 1861, he was appointed by Col. Thomas A. Scott engineer of the military railroads In Northern Virginia, handling this difficult position with signal ability; in 1862 he became engaged as assistant engineer on the Pan Handle Road; In 1864 on the Pittsburgh division of the Pennsylvania Railroad; In March, 1865, on the Oil Creek Road; in July became principal engineer of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad; in 1869 took charge of the repair shops at Altoona, and subsequently held several engineering positions till Aug. 1. 1874, when he was appointed to the Important post of Chief Engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Mr. Brown's fine ability has been shown in many instances, including examples of remarkably rapid bridge building during the Civil War and after floods. Among his chief works of construction may be named the magnificent Broad Street Station at Philadelphia. Address, 3510 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa.”

(Who's Who in Pennsylvania. Lewis Randolph Hamersly. 1904)


1905, Apr. 3: Title transferred to Elizabeth C. McManus, wife of Patritius by Sallie A. Brown

            Patritius and Elizabeth McManus lived next door at 3512 Baring St.


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. William H. Brown

Judge Joseph F. Lamorelle (185e-1937)



Joseph Lamorelle                     54        Judge; married twice

Mary F. Lamorelle                   44        First marriage, married 19 years

Joseph A. Lamorelle                18

Margaret H. Lamorelle             16

Frank W. Lamorelle                 14

Mary S. Lamorelle                    11

            In 1900, they lived in Radnor.

            On his Draft Registration card for WWI, he listed his occupation as Auditor, Weightman Penfield Estate. “William Weightman died in 1904 and left virtually his entire estate of $70,000,000 to his daughter Mrs. Anna N.W.Walker, who later became the wife of Frederick C. Penfield. Deceased was the largest owner of real estate in Philadelphia and he owned property in Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago. His interest in the firm of Powers & Weightman was worth $20,000,000....” (Dynastic America and Those Who Own It. Henry H. Klein. Kessinger Publishing, 2005. P 35.)


Joseph A. Lamorelle, 1917 (EvPubBulletin)


1917, Oct. 5: “Lamorelle, After Assuming Office, Admits Son to Practice

            "Judge Lamorelle, who succeeds to the presidency of the Orphans' Court, because of the recent death of President Dallett, was sworn in today, after his commission from the Governor was duly proclaimed by the court crier. The ceremony was attended by all the other members of yhe Orphans' Court, Judge Sando, of Lackawanna County, and many prominent attorneys.

            "The first motion made to President Judge Lamorelle came from Joseph I McAleer, who petitioned for the admission to practice of the Judge's son, Joseph A. Lamorelle, lieutenant 310th Field Artillery, who obtained a leave of absence to be regularly admitted to the bar."  (Ev. Pub. Bulletin, Oct. 5, 1917)



Joseph F. Lamorelle                 64        Judge of Orphans Court

Mary L. Lamorelle                   55

Margaret H. Lamorelle             25

Mary L. Lamorelle                   21

            In 1930, they lived in Overbrook.


“JOSEPH LAMORELLE, JURIST, DEAD AT 81; President Judge of Orphans' Court in Philadelphia and a Bar Leader There. Assumed Bench in 1906. Appointed by Gov. Pennypacker and Re-elected Since – Began Law Practice in 1881.

            Philadelphia, Feb., 18. – Joseph F. Lamorelle, president judge of the Orphans’ Court in Philadelphia, died at his home in Overbrook tonight after an illness of more than a year. His age is 81.

            “Long known as a leader of the Philadelphia bar, he had served on the bench more than thirty years. He was born in this city, where he attended the elementary schools before studying at Loyola College. After his graduation he entered the University of Pennsylvania Law School, from which he was graduated in 1881.

            “For some years he was associated with the firm of Jones, Carson, & Beeber, specializing in corporation and Orphans’ Court law. Upon the dissolution of that firm in 1901, he joined with the late Hampton L. Carson in the practice of law and continued that association until his appointment to the Orphans’ Court bench in 1906 by Governor Pennypacker.

            “Judge Lamorelle was elected for a ten-year term and had been re-elected since. He became president judge in 1918 following the death of President Judge Morris Dallett.

            “One of Judge Lamorelle’s decisions was commented upon widely. In an adjudication of the estate of Washington H. Mendenhall, who died in 1898, the judge declared his inability to rule, legally, whether a 75-year-old man or a woman 73 years old would have children in the future.

            “Although ill health had confined him to his home frequently during the last year, Judge Lamorelle had kept up with his work, passing decrees and adjudications and signing other court papers.

            “He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary L. Lamorelle; two sons, Joseph A. Lamorelle of this city and Frank F. Lamorelle of Cleveland, and two daughters, Miss Margaret H. Lamorelle of Merion and Mrs. Louise L. Roat of Overbrook.”

            (New York Times, Feb. 19, 1937, p 19.)


1929, Feb. 7: Title transferred to Dominican House of Retreat and Catholic Missions (?) by Leo A. McManus, et al.


1930 & 1940: 3510 was connected to 3512 Baring by a covered walkway between the porches. The residents of both houses were enumerated at 3512.


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Revised 5/18/2022

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