110-120 N. 34th Street



“two-and-one-half story Second Empire-style mansarded double with smooth cut ashlar facade on brick construction. Original wood porch with carved millwork and scroll-shaped brackets intact. First floor has projecting bays; second floor has six registers with smooth limestone segmental lintels. Four wood pedimented dormers with brackets across slate-shingled mansard. Double bracketed wood cornice below mansard.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places)


110 N. 34th St. Previous Residents


110-112: “two-and-one-half story Second Empire style mansarded double with smooth cut ashlar facade on brick construction. Original wood porch with carved millwork and scroll-shaped brackets intact. First floor has projecting bays; second floor has six registers with smooth limestone segmental lintels. Four wood pedimented dormers with brackets across slate-shingled mansard. Double bracketed wood cornice below mansard. -- Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places)



Henry Z. Ziegler          43        Shoe manufacturer; parents born in Prussia

Elizabeth Ziegler         41        Born in England

Anna B. Ziegler           16        At school

Bessie Ziegler              14        At school

Ida V. Ziegler              12        At school

Bridget Lyons              22        Servant; born in Ireland


1890 Dir.: Henry Z. Ziegler of Ziegler Bros. & vice-president, West Phila. Title Trust Co



Henry Z. Ziegler          63        President of a trust co.; parents born in Germany; owner, free of a mortgage

Elizabeth A. Ziegler    61        Married 31 years, 3 children

Eliza Brooks                50        Servant; black; married 28 years, no children; born in VA

Jackline Naylor            28        Servant; black; single; born in MD


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Z. Ziegler “Receiving day Wednesday”

                          Mrs. E. Lamar Richards


112 N. 34th St. Previous Residents


1880 Directory: Tripler W. Charles, J. H. Michener & Co.,

 Child Susan L., widow of Ezekiel



William C. Tripler        53        Wholesale provisioner

Elizabeth Tripler         41

William Tripler            19        At school

Susan Child                  79        Mother

Catharine Guillay         48        Servant; born in Ireland

Margaret Parrel            45        Servant; born in Ireland



Charles L. Mitchell      47        Physician; owner, free of a mortgage

C. L. Mitchell               45        Wife; married 23 years, 1 child; father born in Germany

Walter M. Mitchell       20

Lelia Daniel                 35        Servant; black; single; born in VA


1906 Blue Book: Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mitchell

                          Walter M. Mitchell


114 N. 34th St.


“two-and-one-half story Second Empire style house with side hall door. Smooth-cut ashlar facade over brick construction. Bracketed cornice at first floor and below slate-shingled mansard which has incised detail in its two wood bracketed dormers. First-floor has been sided with aluminum be low paired windows”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places)


Previous Residents



Martha Dunsmore       56

Amelia Robinson         33

Mary Scull                   70

Samuel Smedley           48        Boarder; Single; Civil Engineer

John J. Degoyler          49        Boarder; mechanical supt.; born in NY

Minnie Degoyler          40        Born in NY

Edward Brown            46        Solicitor of patents; born in England

Harvey Walker             23        Wagon builder; born in Ireland

Kate Hagerty               40        Servant

            In 1881 on Edward Brown lived at 3617 Powelton Ave.


1890 Dir.: Rev. William J. Mann



Susan A. Foster           59        Widowed, 6 children, 5 surviving; owner, free of a mortgage

Frank B. Foster            26        Paper salesman

Marion Foster              24

Frederick K. Foster      22        Insurance clerk

Nora Lyons                  27        Servant; single; born in Ireland

Ella Kelleher               22        Servant; single; born in Ireland


2016: Replace along with 118 with the Raymond G. Perelman Center for Jewish Life, Drexel Hillel


118 N. 34th St.


This house was torn down.


“Circa 1875, two-story house, which originally had a mansard roof, has been rough-casted white and stripped of any porch and cornice detail. Its twentieth century alterations reduced window size. The building still has its quoins and arched doorways.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places)


Previous Residents



Theodore Wittberger   75        Gentleman

Sarah D. Wittberger     63        Mother born in Ohio

Julia Wittberger            77

Alice J. Wittberger       36

Mary A. Wittberger      26

Elizabeth Colladay      40        Daughter

Samuel R. Colladay      11        Grandson


1884 Medical Dir.: Wilmer R. Batt Univ. of Penna., 1884


1889 Directory: William Tate, bookkeeper


1890 Directory: Samuel L. Smedley, chief of Bureau Surveys, City Hall, & treasurer at 904 Walnut

                                    In1880, he lived next door at 114.

                         Harry Corrie, bookkeeper

                        Martha E. Dunsmoor, widow of Samuel

                                    In 1870, they lived at 3208 Baring St.

                        Richard Jackson, clerk (also listed at 3319 Powelton Ave.)

                        Alexander G. Rutherford, supt. at 1802 Filbert St.

                                    The 1898 Blue Book listed him at 412 N. 34th St.

                        Charles H. Wernle, book printer


2016: Replace along with 116 with the Raymond G. Perelman Center for Jewish Life, Drexel Hillel



120 N. 34th St.

Aka 3400 Race St.



“Second Empire style two-and-one-half story stone house with red slate shingled mansard. Original porch has been removed and replaced by twentieth century concrete porch with first-floor projecting bay. Second-floor fenestration, scroll-shaped bracketed cornice and dormers are original.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the national register of Historic Places)


1873, Apr. 19: Title transferred to Thomas Seabrook by John Shedwick


Previous Residents


1875 Directory: Seabrook Thomas, civil engineer, N. 34th corner of Race


1878 Directory: Seabrook Thomas, civil engineer, N. 34th corner of Race

            The 1880 directory lists him living at 3908 Baltimore Ave. He worked at N. 17th St. corner of Jones. The census lists him as 60 years-old living with his wife, Sallie (57), and four daughters aged 14-30, and a servant.



Joseph Allison             60        Judge; parents born in Ireland

Margret H. Allison       56        Born in NJ

William Allison            25        Law student

Mary Mc Mullin           35        Servant; born in Ireland

Annie Mc Mullin         33        Servant; born in Ireland

            Joseph Allison married Margaretta (Margaret) Cook Perrine on May 10, 1843. In 1870, they lived with her parents at 4207 Walnut St. At that census, he reported real estate valued at $20,000 and personal property worth $500. The 1879 directory lists him still living at 4207 Walnut St.

            “Joseph Allison, born August 31, 1819; named for his uncle. He studied law in Harrisburg, Penn.; admitted to the bar of Dauphin county in 1813; elected solicitor of Spring Garden in 1846, and held the office many years, till he was elected an associate law judge of the court of common pleas of the first judicial district of Pennsylvania. In 1865 he succeeded to the presidency of the court, and has to the present [1892] held that position—a period of forty years. Has been five times elected, the last two times without opposition, receiving at the last election 145,000 votes with none against him. He married in 1843, and has a family. Residence Philadelphia, Penn.”

(History of the Alison, or Allison family in Europe and America.... Leonard Allison Morrison, 1893)


1881 Directory: Allison Joseph, Judge, Court of Common Pleas No. 1


1890 Directory: Daniel Lynch, upholsterer

                         Henry C. Register, 238 Drexel Bldg. 5th & Chestnut

                         S. Croft Register, draughtsman


1891 Directory: Register Albert L, machinist


1896 Directory: Register Henry V., Insurance, 238 Drexel Building

            The 1899 directory lists his home as Ardmore.


          <64-100 N 34th                                                                                                               200 N 34th >

Revised 5/2/2023

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