208 N. 35th Street




1862 (compiled Fall, 1861): Erastus Poulson, attorney and pension agent, 429 Walnut, h 35th & Race

            In 1850, he was Deputy Clerk of the Orphan’s Court. The 1850 census shows him living with Edwin H. and Elizabeth Curtis (probably his sister) and Margaret and Mary Poulson (probably also sisters). He was elected to the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1853. The 1858 directory lists Erastus Poulson, wines & liquors, 721 Market living at 748 S. 9th. The 1860 census lists him as a lawyer. In the 1861 directory, he was listed as an attorney living at 748 S. 9th St. His wife, Sarah E. Poulson, was born in Philadelphia. In 1860, she listed $3,000 in real estate and $300 in personal property.


1862, Nov. 3: Title transferred to S. Emma Poulson by Mary Price

            Mary Price was Sarah’s mother. In 1860, she was age 75 and living with the Poulsons.



Erastus Poulson           53        Claim agent; born in Va.

Sarah Poulson              40

William Poulson          17        Clerk in pension office

Mary Price                   86

Elizabeth Curtis           40        Born in Va.

Mary Bansion              43        Domestic servant; born in Ireland

            At some point (probably very early) he was associated with the Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church and involved in the formation of their Mission and Temperance societies

            He was associated with the “Society of Mysterious Pilgrims” 1872-75. He also held the public office of Solicitor, receiver of taxes.

            “In 1875 a watchdog subcommittee of the Union League... publicly condemned the Pilgrims as ‘that dictatorial band of men, nominally of both parties, but without true allegiance to either, which now runs and oppresses our city and is disgracing and destroying the Republican organization....’”

(When Bosses Ruled Philadelphia: The Emergence of the Republican Machine, 1867-193. Peter McCaffery, Penn State Press, 1993 , pp 26-7, Table 3)



Erastus Poulson           63        Lawyer; born in Va.

Sarah E. Poulson         56

William H. Poulson      27        Conveyancer

Mary Price                   96

Amanda M. Wilson      50        Boarder

Mary Welsh                  26        Servant; born in Ireland

Sally Welsh                  24        Servant; born in Ireland


1881, Aug. 3: Death of Mary E. Price, 97 years old. Funeral from the home of her son-in-law, Erastus Poulson, 208 N. 35th St.


1890 Directory: William H. Poulson, conveyancer, 34 N 9th, home: 208 N 35th


1891, Sept 15: Marriage of Emma L. Kain, daughter of the late Joseph H. Kain, to William Harold Poulson at the residence of the bride’s mother, 1728 N. 15th St., by Rev. Charles W. Buoy, D.D.



Erastus Poulson           83        Lawyer; born in Va.

William H. Poulson      47        Real estate agent

Emma K. Poulson       46        Married nine years, two children, one surviving; born in N.J.

Irene P. Poulson            5        Granddaughter

Maggie Walsh              30        Servant; born in Ireland; immigrated in 1866


1900, Nov. 12: Death of Erastus Poulson, 84 years old. Funeral services at his late residence, 208 N. 35th St. Orient Lodge No. 281, A. Y. M. and Orient Lodge No. 113, I. O. O. F. invited.

            “Erastus Poulson’s Death

            “Erastus Poulson, at one time a pension agent, died yesterday morning at his home, 208 North Thirty-fifth street, in his eighty-fifth year. He practiced law here at one time, and was elected to the Legislature in 1854…. Internment, with Masonic ceremony, will be in Mount Peace Cemetery.”  (Phila. Inquirer, Nov. 13, 1900)

            In 1910, William, Emma and Irene were living at 210 Walnut Lane, Radnor, Pa. He was retired. In 1920, William and Irene were living in Penns Grove, Salem Co., N. J. William was widowed and Irene was a public school teacher.


1901, Jul. 3: Title transferred to Ellwood Bonsall by estate of Erastus Poulson


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Ellwood Bonsall [In 1890, he lived at 219 N 34th St.]

                          Mrs. William B. Judge


1905, April 26: Ellwood Warner Bonsall married Marion Adele Ivison at St. James Church.

            She was the daughter of Isaac D. Ivison and Mathilda Heath Parsons. She was born in Media, Pa.



Ellwood Bonsall          72        Conveyancer; born in Ohio; owner, free of a mortgage

Julia H. Bonsall            68        Married 48 years, 4 children, 2 surviving

Florence E. Judge        32        Daughter; married 13 years, 1 child

Florence B. Judge          9        Granddaughter

            Julia Hellig married Elwwod Bonsall in Nov. 22, 1862 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Philadelphia. She was the daughter of John Hellig.

            Florence Edna Judge was the wife of William B. Judge, a carpet manufacturer. They had been married 3 years. In 1900, the Bonsalls and the Judges lived in the 4202 Parkside Ave. The Bonsall’s son, Elwood Warner Bonsall, lived with them.


