3200 Arch Street


Previous Residents



James G. Hardie          40        Hardware merchant; real estate: $5,000

Sarah A. Hardie           32        Born in N.J.

Robert J. Hardie            9

Catherine Hardie           4

Mary Hardie                 2

Catherine Campbell     64        Born in N.J.; real estate: $1,000

James W. Campbell      27        Grocer; born in Pa.

Mart William               22        Servant; born in Ireland

Margaret McAdul         32        Servant; born in Ireland

            James G. Hardie was a partner of Charles J. Filed (3416 Baring St.) at 633 Market St.

            Catherine Campbell was Sarah Hardie’s mother. In 1870, she was living at 315 N. 35th St. in the household of another son-in-law, Charles Pascall. Her son, Malcolm Campbell, Jr., lived at 317 N. 35th St. in 1860 and 3602 Hamilton St. in 1870.

            James W. Campbell reenlisted in the Navy in August 1856 for 3 years after serving 3 years.


1861 Directory: James W. Campbell, grocer, Arch near 32nd

            The 1857 directory lists him as a grocer at S. W. 2nd & Walnut and living at 344 S. 4th St.


1863, Dec. 5: Death of Sarah A. (Campbell) Hardie, 41 years old


1866 Directory: James W. Campbell, commission merchant, 5 S. Front, h 3200 Arch

                                    The 1870 and 1871 directories list him as selling fruit and living at 3733 Walnut St.

                         James G. Hardie, 633 Market



James Hardie               50        Wholesale hardware merchant; real estate: $50,000

Elizabeth F. Hardie      49        Real estate: $50,000, personal property: $15,000

Robert J. Hardie           19        Clerk in a hardware store

C. Kate Hardie             14

Mary Hardie                12

Charlotte Rapp            68        Personal property: $15,000

H. Sarah Blair              11

R. Charlotte Shade       23

Margaret Friel              28        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

Julia Reddy                  35        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

            Elizabeth F. Hardie was the widow of Henry C. Blair. In 1860, they lived at 3500 Powelton Ave.


1872 Hopkins Atlas lists owner of eastern half of the 3200 block of Arch St. as J. G. Hardie



James Hardie               61

Elizabeth F. Hardie     59

Robert J. Hardie          29        Clerk for Pennsylvania Railroad

Mary Hardie                23

Sallie H. Blair               21        Stepdaughter; single

Annie Banner              25        Servant; single; born in Ireland

Kate Brairmen             24        Servant; single; born in Ireland


1882: Marriage of Mary McClure Hardie to Clarence A. North


1890 Directory: James G. Hardie

            The 1893 directory lists him living at 4811 Chester Ave. He died Nov. 4, 1895 and was buried from the Princeton Presbyterian Church.


1920, Feb. 11: Death of Robert Robinson, 2 years, 3 months years old, of 3200 Arch St., burial from The Church of the Savior (Episcopal)


3204 Arch St. >

Revised 3/5/2015

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