3405 Baring Street

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: 3405baring


The History of the Building


Second Empire-style, two-and-one-half story double; first-floor arcuated doorways, projecting bays, and wood porch posts with unifying bracketed cornice and bracketed wood cornice below mansard; 3405 has slate shingles; 3407, asphalt. Each house has paired dormer windows.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1866, Oct. 9: Transfer of 3405-3411 Baring St. and 3404-3410 Hamilton St. from Gerardus A. Haines to Alexander J. Andrews


1869, Apr. 9: Transfer 3405-3407 Baring St. and 3404-3406 Hamilton St. from Alexander J. Andrews and wife to Robert Glendenning, Jr. trustee.

            Robert Glendinning, Jr. lived at 2116 Spruce St.


1869, Sept. 6: Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Co. survey #9010 for 3405 Baring St. Insured value of $6,000 each payable to Robert Glendenning, Trustee for E. Glendenning). (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)



Robert Glendinning                 64        Bank cashier; real estate $25,000, personal: $1,500; born in Scotland

Elizabeth Glendinning             56        Born in Scotland

Walter Glendinning                 25        Railroad clerk

Willie Glendinning                   20        Clerk in a wholesale store

Jenny Davidson                       19        Assistant in house; born in Canada

Jane Mitchell                           18        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

            Note: the name was sometimes spelled Glendening.

            The 1870 directory lists him living at 3419 Hamilton St. Before that, he lived at 3415 Hamilton St. Before about 1867, he lived on N. 33rd St. near Haverford Ave. (Mantua). Their daughter, Elizabeth, was married to George W. Niemann. In 1870, they lived at 3204 Baring St.


1871 Directory (Fall, 1870): Robert Glendinning cashier at 3rd National Bank


1878, Mar. 4: Death of Robert Glendinning, 72 years old, of 3405 Baring St. Funeral at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3500 Baring St.

            “Mr. Robert Glendinning died suddenly of heart disease at his residence, No. 3405 Baring street at seven o’clock yesterday morning. Mr. Glendinning was a native of Scotland, but came to this country when a young man, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He took an active part in building the Third National Bank, and was subsequently made its cashier. He was a deacon in the West Philadelphia Presbyterian Church, and was greatly admired for his sterling integrity by all who knew him.”  (Inquirer, May 5)

            “The funeral of the late Robert Glendenning, late cashier of the Third National Bank, took place yesterday from No. 3405 Baring street, and was largely attended. The services were held in the Northminster Presbyterian Church, Thirty-fifth and Baring streets.” (Inquirer, May 8)



George [W.] Niemann             45        Clerk; his father was born in Prussia, his mother was born in France

Elizabeth Niemann                  33        Parents born in Scotland

Lillie Niemann                         12

[George] Albert Niemann          8

Hermania Niemann                   2

Mary Goodman                       23        Servant; born in Ireland

            George Washington Niemann and Elizabeth Glendinning were married in 1867. She was the daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Glendinning (see above). In 1870, George Niemann and his wife Elizabeth lived at 3204 Baring St.


1881: Funeral services held for William (Willie) Glendenning who died Oct. 14, 1881, in Evanston, IL.


1881, November: Deed transferred from Robert Glendenning, Jr. (trustee) to Elizabeth Neimann.


1885, Jan. 21: Death of Walter S. Glendinning, 40 years old, of 3405 Baring St. He was married. (Phila. Death Index)


1887 Directory: George W. Niemann, cashier, Market corner S. 13th, h 3405 Baring


1889 & 1890 Directories:

            George A. Niemann, clerk, h 3405 Baring

            George W. Niemann, cashier, h 3405 Baring

                        In 1900, they lived at 1933 Dauphin St. He and Annie were both born in Germany.


1890 Census Veterans Schedule: George W. Nieman, Capt., E Co., 109th Pa. Infantry, Dec. 1861 - Oct., 1962.


1896: Female wanted: “Housework - Girl for general housework; no objection to intelligent emigrant (sic.), with references.” (Inquirer, Sept. 5)

            Ads for houseworkers were very common in these years.


1897, May: Deed transferred from George & Elizabeth (wife) Niemann to George W. Barr.

            The property was sold for $13,000 with a mortgage of $5,000. (Inquirer, May 21)

1898, April: Deed transferred from George W. & Martha Barr to J. Preston Thomas.

            J. Preston Thomas was a Director of the Provident Life and Trust Co.


1899 Directory: Anderson William, real estate, William Anderson & Co., 609 Walnut St.


1899, Mar. 11: Death of Salinda Anderson, 60 years old, wife of William Anderson of 3405 Baring St.. Internment at Pittsburg, Pa.



Ansel Dailey                48        Born in Maine, father born in Maine, mother in French Canada; renting

Mary M. Dailey            39        Married 5 years, 1 child; born in N.J.

Mary C. Dailey             3        Born in N.J.

Annie Baker                31        Servant


1906 Directory: Miss Lena L. Sechrist

                          Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Wright

                                    In 1900, Rev. and Mrs. (Emma) Wright were living with his cousin at 3606 Hamilton St. In 1920, Rev. Wright was widowed.

                         Mrs. Dalas Crow

                         Miss Elizabeth Scanlin



Louisa Gardiner           65        Keeper of a boarding house, born in Conn., married 20 years, no children; renting

Elizabeth Scanlen        32        Boarder; single; mother born in Del.

Madaline Scanlen         22        Boarder; stenographer; single; mother born in N.Y.

