3400 Pearl Street


(from 2021 Inventory of Powelton Buildings)


The History of the Building


This is the carriage house for 3401 Powelton Ave.


The Bromely Atlas published in 1892 shows a building on this site behind 3401 Powelton Ave. Its not clear if it was replaced or modified later.


1908: “R. Jenkins Straw, 3742 Cuthbert st, stone garage, 3401 Powelton ave, Twenty-fourth ward; cost $63,800.” (Builders’ Guide, vol. 23, Aug. 12, 1908)


Previous Residents


1895 Directory: William P. Hollians, coachman



William Hollians          53        Coachman; black; married 10 years; born in Md.

Edith Hollians             35        Servant; black; married 10 years, no children; born in Va., father in N.C., mother in Va.

Della Hollians              14        Servant; black; father born in Md.; mother born in W.D.C.

            The Hollians family was enumerated along with the Burnham family at 3401 Powelton Ave.  The 1898 directory lists William B. Hollians hiving at S. 87th St. near Lyon Ave.  The 1910 census lists him owning his home with a mortgage and working as a gardener and Edith was a “house laborer.”  Edith was William’s second wife.  Dellia (Gretta L. in 1910) was William’s only child. Della was a dressmaker in a dress shop.


1905 Directory: William P. Hollin, driver   [note different spelling]


1917 Draft Registration: Fred R. Richter, born Dec. 5, 1888 (age 28) in Elmschenhagen [, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, northwestern] Germany.  Citizen of Germany.  Married.  No previous military experience.  Chauffeur employed by Mary A. Burnham, 3401 Powelton Ave.



Fred R. Richter            31        Chauffeur; born in Germany, immigrated in 1910; renting

Anna Richter               32        Born in Austria, immigrated in 1910

Caroline Richter           1 year, 6 months



Frederick Richter         41        Chauffeur; married at age 28; born in Germany, immigrated in 1910; renting for $35 per month

Anna Richter               43        Married at age 29; born in Germany (Austria), parents were ethnic Germans born in Czechoslovakia, she immigrated in 1907.

Caroline Richter           11

Anna M. Richter            9



Fred Richter                51        Auto mechanic, self-employed; born in Germany, naturalized citizen; one year of high school; renting for $15 per month

Anna E. Richter           52        Born in Austria; four years of high school

Caroline Richter           21        Bookkeeper for cotton wholesaler, earned $720 for 40 weeks of work in 1939; four years of high school

Anna May Richter        19        Bookkeeper for fuel oil co., earned $159 for 13 weeks of work in 1939; four years of high school


1950 Directory: John M. Muroff [also listed at 3401 Powelton Ave.]

                         Lawrence R. Muroff


< 3402 Pearl                                                                                                          3401 Powelton >

Revised 9/25/2022

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