3309 Baring Street



The History of the Building



1866, Jan. 22: Title transferred to Rev. Henry R. Weed, D.D. by Hugh McIlvain

            Rev. Henry Weed lived next door at 3311 Baring St.


1870: Title transferred to Sarah P. Weed by will


1872, Sep. 1: Title transferred to George W. Kendrick by Sarah P. Weed


1883, Feb. 16: Title transferred to Anna M. Shipley by George W. Kendrick

            Anna M. Shipley, daughter of Samuel R. Shipley, married Samuel H. Troth at “Windon,” Chester Co. on June 27, 1883. They were married by Bishop Nicholson. (Phila. Inquirer, June 28, 1883)


two-and-one-half story gable-fronted red brick Victorian. house with side entrance; corbelled brick below slate-shingled batten-and-board gable end and around building. Batten-and-board detail on projecting rectangular bays. Overhanging roof.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1884, June 26: Death of Anna M. S. Troth, 30 years old, of 3309 Baring St. She was born in Philadelphia.


1887, Oct. 6: Marriage of Josephine Corse to Samuel H. Troth. (Phila. Inquirer)

            She was the daughter of Laura P. and William L. Corse, a bank cashier.


1887, 1889 & 1890 Directories: Samuel H. Troth, clerk

            In 1880, he lived at 1019 Cherry St. Age 29, Lehigh RR clerk. Parents: Samuel F (retired merchant) & Alice.

            His three sisters lived at 3605 Baring St.


1890-’91 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Troth


1892: Samuel H. Troth joined a lawsuit aimed at stopping the electric trolleys on Baring St. to replace the old horse-drawn streetcars. (See the Powelton History Blog for details.)


1895 Directory: Nathan H. Davis


1898, Sept.: Advertised for rent, 3309 Baring St., 13 rooms for $60 per month.


1899, March: Offered for rent for $60 per month


There are no entries at this address in the 1900 Census or the 1898-’99 Blue Book.



            “An appeal has been issued by the "Female Association of Philadelphia for the Relief of the Sick and Infirm Poor with Clothing," etc., for assistance in its work at this season. The officers are : ... ; Cornelia N. Wright, treasurer, 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia.

            “A report of work done says : '' During the past season we prepared 3,053 garments for distribution, and paid to poor women $733 for making a large portion of them." (Friends' Intelligencer, Vol 59(1):28. Jan. 4, 1902)

            Cornelia Wright was the daughter of Edward Needles of 1501 Green St. She was married to William Wright, a banker. In 1900, they had two children: Francis P. and Edward N.


1906 Blue Book:  Mr. & Mrs. William Wright


1909, Dec. 17: Title transferred to Benton C. Jamison by Anna M. Shipley



Benton K. Jamison      74        Bank president; was married twice

Blanche Jamison          20        Mother born in N.Y.

Jean Jamison                18       

Philip D. Jamison         15

Annie Mason               35        Servant; black; born in Va.

            (Phila. Inquirer, April 1, 1909)


            In 1900, they lived at 1933 Chestnut St. He and his second wife, Jean W., had been married 11 years and had 3 children together. She was 29 years younger than him. The 1906 Blue Book lists Col. B.K. Jamison [probably B.K., Sr.] as a member of the Friendly Son’s of St. Patrick. In 1881, B.K. Jamison & Co. was located at 3910 Walnut St. In 1887-‘91, he lived at 3912 Walnut St.

            Col. Jamison died in April 1912. He had moved to the Jamison family farm near Saltsberg, Indiana Co., Pa. He had suffered several strokes and returned to the country in search of renewed health. His obituary in the Philadelphia Inquirer stated that:

            “In his time, Colonel Jamison was a director of five railroads, president of the Saltsberg Coal Company, trustee of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feebleminded Children at Media, trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital, president of the West Philadelphia Institute, trustee and member of the Walnut Street Presbyterian Church and was one of the organizers and for five years a trustee of the State Hospital for the Insane at Norristown.