1913 Obituary: “Ellwood Bonsall Is Victim of Apolexy

            “Death Comes Suddenly to Wealthy Real Estate at Mt. Pocono Summer Home

            “Leader in Church Work

            “Ellwood Bonsall, one of the oldest and wealthiest real estate men of this city and for years recognized as one of the city's leading real estate experts, died suddenly of apolexy at his summer home in Mt. Pocono, according to information received here today. His death occurred yesterday while he was with his family. He was 77 years old.

            “Mr. Bonsall's city home was at 208 North Thirty-Fifth street. He was a type of the old-time conservative Philadelphia, who devoted himself to his home, his church and his business, and while he was probably one of the best-known among the big business adherents of the city, he seldom came into general public view, except when called on, as he frequently was, by the city to assist in determining land values.

            “He was a director of the Land Title and Trust Company, of which his nephew Edward H. Bonsall, is second vice-president, and was a director of the Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgages since the organization of that company. In addition to that he also was a director of the Rue Manufacturing Compnay, 228 Cherry Street.

            “For years the real estate firm of Bonsall Bros. has occupied a conspicuous place in the history of this city. Mr. Bonsall conducted the business up to the time of his death and his son, E. Warner Bonsall, was associated with him.

            “Leader in Church

            “He was one of the leaders in the Presbyterian Church, and was a member and one of the elders of Northminster Presbyterian Church, Thirty-Fifth and Baring Streets. For several years he was one of the main supports of the Homan Presbyterian Church at Mt. Pocono. This church is only open two months in the year and is for the benefit of the summer visitors, and Mr. Bonsall was one of several owners of summer homes to start the involvement for the support of the church.

            “Less than three years ago Mr. Bonsall was trustee of the estate of Mrs. Annie L. Lowry, presented to the First Presbyterian Church, at Seventh and Locust streets, in this city, $54,000 toward making a $200,000 endowment fund to guarantee the permanency of the historic church which was founded in 1698 and is known through the country as the "mother" of American Presbyterian churches. The Lowry fund was entirely in the hands of Mr. Bonsall to distribute where the work of the Presbyterian church needed help and where the promise for results was encouraging.

            “Mr. Bonsall leaves a widow and two children, his son, who was his partner in business and Mrs. Judge, a daughter.”

(Evening Telegraph: 7/24/1913)



Julia H. Bonsall            78        Widowed; owner, free of a mortgage

Florence E. Judge        43        Daughter; divorced; father born in N.J.

Florence B. Judge        18        Granddaughter


1920, Dec. 16: Death of Florence Bonsall Judge of 208 N. 35th St.


1924, Nov. 23: Death of Julia Helig Bonsall of 208 N. 35th St.



Ellwood W. Bonsall     59        Renting for $100 per month; married at age 34; father born in N.J.

Adele Bonsall               55        Married at age 31

Patricia Bonsall            17


1932, Dec. 17: Death of Ellwood Warner Bonsall of 208 N. 35th St.


1935, Oct. 19: Marriage of Patricia Bonsall to Herbert Wallace Stuart at St. Andrews Church by Rev. William Hugh Fryer

            Herbert Stuart was probably the son of Walter D. Stuart. In 1930, the family lived at 2041 S. 20th St. The 1940 census shows them living in Beverly, Burlington Co., N. J. He was a metallurgist doing research for the government. He was 32, she was listed as 35. They both had four years of college. She graduated from Goucher College for Women.

            Patricia Stuart died in 1996. In 2000, the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine announced “$152,855 from the estate of Patricia Bonsall Stuart of Kennett Square, PA in support of the Patricia Bonsall Stuart Fund for Equine Studies in the College and perpetuation of the Herbert W. Stuart Memorial Scholarship. The total funding from the estate for the Fund endowment now totals $1,319,622 and will enhance efforts to support and advance equine health enormously. The College is very grateful for the life and legacy of this couple and their dedication to horses.”  Her estate left $2.7 million to be divided equally between this college and Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.


1936, Dec. 9: Title transferred to Annie M. Fry by Land Title Trust Co., Trustee


1939, Sep. 26: Title transferred to Howard D. McKeever, Jr. by Annie M. Fry

            In 1940, Howard D. McKeever, Jr. was 30 years old and living with his parents at 118 Terrace Ave.   He was a real estate salesman.


1940, May 29: Title transferred to George McKee by Howard D. McKeever, Jr.


1941, May 12: Title transferred to Wayne R. Parks and Margaret M., his wife, by George McKee


1955, May 25: Title transferred to Drexel Institute of Technology by Wayne R. Parks and Margaret M., his wife.


1968 Reverse Directory: Epsilon Phi Fraternity Tau

                                      C. Blumberg

                                      L. Buchman

                                      A. Gruber

                                      D. Jamieson

                                      L. Mittleman

                                      S. Skolic


< 206 N. 35th                                                                                                        3500 Powelton >

Revised 8/14/2022

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