3712 Hamilton Street


The History of the Building


3712-3714: “three-story Victorian double with stone facade over brick. Incised Victorian wood porch, full-height first-floor. windows. Double bracket wood cornice, flat roof.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1868, Oct. 31: Title transferred to Sarah Singer by Mary Peltz


1882, Mar. 14: Title transferred to Robert Downing by Sarah Singer


1883 Directory: Downing Charles G., telegraph operator

            The 1880 census lists Charles J. Downing, 25 years-old living at 3839 Baring St. with his wife, Mary L., and 3-year-old daughter, May. He was a dispatcher for the railroad. He was the oldest son of Robert and Elizabeth Downing. Robert was an accountant who listed $5,000 in personal property in the 1870 census.


1884 Directory: Downing Charles G., dispatcher


1887 Directory: Richard [T.] Goodrich, manager at 910 Chestnut St.


1888 Directory: Richard Goodrich of Osterhout & Goodrich, "gent's furnishers," 1311-1317 Market St.

                         Samuel J. Williams, clerk


1888, July 6: Title transferred to Rebecca Van Winkle by Robert Downing


1889 Directory: Charles van Winkle, soap, 121 Margaretta, h 3712 Hamilton

            The 1887 Directory lists him at 613 N. 43rd St.


1896 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. C. Van Winkle


Thomas McArthur Anderson (1836-1917)


Charles Van Winkle                 75        Gentleman; born in N.J.; owner with a mortgage

Rebecca Van Winkle                70        Married 53 years, 1 child; born in N.J.

Thomas M. Anderson              64        Son-in-law; retired army officer; born in Oho, father born in Ken., mother in Ohio

Elizabeth V. Anderson            48        Daughter; married 30 years, 6 children; born in N.J.

Elizabeth Anderson                 24        Daughter; born in Texas

Irmengarde Anderson              18        Daughter; born in Texas

Mary Evans                             25        Servant; black; born in Md.

Julia Knolden                           35        Servant; black; born in Md.

            In 1880, the Van Winkle family lived at 542 Brooklyn St., Philadelphia with Rebecca’s brother, Elwood Stratton.

            Elizabeth Van Winkle and Thomas McArthur Anderson were married in Richmond, Va. in 1869. He was Brigadier-General of the Regular Army and Major-General of the Volunteers who served in the Philippines after the fall of Manila. In 1902, he was Commandant of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home in Erie Co., Ohio.

Irmengarde Anderson (1877-1945)


1907, Mar. 31: Death of Charles Van Winkle of 3712 Hamilton St. Internment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.


1908, Aug. 14: Death of Rebecca Van Winkle of 3712 Hamilton St. Internment at Mount Moriah Cemetery.


1908, Nov. 2: Title transferred to Lillian and Belle Stratton by Elizabeth Van W. Anderson



Lillian Stratton             48        Single; born in N.J.; owner with a mortgage

Bella Stratton               45        Sister; single

Adelaine Field             58        Sister; widowed with one child

Eugene S[tratton] Field 32       Nephew; newspaper photographer; mother born in N. J.

Etta L. Field                28        Married 7 years, 1 child; born in N. Y.

Dorothy S. Field            3        Grand-neice; mother born in N. Y.

Pricilla Foster              75        Boarder; widowed, 2 children, both deceased; born in N. J.

Jennie G. Pratt             49        Lodger; own income; widowed, no children; born in Tennessee, father born in Ireland, mother in Virginia

            Lillian Stratton was the niece of Rebecca van Winkle (see above). In 1880, she lived at 542 Brooklyn St., Philadelphia with her parents, Elwood and Hannah Stratton. He was a druggist. Lillian was baptized at Calvary Episcopal Church at age 19. She was born March 8, 1863. Adelaide Field and her son Eugene (then 2 years old) also lived with them. She was married to Richard Field a 24 year-old shirt cutter born in N.J.

            Eugene Stratton Field was baptized at Calvary Episcopal Church at age 4. He was born Oct. 24, 1878. He married Ettie Louise Fanning about 1903.

            Adelaide Field was the widow of Richard J. Field.


1917: Title transferred to Elizabeth Van W. Anderson by descent



Lillian Stratton             55        Single; born in New Jersey; owner with a mortgage

Belle Stratton               52        Sister; single; born in N.J.

Adelaide Field             65        Sister; widowed; born in N.J.

Eugene Field               40        Nephew; newspaper photographer

Ella Field                     36        Niece; born in N.Y.

Dorothy Field              12        Grandniece; in school; born in N.Y.

John Field                      9        Grandnephew; in school; born in N.Y.

Sarah Campbell            44        Boarder; dress fitter in a department store; single

Margaret O’Conor       45        Boarder; saleslady in a department store; single

France Devine             29        Boarder; telephone operator; single

Margaret Devine          26        Boarder; saleslady in a department store; single

            John Field’s life was saved when he was a child by the first use in Philadelphia of the Drinker respirator. He had contracted infantile paralysis (polio). (Inquirer, Sept. 22, 1931).


1924, May 29: Death of Adelaide Field


1927 Directory: E. S. Field


1928, May. 18: Death of Dorothy Stratton Field, 21 years old, of 3712 Hamilton St. She died from rheumatic fever. She was buried at West Laurel Hill cemetery from The Church of the Savior-Episcopal.



Lillian Stratton             65        Born in N. J.; owner, house valued at $8,000

Belle Stratton               65        Sister; born in N. J.

Eugene Field               48        Nephew; photographer in photographic gallery; married

Ettie Field                   45        Saleslady in a department store; married

John Field                    19        Grandnephew; clerk

Earl Starkloff               35        Lodger; mechanic; born in Berlin, Germany, immigrated in 1906, naturalized citizen


1930, July 22: Death of Lillian G. Stratton, 70 years old, of heat prostration


1938, Oct. 5: Death of Belle Stratton, 75 years old, of cerebral apoplexy


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Revised: 6/7/2022

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