block of Summer St. “Queen
Anne-style block of doubles built by the same developer as Winter Street. This block
of two-and-one-half story brick houses with pressed brick detail and projecting
fronts and side gables has undergone more radical alterations. Several porches
have been removed or enclosed with aluminum siding or permastone.”
of Buildings in Powelton from
the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)
houses were designed by George W. and William D. Hewitt and developed by Herman
Wendell and Walter Bassett Smith.
1888, Feb. 23: Title transferred to
Annie C. Dougherty by Herman Wendall and Walter B. Smith
1893, Mar. 2: Title transferred to
Blanche K. Dougherty by Annie C. Dougherty
1890-1895 Directories: Herbert M. Warren,
superintendent at 451 N. 30th St.
1895 Dir,:
Walter B. Warren, student
Walter Burgess Warren
was a member of the Class of 1895 at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1917
Alumni Directory reported:
“B. S., 1895; M. E., 1896; Phi Gamma Delta; Mu Phi Alpha; track and
relay, 1892-96; class crew; grad. with hons.; Vice-President Warren Bros. Co.
Contractors; mem. Arlington, Univ., Multnomah and
Commercial Clubs; Oregon Engrs., Colonial Wars and
Sons of the Revol. Socs.: Am. Soc. M. E.: Order of
Founders and Patriots of Am.; Am. Highway Assn.: Am. Road Builders Assn. 711
Journal Bldg. and 344 Cornell Rd., Portland, Ore.”
William A. Fleck 76 Wool
manufacturer; born in Germany; renting
Adele Fleck 57 Married 34 years, seven children, six surviving; born in
Germany (Strasburg)
Hugo Fleck 31 Fruit salesman; parents born in Germany
Ester Fleck 30 Daughter in law; married nine years, two children; parents
born in England
William A. Fleck,
Jr. 27 Mechanic
at gas works; parents born in Germany
Frank Fleck 7 Grandson
Beatrice B. Fleck 5 Granddaughter
Theresa Hering 78 Boarder; widowed, eight children, all
surviving; born in Germany
Hildegard Hering 42 Boarder; single; parents born in Germany
In 1880, the Fleck family lived at
108 Rittenhouse St. In 1910, Victor Hugo Fleck and his wife Ester were living
in Pawnee, Kansas.
1905, Jan. 19: Death of William Augustus Fleck.
He was buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery
He was born in Döbeln,
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. His father was a Judge Regent and Bürgermeister
of Döbeln. His mother was a Lady in Waiting to
Adelaide of Austria, Queen of Sardinia.
Adele (Metzger) Fleck died in 1911.
She was living at 4054 Chestnut St.
1909, Apr. 6: Title transferred to E. Warren
Bonsall by Blanche K. Dougherty
1909, Sep. 8: Title transferred to Baron Nusick by E. Warren Bonsall
1909, Sep. 17: Title transferred to Frank W. Loux by Baron Nusick
Francis W. Brooks
52 Engineer
at gas plant; renting
Emma D[ebbie] Brooks 48 Married
11 years, one child; born in Wisconsin, father in NJ, mother in Ohio
Howard L. Brooks 22 Apprentice
at gas plant
Mabel Brooks 20 Seamstress
at shirt factory
Laura G. Brooks 17 Bookkeeper
at shirt factory
Grace Brooks 14
In 1900, Francis W. Brooks lived at
3841 Pearl St. with his second wife, Debbie (Kirby) Brooks. They were married
in 1898. His first wife was Georgianna (Jones) Brooks who died in 1897 at age
40. They lived at 5336 Tacony St.
1911, Nov. 7: Title transferred to Francis W. and
Deborah Brooks by Frank W. Loux
Frank Brooks 62 Stock manager at auto co.
Deborah E. Brooks 55 Inspector
at shirt manufacturing co.; born in Wisconsin, father in NJ, mother in Ohio
Laura Brooks 27
Grace Brooks 25 Examiner
at electric supply co.; born in NJ
1925, Apr. 20: Title transferred to Richard N.
and Rebecca E. Godkin by Francis W. and Deborah
Richard Godkin 50 Electrician at service station; born in
N. Ireland, immigrated in 1904; married at age 35; owner
Rebecca Godkin 45 Born in England immigrated in 1920;
married at age 30
1931, Jul. 27: Title transferred to Marie A.
McGovern by Richard N. and Rebecca E. Godkin
immediately back to Richard N. and Rebecca E. Godkin
1938, Jan. 17: Title transferred to Beacon
Building & Loan Assn. by Sheriff
Solomon Brown 27 Hod
carried for WPA Project, was out of work for 165 weeks; earned $816 in 1939 for
52 weeks of work; black; born in NC; 2 years of education; renting for $15 per
Mary Brown 27 Black; one year of high school
Normand Brown 4 Black
Solomon Brown, Jr. 3 Black
Lillian T. Brown 2 Black
Gwendolyn Brown 2 months Black
_ 2nd Hh.
Eddie Ward 44 Housekeeper, out of work for 40 weeks, earned $312 in 1939
for 26 weeks of work; black; born in NC; renting for $15
_3rd Hh.
Lucy C. Bernard 74 Trimmer
for a coat and apron supply co., earned $416 for 52 weeks of work in 1939;
black; widowed; born in NJ; renting for $15
1969: see Powelton Quarterly
on successful effort to save Summer and Winter Streets. (vol 1(1); pp 1 &3).
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