3724 Baring Street


Description: Description: 3724baring


The History of the Building


3724-26: “three-story Italianate double with bracketed flat overhanging roof; stuccoed; Circa 1905 Colonial Revival porch.”

Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1864 Directory: W. B. R. Smith, clerk at S.E. corner of Dock and Walnut Sts.

            In the 1863 directory, he is listed at 3721 Baring St.  In 1880, he lived at 3613 Baring St.


1868 Directory: Henry H. Hallowell, secretary at S. 6th corner of Chestnut St.



Henry [H.] Hallowell   41        Clerk for School Board; personal property: $1,500

Lizzy Hallowell            39

Theodore Hallowell       4

Rosanna Reddy            21        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

Annie Fisher                22        Domestic servant; born in Ireland


1872 Directory: Henry Hallowell

He is not in 1873 or 1874 directories.  The 1878 directory lists him at 3203 Spring Garden St.



E[lizabeth] M. Chichester        42        Teacher; father born in Conn.

Benjamin C. Pole                     35        Boarder; civil engineer; born in Maine

Helen C Pole                           32        Boarder; born in D.C.

M. C. Pole                                11        Boarder; born in D.C.

T. C. Pole                                  9        Boarder; born in D.C.

H. C. Pole                                  5        Boarder; born in D.C.

Harry Pole                               4 mons Boarder

A. M. Mitchell                         15        Boarder; born in Conn.

M. Kimmel                              19        Servant


1887 Directory: Elizabeth M. Chichester, [occupation:] school

                         Joseph Klapp, paints, 3525 & 4087 Market


1889: “April 30 Em Chichester died to day.”  (Journals of Mary Ann Purdy 1853-1903 http://files.usgwarchives.net/ny/dutchess/history/purdydiary6.txt)


1890 Directory Benjamin Armitage, architect


1900: not enumerated in the census



Francis P. Maher          57        Widowed; born in N.Y., father born in Ireland, mother in England; renting

Elizabeth H. Maher     31        Stenographer; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Mary Agnes Maher      26        Bookkeeper at coal office; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Margaret C. Maher       25        Bookkeeper for Commonwealth of Pa. ; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Edward H. Maher        23        Real estate salesman; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Frances K. Maher        20        Stenographer; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Joseph H. Maher          17        Office errand boy; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Ignatius F. Maher         15        Carpenter (?)

Sarah Harley                52        Sister-in-law; born in N.J., parents born in Ireland

May E. Harley             33        Niece; father born in Conn., mother in Maryland; invalid

            In 1880 and 1900, they were living at 845 South St.  He was a liquor dealer.  In 1880, his wife was listed as Ellen, age 26 and born in Connecticut and her parents were born in Ireland.  In 1900, she is listed as Annie, married 22 years, 12 children, 7 surviving, and born in Kentucky.  Ella Harley Maher, died March 3, 1908.  They were living at 527 S. 9th St.  Francis declared bankruptcy in 1909 and his liquor license and his saloon at the northeast corner of 9th and South streets, supplies and equipment were sold at auction.


1917, Sept. 13: Death of Mary E. Harley, the daughter of John Harley, Jr. and Elizabeth (Ellie) Mitchell Harley.  The funeral was held at the home of her brother-in-law, Francis P. Maher, 3724 Baring St.  Requiem mass at St. Agatha’s Church



Francis P. Maher          66        Insurance broker with own office; widowed; born in N.Y., father born in Ireland, mother in England; renting

Bessie H. Maher           49        Daughter; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Agnes Maher               36        Daughter; bookkeeper at coal yard; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Edward H. Maher        32        Son; real estate agent; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Frances K. Maher        30        Daughter; stenographer in real estate office; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Joseph H. Maher          26        Son; stock clerk; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Ignatius F. Maher         25        Son; insurance agent; father born in N.Y., mother in Conn.

Sallie Harley                62        Boarder [sister-in-law]; works at U.S. Mint; born in N.J., parents born in Ireland

            In 1930, they lived at 3329 Powelton Ave.


1927 Bell Telephone Subscriber’s List:

            L. Bell

            Mrs. M. E. Kramer

            J.  B. R. McClure



John B. R. McClure     59        Realtor; married at age 52; owner, house valued at $10,000

Anna M. McClure        54        Married at age 47

--  next household

Thomas Webb             68        Office clerk at post office; married at age 35; renting for $45 per month

Anna G. Webb            55        Married at age 22

--  next household

Elizabeth Kramer        59        Widowed; dress maker; renting for $45 per month

--  next household

Elizabeth Spring          45        Single; matron at old ladies’ home; renting for $45 per month

--  next household

Edward Markward       50        Office clerk at real estate office; widowed; born in Ohio; renting for $45 per month

Evelyn Peterson          25        Daughter; parents born in Ohio



John B. R. McClure     69        Realtor, earned $1,700 in 1939; 8 years of schooling; owner, house valued at $1,500

Anna McClure             64        Four years of high school


1950 Directory:  J. B. R. McClure

                         Letitia B. Meredith

                         Ethel S. Warner


1996, June: Purchased by Vaughn J. Cook


< 3722 Baring                                                                                                                 3726 Baring >

Revised 5/6/2022

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