332 N. 31stStreet


This house is no longer standing.


314-336 N. 31st St. were acquired by the Penlaun Corp. between about 1947-1950. The houses were torn down and the area sold to the Pennsylvania Laundry Co. about 1951. They are now part of Drexel Park.


Previous Residents



1863 Directory: Chalkley J. Melvin, gunsmith

                          Paschall M. Melvin, gunsmith

            In 1850, they were living in Spring Garden Ward 7, Philadelphia Co. with the parents, William and Mary A. Melvin. They were listed as 21 and 9 years-old. The 1860 census lists Chalkley as a 32 year-old gunsmith born in Pennsylvania and Paschall as age 21 and a laborer. The 1861 lists Chalkley living on Elm (now Eadline) below 34th St. in Matua.


1867 Directory (Fall 1866): Chalkley J. Melvin, gunsmith


1867, Oct. 18: Death of Chalkley J Melvin



Ann C. Melvin             42        Real estate: $3,500, personal property: $2,500

Clara B. Melvin            15

Rachel Melvin              13

Emma J. Melvin          11

Lizzy Melvin                  9

Ulysses G. Melvin          6

Ida Melvin                     3

Joshua Earnshaw         33        Fireman for Penna. Railroad; personal property: $400

George Harrison          26        Tinsmith; born in N.J., personal property: $600

Henry Church              24        Car inspector for Penna. Railroad; born in Mass.; personal property: $350

William Mannis            21        Brakeman for Penna. Railroad; parents foreign-born; personal property: $200

Jacob Good                 27        Brakeman for Penna. Railroad; personal property: $300

Charles Groundull       23        House carpenter


1872, Mar. 17: Marriage of Ann Catherine (Stone) Melvin to Joshua C. Earnshaw



Joshua Earnshaw         46        Engineer; father born in England

Ann C. Earnshaw        52       

Lizzie Melvin               19        [step-]Daughter; tel. operator

Ulyssess Melvin           16        [step-]Son; clerk

Ida S. Melvin                13        [step-]Daughter; at school

Rosemary Stone           48        Sister[-in-law]; nurse; single


1890 Census Veteran’s Schedule:

Joshua Earnshaw, Private, C Co., 155th (?) Pa. Infantry, Nov., 1862 - Aug., 1863

            In 1900, Joshua and Ann Earnshaw lived at 4045 Ogeden St. at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Emma and L. Rockey. Ann died in 1924 next door at 4033 Ogden St., the home of another daughter, Lizzy Shark.


< 330 N. 31st                                                                                                        334 N. 31st >

Revised 7/23/2022

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