Margarett Crow           46        Boarder; widowed, 3 children; father born in Ohio, mother in Indiana

Margarett McPamlamb 27        Boarder; stenographer for lumber co.; single; parents born in Mass.

Florentine Bell             52        Boarder; single; parents born in Germany

Emma Shwartz            40        Boarder; single

            In 1900, she lived at 4525 Kinsessing where she ran a boarding house. She stated she was married 11 years.


1914, May: Sold at auction for $4,325 (Inquirer, May 14)


1914, Jun. 22: Title transferred to Marsh A. Casnet, wife of John then immediately transferred to Edna G. Anderson, wife of Amos.



Amos N. Anderson      53        Auctioneer at a horse bazar; born in Del.; owner free of a mortgage

Edna G. Anderson       50        Born in Del.

Frank Gould                47        Brother-in-law; house carpenter; born in Del.

William Granger          32        Lodger; machinist at ship yard

            In 1910, Amos N. Anderson and Frank Gould lived at 3605 Spring Garden St.


1921: Elizabeth Bayer. Teacher of Science, William Penn High School, 1911 to date. A.B. (Goucher, 1910) student Graduate School. (Catalog of the U. of P.)


1921, Dec. 30: Title transferred to Harry C. King by Edna G. Anderson, wife of Amos


1928 ?, Dec. 13: Title transferred to Mae V. Tierney by Harry C. King



Mae Tierney                54        Widowed; born in Germany, immigrated in 1889; owner, house valued at $16,000

Kingsley Evans            27        Son-in-law; brakeman for steam railroad; married at age 24; born in English-speaking Canada, immigrated in 1918 [?]

Catherine Evans          24        Daughter; married at age 21

Joseph Turton             73        Lodger; divorced; born in England

Catherine Kline            25        Lodger; secretary for a publishing house; married at age 22

Rose Edison                31        Lodger; clerk in a department store; parents born in N. Ireland

Robert Besse                36        Lodger; public school teacher; married at age 31; born in N.Y.

            In 1920, May and Catherine lived at 3415 Haverford Ave. with Mae’s father, Henry Schylaski.

            Kingsley Evans married Catherine B. Tierney in Philadelphia in 1926.


1934, Oct. 22: Death of Mae V. Tierney, 58 years old, of 3405 Baring St., widow of John Tierney. She was born in Berlin, Germany. Internment at Fernwood Cemetery.

            The property was inherited by her daughter Catharine B. Evans.


1937: A car driven by Mrs. Kay Evans, 30, of 3406 Baring St. collided with a wagon carrying bottles. (Inquirer, Aug. 1)


1938: A permit was granted to William Bescoe of 4220 Brown St. for alterations to 3405 Baring St. at a cost of $2,000. (Inquirer, Aug. 28)



Kingsley C. Evans       37        Brakeman on RR; born in Canada; 4 years high school; owner, valued at $1,750

Catherine B. Evans      33        Two years high school

-- Next Household

Mrs. Clara Runey         68        Photographer with WPA project; widow; renting for $45 per month; born in Illinois, lived in Riverside, Calif. in 1935; 4 years high school

Esther MacCool           25        Niece; secretary for life insurance co.; 4 years high school

-- Next Household

Walter Blue                  31        Welder for boiler manufacturer; lived in Snydertown, Northampton Co. in 1935; renting for $38 per month; 2 years high school

Gladys A. Blue             30        Industrial nurse; 4 years high school

-- Next Household

Gordon Roberts          26        Clerk in law office; renting for $30 per month; born in Alabama, lived in Staten Island, New York in 1935; 4 years high school

Marian Roberts            30        Telephone operator for manufacturing co; born in NY, lived in Miami, Florida in 1935; 4 years high school

Thomas H. Brown       33        Lodger; stock clerk for cigarette manufacturer; 4 years high school


1941, June19: Death of Clara E. Runey, née Hoffman, 69 years old, widow of Clarence E. Runey of 3405 Baring St. She was born in Decatur, IL. She was killed by a trolley car she was trying to stop on Parkside near 42nd St. (Inquirer, June 20)


1947, July 14: Title transferred to Nathan C. Klein and his wife, Clara by Catharine B. Evans


1950 Directory: John N. Milliken



1st floor front:

John Miliken                72        Church sexton

Bessie Miliken             49        Wife; born in S.C.

1st floor rear:

Olive Rue                    25        Hotel maid; divorced

2nd floor front:

Jessica Knowlton         81        Widowed; 8 years fo schooling

Lucille Knowlton         50        Clerk for steamship co.

2nd floor rear:

Graham M. Miller        30        Not employed, not looking for work

Edith B. Miller             27

3rd floor front:

Albert Blumenthal       30        Laboratory technician for drug manufacturer; born in N.J.

Ann Blumenthal          30        Born in N.Y., parents born in Poland; 12 years of schooling

3rd floor rear:

Ellen C. Phillips           43        Waitress at private club; widowed; born in Ga.

            Note: schooling and parents place of birth only available for every fifth person.


Graham Mills Miller and Edith Emma Burt were married In Roxborough, Pa. Jan. 20, 1947. He was the son of Frank and Isabelle Miller. In 1940, they lived in Bethlehem, Pa. His father was a patent engineer for the steel co. Graham was born in Morristown, N.J. in Aug. 1919. In 1940, he had three years of college. He served in the U.S. Army from Oct. 1942 to Dec. 11945. He served overseas from Mar. 1944 to Dec 1945. In 1950, he was probably in graduate school. He earned a doctorate in veterinary medicine. He and Edith went on to have six children.


< 3407 Baring                                                                                                        3401 Baring >

Revised 5/26/2023

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