3205 Race Street


This house was torn down.


Previous Residents


1868 Directory: Edgar O, Van Houten, clerk

                         George J. Van Houten, carbuilder

                         Isaac W. Van Houten, overseer

                         Isaac W. Van Houten, Jr., student [Race near N. 33rd]


1869: Marriage of Edith Allie Blakely (3510 Hamilton St.) to Edgar O. Van Houten



Isaac Van Houten                    56        Supt. Pa R R; real estate: $25,000, personal: $6,000; born in N.J.

Esther M. Van Houten            54        Born in N.J.

Charles Van Houten                19        App[rentice] car builder; born in N.J.

Thomas Van Houten               15

Evan Van Houten                    13

Samuel Van Houten                 11

George McConnell                  26        Agt. Pa R.R.

Kate Loyd                                11

            In 1880, their son Edward lived at 3305 Hamilton St.


1871 Directory: Isaac W. Van Houten, Jr., physician


1876 Directory: Isaac W. Van Houten, carpenter



Isaac W. Vanhouten                 65        Superintendent, Car Shops, Penna. R.R.; born in N.J.

Esther M. Vanhouten              64        Born in N.J.

Charles T. Vanhouten              29        Foreman in car shop; born in N.J.

Evans S. Vanhouten                23        Foreman

Samuel J. Vanhouten               21        At school

Mary E. Vanhouten                 27        Daughter-in-law [married to Charles]

Esther M. Vanhouten                7        Granddaughter

Grace Piper                             12        Servant

Jane Quinn                              45        Servant; parents born in Ireland

            Isaac and Esther Van Houten died in 1891 and 1900 when they were living at 3225 Race St.

            In 1900, Charles and Evan lived at 3227 Race St.


1881 Directory: Evans S. Van Houten (McParland & Van Houten)

                          Isaac W. Van Houten


1881, Aug. 15: Death of Dr. Isaac W. Van Houten, son of Isaac W. and Esther M. Van Houten of 3205 Race St. Died at Jersey City, N.J.  Funeral services at the home of his parents.  He was a member of Christ Methodist Episcopal Church.


1886 Directory: Van Houten Edgar O, Clerk

            He was a prominent member of Christ Methodist Episcopal Church, 435 N. 38th St.


< 3301 Race                                                                                                                             

Revised 8/21/2022

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