            “He took considerable interest in politics and was urged at various times for different State offices of importance, especially that of State treasurer. His party solicited him to become a candidate for the mayoralty of Philadelphia. He was a Democrat of the old school, but declined all political honors, owing to the pressing demands of his business and other claims upon his time.

            “His principal relaxation from the mental strains imposed upon him by his large business and many public duties consisted in driving four-in-hand about the country during the summer months on a coach containing his family or friends. His coach, ‘The Rambler,’ built for him after his own ideas, with ‘four bays and one reserve,’ was for many years well known throughout this and many other states.

            “Colonel Jamison was a member of the Masonic fraternity, being past master of Lodge 51, A. B. M., and was thirty-second degree member of Philadelphia Consistory. He was a member of the board of managers of the Commonwealth Club during its existence and a member of the Clover Club.”

            (Phila. Inquirer, April 9, 1912)

            “The Bloomsburg and Sullivan Railroad Company constructed a twenty-nine mile railroad up Fishing Creek valley under a company organized at Williamsport.... Financial support largely came from Philadelphia bankers and attorneys, including Benton K. Jamison whose name the town of Jamison City [Pa.] took....

            “Benton K. Jamison of Philadelphia, a financier in coal mines and railroads, determined management policy and direction and was ‘the ultimate authority on railroad operation, personnel and financing....’

            “B. K. Jamison convinced authorities to change the village name by substituting the ‘i’ in his name for the ‘e’ in the original name. The post office name was changed to Jamison City on November 28, 1890, the same month that Jamison's banking company was forced to close. ”

            (http://www.bentonnews.net/Features/railroad.htm, accessed Nov. 1, 2009.)


1911, Apr. 17: Title transferred to William C. Bullitt by Sheriff


1911 New York Times: “Juarez Falls; Gen. Navarro a Prisoner; Madero Captures Border Town after Three Days’ Sharp Fighting and Makes it His Capital...

            Juarez, Mexico, May 10. – Gen. Francisco I. Madero, Jr., at last has a capital for his Provisional Government of Mexico....

            “Happiest among those who were about the streets were the prisoners liberated from the jail during the day. Many of them claimed they have been innocent of any wrongdoing. James Monaghan [Jr.] of 3309 Baring street, Philadelphia, a student in Swarthmore College, who went sightseeing in Juarex on Sunday, says he was arrested as a spy, and since then has been in prison, being forced frequently during the fighting to carry water from across the street to the Federal soldiers who fought from the top if the jail.” (New York Times, May 11, 1911)

            For a photo and more on this adventure see the Powelton History Blog.


1912, Feb. 28: Title transferred to James Monaghan by William C. Bullitt


1912: “Monaghan, James [Jr.], C, E.; A. M. 3309 Baring St., Phila., Pa. b. Louisiana, Mo., Sept. 21, 1854; W.; adm. bar, West Chester, Pa., '79; law reporter and editor of law reports; law reporter Supreme Court of Pa., '92-; charter memb. Pa. State Bar Assoc.; memb. Chester Co. Hist. Soc.; auth. "Lafayette at Brandywine" ; ed. Chester Co. Reports, Cumulative Annual Law Digest, Monaghan's Supreme Court Reports, Pa. Supreme Court Reports, Pa. Appellate Practice, Pa. County Court Reports, Pa. District Reports; asst. ed. Central Reporter.” (Biographical Catalogue of Lafayette College, 1832-1912, p 216.)

            For a brief introduction to the Monaghan family, see “A Quirky Family in a Quirky House”  (Powelton Post, Jan. 2010).


1913:  James Monaghan, Jr., member of U. of Pennsylvania chapter of Delta Upsilon, class of 1917.



James Monaghan                     65        Lawyer in general practice; born in Missouri, parents in Pa.; owns with a mortgage

Anna J. Monaghan                   63

Gertrude J. Monaghan             32        Artist, murals

Hannah D. Monaghan             30

            In 1900, they lived in Swarthmore. The 1906 Blue Book also lists them in Swarthmore. In 1910, they lived at 3316 Arch St.

