3609 Hamilton Street


Description: Description: Description: Description: 3609hamilton



The History of the Building


The northern boundary of the houses on the northern side of Hamilton St. from 31st St. to 38th St. was the northern border of the Bingham-Baring estate.


3601-03, 3605-07, 3609-11, 3613-15, and 3617:  These houses appear to have been built by the same builder but may have been built for three different developers.  They were all built about 1877-’78.


two-and-one-half story Second Empire-style doubles, stone facade over brick. Victorian wood porches…. Slate-shingled mansards with four dormers with decoratively carved wood gables. Ornate wood Victorian cornices. Segmental stone lintels. 3601-03 and 3613-15 have roof cresting”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents of 3609 Hamilton Street


1872 Atlas shows 3601-3619 owned by J. G. Hardie.  In 1860., James G. Hardie lived at 3200 Arch St.

            The 1861 Directory lists him as a merchant with an office at 633 Market St.


1877, October: Deed transferred from James H. Lyons to Leopold A. & Jennnie (wife) Weste.

            The 1881 Directory lists James H. Lyons, plumber, 17 N. 9th St., house 1729 Spring Garden St.  the 1881 directory lists his home as 1327 Green.  The 1870 census lists him as 35 years old with a wife and one child.  He was born in Ireland.  His real estate holdings were listed at $1,000 and his personal property at $200.  He owned 3607-3617 Hamilton St. which he sold to various individuals between October, 1877 and June, 1879.


1878 Directory (Fall, 1877): Leo A. Weste

            1872-'74: Leopold restaurant at 17 Hudson, no home]


1879 Directory (Fall, 1878): Rev. John C. Giles



Chauncy Giles             67        Clergyman; born in Mass.

Eunice Giles                58        Born in N.Y.; parents in Mass.

Charles H. Giles          22        Medical student; born in Ohio

John W. Giles              18        At school

Eliza Poulson              27        Servant; black; born in Va.

Rachael Branch            22        Servant; black; born in Va.

            Chauncey Giles became pastor of the First New Jerusalem Church (Swedenbourgian) in January, 1878.  In the 1890 Directory, he is listed at 3502 Hamilton St. For information about other Poweltonians who were members of this church, see the Powelton History Blog.

            Rev. Giles’s obituary in the New York Times (Nov. 7, 1893) provides the following biographical information: "The reputation of Dr. Giles as a writer on religious topics was world-wide. He was born in Charlemont, Mass., in 1813. Early in life he was a teacher. In 1853 he became a clergyman of the Church of the New Jerusalem. For ten years he preached in Cincinnati, then for fifteen years in New York, after which he became pastor of the First New Jerusalem Society of Philadelphia. In 1875 he was elected President of the General Convention of the Church of the New Jerusalem in the United States, and this office he continued to hold up to the time of his death.”

            When Rev. Giles moved to Philadelphia, the Inquirer printed the following: “Rev. Chauncey Giles, long known as one of the ablest ministers of the New Jerusalem Church in the United States, has received a call from the New Church Society, worshiping at the corner of Broad and Brandywine streets, in this city, and will enter on his pastoral duties next Sunday morning. Mr. Giles who is president of the General Convention, of the receivers of the Swedenborg's doctrines in the United States, has been pastor of the New York Society for over fourteen years, and also for several years past editor of the New Jerusalem Messenger, and his severance from long standing and most cordial relations with the society in New York has been a severe trial both to himself and the people to whom he has so long ministered with the highest acceptance. But indications of failing health warned him that he must have lighter duties than were possible under existing relations, and so we accepted the call which was promptly made by the Philadelphia Society when it became aware that he had a change in view. The society in this city is to be congratulated on having secured for pastor so able and distinguished an expounder of its particular faith and doctrines."

(Phila. Inquirer, Jan. 4, 1878)


1882, March: Deed transferred from Leopold A. & Matilda (wife) Weste to Christian W. Kunkel.

            The 1881 Directory lists Christian W. Kunkel at 925 Arch St.


1884, October: Deed transferred from Christian W. & Louisa J (wife) Kunkel to Meyert M Armstrong.


1885 Directory: Meylert M. Armstrong of Russell & Armstrong (Calvin Russell, Jr. & Lewis D. Armstrong), paper at 14 S. 6th St. & 263 N. 3rd St.

                                    The 1884 directory lists his home as New Jersey.

                         Mary L. Van Ornam, widow

                                    The 1896 directory lists her at this address and as the widow of P. C. Van Ornam.


1885, June: Deed transferred from Myert M. Armstrong to J. Harry Osmond.


1885, June: Deed transferred from J. Harry Osmond to Lillie G. Armstrong.


1887 Directory: Meylert M. Armstrong of Armstrong, Craig & Co. (M. M. Armstrong & John A. Craig), paper bags at 12 S. 6th St.



Meylert M. Armstrong 48        Paper manufacturer; owned with a mortgage

Lillie G. Armstrong      43        Married 23 years, 6 children, 3 surviving; born in N.Y., father in Ohio, mother in New York

Leroy Armstrong         15        At military school

Earl Armstrong            13

Lionel Armstrong        10

Mary Van Ornan          82        Aunt; widowed, no children; born in N.Y., parents in Wisconsin

Bessie Osmond            27        Niece; single; father born in Del., mother in N.Y.

Katie Malone               30        Servant, cook; single, born in Ireland, immigrated 16 years earlier

Katie Madden              25        Servant; single, born in Ireland, immigrated 5 years earlier


1901, February: Deed transferred from Mylert M. & Lillie G. (wife) Armstrong to Charles J. & Carrie B. (wife) Rice.


1902 Directory (Fall, 1901): Charles J. Rice C. J. Rice & Co. (C. J. Rice, George B. Walker & George Rice), commercial merchants at 400 New Market

              In 1900, Charles and Carrie Rice lived across the street at 3612 Hamilton St. where they were renting  In 1910, they lived at 3318 Spring Garden St.  They had a son, John, age 3.  In 1920, Charles was widowed and living with his son and mother-in-law.


1908 & 1910 Directories: Samuel T. Warfield, pub

            The 1900 census lists him with his wife, Mildred M. (born in Kansas, 1877), living at 1722 Gratz St.  They had been married five years and had a daughter, Mildred J.  He was a salesman.



Augusta Warfield         29        Divorced, one child; born in Kansas, parents in Mass.; renting

Mildred J. Warfield      12        Daughter; born in Del., father in Del., mother in Kansas

Mary Fritz                    29        Servant; widowed, two children; parents born in Ireland


1911, Sept. 11: Marriage license issued to Mary Christensen of 3609 Hamilton St. and Peter Anderson of 3854 Parrish St.



Jennie E. Cahill            58        Widowed; born in Conn., father born in Ireland, mother in Conn.; renting


1930: No one was enumerated here in 1930



Charles Loud               80        Widowed; born in MD; 8 years of education; lived in [Bala] Cynwyd in 1939; renting for $30 per month

Jane Pierce                   62        Sister; widowed; 4 years of high school; lived here in 1939

Maria Hutchings          59        Lodger; dress maker; single; 4 years of high school; lived here in 1939


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