3635 Spring Garden Street



1896, Nov. 17: “Mr. John Avery has broken ground on the north side of Spring Garden street, east of Thirty-seventh street, for four high grade dwellings. These houses will be three stories, have fancy brick fronts and will measure 16x63 feet each.” (Inquirer)


3633-3639: “two-and-one-half story, Pompeiian brick, porch-fronted, Late Queen Anne house with overhanging second-story above steel lintel of porch. Second-floor, three-sided bay with Colonial Revival swags. Central pediment of pressed metal above: central dormer. All infilled porches”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


History of the Building


1897, June 7: Title transferred to Mary J. Ruby by John Avery, etc.


1900: Not in census


1905: Ad: “For sale, cheap. A suite of office furniture, five pieces, leather covered, doctor leaving city. Apply Monday, 3635 Spring Garden street.” (Inquirer, Feb. 19)


1906: Ads for rent: “3635 Spring Garden, 13 rooms, $45.00 [per month] … Robert J. Ruby, 3603 Lancaster ave.”” (Inquirer, Oct. 7)


1907, Dec. 27: Death of Clark Katharine G., 54 years old, of 3635 Spring Garden St., wife of H. Chauncey Clark.


1909, Dec. 31: Title transferred to John Ennis by Mary J. Ruby

            Then immediately transferred to George W. Watt.



George A. Kellner       58        Railroad clerk; married twice; born in Germany, immigrated in 1852; renting

Mary P. Kellner           50        Married twice, recently married. 2 children

Ellen J. Conway           76        Mother-in-law; widowed, 2 children

            George A. Kellner and Mary J. Morrow married in 1897 at Trinity Episcopal Church, Philadelphia.


< 3637 Spring Garden St.                                                                                                        3633 Spring Garden St. >

Added 2/14/2021

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