            James Monaghan published Pennsylvania Appellate Practice in 1912.

            A biography of James Jr. was published in the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Winter, 1981 which includes a large portrait.

            Gertrude and Hannah moved to Nantucket where they established themselves as eccentric artists. The story of their life in Nantucket is told in an article in Historic Nantucket, Vol. 50, 1, 2001. A portrait of Gertrude at the Nantucket historical Association.


1920: Monaghan, Gertrude, [class of] 1909. 3309 Baring St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mural Painter.

(Swarthmore College Bulletin, Vol. 17(4). 1920)


1928, Mar. 11: Twenty-fourth Ward League of Women Voters, meeting on ‘The Primaries’ at 8 P. M. in The Studio at 3309 Baring street. Mrs. James Monaghan, presiding.” (Inquirer)



James Monaghan         76        Supreme court lawyer; married at age 28; born in Mo.; owner, house valued at $20,000

Anna Monaghan          74        Married at 26

Gertrude Monaghan    43        Mural artist

Hannah Monaghan      41

[?] Meak                       21        Servant; born in Ireland


1932:  Mr. and Mrs. James Monaghan; annual members of Maria Mitchell Society (Annual Report of the Maria Mitchell Assoc., vol. 30, 1932)

            The society is associated with Nantucket’s Science Center.


1936: “William Alfred La Lande, jun., Assistant Prof., M.S., Ph.D.

Pa., U.S.A.” (Proc. American Chemical Society)

            His 1931 Ph.D. dissertation was entitled: “The Autoxidation of Precipitated Lead Rosinate


1939, Aug. 13: “For rent “3309 Baring. Large two-storied living room, open fire, bedroom & bath, air-conditioned, also efficiency apartment.” (Inquirer)



Louis Cohen                34        Newspaper copy editor, earned $3,100 in 1939; born in Russia; 4 years of high school; renting for $50 per month

Hildegard Cohen          28        Two years of college

--  next household

Mary E. Morrow          29        Born in Va., lived in Pensacola, Fla. in 1935; 2 years of college; renting for $70 per month

Guy Marion Morrow    30        Husband; Captain in U.S. Marines, earned $2,100 in 1939; born in Illinois, lived in Pensacola, Fla. in 1935; 4 years of college

--  next household

Margaret Douglas        38        Clerk for express co., earned $1,457 in 1939; 4 years of high school; renting for $57 per month

Gertrude Shean           35        Comptometer [calculator] operator for railroad, earned $1,200 in 1939; 4 years of high school

--  next household

Emily Stannard            31        Clerk in a hospital, earned $1,600 in 1939; single; 4 years of high school; renting for $28 per month

            Guy Marion Morrow and Mary Elizabeth Baron were married in Norfolk, Virginia June 17, 1935. He attended Annapolis and became a Colonel in the Marines in 1949. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.


1950 Directory: Marguerite E. Collins

                        Dan Davidson

                        James F. E. Gillespie


1952, Jan. 4 & 5: COLORED BUYERS. 3309 Baring St. Beaut. Loc. Nice prop. Sgle. 5 apts. Opportunity for gd. Income or institutional use. Insp. invited. S. Lindenheim, Bankers Security Bldg.”


1961-1973: The Powelton Preparative [Quaker] Meeting met at 3309 Baring St.



1964: “The Powel-Tones (that harmonious group led by Kay Tatnall) will be meeting at the home of Howard L. Matthews, 3309 St. (1st floor, front).” (Powelton Post, June 1964)


1968 Directory: Bailey T. E., 3rd floor

 Henderson A., Mrs., 2nd floor

 Kieffer W. K., 3rd floor


1984: Deed transferred from “David J. Minne and wife to Arthur P. Stoddon and wife, $88,000.” (Inquirer, Dec. 9)


1992: New business registered: Money Galore Scholarship Service, 3309 Baring St., #1 rear, Dorothy Middleton. (Inquirer, Aug. 3)


2004: Purchased by Nell Stefel, the current resident.


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