3322 Hamilton Street


The History of the Building


3320-3322: “Italianate three-story double, originally may have been single residence. Building is stuccoed, originally bracketed wood cornice. 3222 has original porch and windows; 3320 has circa 1950 major alterations to fenestration.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1866 IRS Records: John Bunting, Hamilton, corner 34th, south side


1866 Directory: John Bunting, 30 S. 6th, home 34th & Hamilton


1867 Directory: John Bunting, bookkeeper, 32 S. 6th St.



John Bunting                 46         Retail merchant; no real estate, personal: $6,000

Anna Bunting                38

Mary Riley                     23         Domestic servant; born in Ireland

            John Bunting and Anna E. Webster were married in Milton, Mass. January 18, 1866. She was the daughter of Alexander and Anna B. Webster and was born in S. Royalston, Mass. He was the son of Jesse D. and Lucy H. Bunting and was born in Darby, Pa. He was 27 and she was 24.



John Bunting                 40

Anna Bunting                35         Born in Mass., father in Mass., mother in Vt.

Ellen Sullivan                 25         Servant

            Anna Bunting was the organist at Christ Methodist Episcopal church, 435 N. 38th St.


1890 Census Veterans Schedule: John Bunting [no details]


1890 Directory: John Bunting


1891 Directory: Samuel C. Henszey, physician

            In 1880 and 1890, they lived next door at 3320 Hamilton St. [see that address for a brief biography]


1895 Directory: J. Wilmer Henszey, machinist

                        Samuel C. Henszey, physician



Samuel C. Henszey         71         Physician; renting

Theodosia P. Henszey    62         Married 40 years, 4 children, 1 surviving; born in N.J.

J. Wilmer Henszey          26         Machinist; single

Elizabeth Gropper         25         Servant; born in Md.


1904, Nov. 22: Death of Theodosia P. Henszey, wife of Samuel C. Henszey of 3322 Hamilton St.

            Samuel died in 1907 at the home of his son, J. Wilmer Henszey at 3216 Baring St.



Jacob A. Fritz                45         “Own Income;” owner, free of a mortgage

Helen Fritz                    38         Married 8 years, no children; father born in Germany

Annie McGahan            66         Servant; single; parents born in England

            Helen Headrich and Jacob A. Fritz were married in 1901. She was living with her father at 3106 Baring St. In 1906, they were renting at 3305 Hamilton St. In 1880, Jacob was living with his parents at 6 W. Walnut Lane (near Preston and Green Sts.). His younger brother, Clarence, was renting 3320 Hamilton St. (next door) from them in 1940. Their father was a real estate conveyancer.



Jacob A. Fritz                 50         Real estate agent; owner, free of a mortgage

Helen Fritz                    47         Parents born in Germany

Annie Mc Graham         71         Housekeeper; parents born in Ireland



Jacob A. Fritz                 60         Real estate agent; married at age 30; owner, house valued at $8,000

Helen Fritz                    57         Married at age 27; parents born in Germany

Philip Hollar                  26         Lodger; purchasing agent for railroad

            Helen died in 1950. She was living next door at 3320 Hamilton St. which she owned and which had been the home of her brother-in-law.


1964: The September Powelton Post reported that “Alan and Dina Goldberg are moving into the Markers' former residence at 3322 Hamilton St.”  Gordon and Camille moved to 3606 Baring St.


1965: The November issue of the Powelton Post announced that “DAVID and BARRIE HURST have recently come to 3322 Hamilton St. STEPHANIE, JONATHON, and JUDITH are attending neighborhood schools. DAVID is with the Theatre of the Living Arts.”


< 3320 Hamilton                                                                                                             412 N. 34th St >

Revised 10/8/2021

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