Farmer's Market Update - September 11, 2004
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Dear Powelton Market Friends,

Last Saturday the farmers did very well, especially considering that many of you were off playing in some vacation mecca or other.

John King of Hilltop Gardens will return this week with more sweet corn, celery, peppers, squash, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, plums and, well, the whole nine yards from last week. John says nothing he has had on his table recently has finished its season. He also plans to have shoofly pie, chicken pot pie, and other Amish baked goods and preserves.

Dave Fahnestock confirms that this week will see the end of their peaches for this year. You'd be well advised to come early if peaches are on your "must have" list; Bob probably won't have enough to last the day. But...The Apples Are Coming, The Apples Are Coming!" Saturday Bob will have trays of Cortland, Red Delicious, Gala, Empire, and Macintosh apples, and, if the weather cooperates, even a couple other varieties. They will continue to have tomatoes for a couple more weeks, and surprise, surprise, the Fahnestocks are also planning to start making cider this week. Whee!  

This just in from Brent Fox of B&L Grasslands: "We will have our usual selection of meats-lamb, chicken, pork, beef (very limited this week) and eggs. This week we are offering a special on our Lamb Rib Chops at $8.00 lb. They are perfect for a quick, nutritious meal,  just grill or broil them, a few minutes on each side.

"Also please let folks know that we strive to sell our meats fresh as much as possible, however we are a small family farm and sometimes must sell frozen product. We pick up our meat fresh from the butcher on Saturday morning before we come to market. Anything that isn't sold at market that day goes into the freezer (fresh-frozen, if you will). Meat that is frozen will have the same quality as fresh if it is thawed correctly. It must be thawed completely before handling or cooking. If handled while still partly frozen, the fibers in the meat may tear causing "weeping" of juices. And if the meat is not completely thawed before cooking, the outside will be overcooked before the inside is done." Brent and Lori would like me to encourage everyone to try something new this week, so consider yourself encouraged. How long has it been since you have had grilled lamb chops? Or stuffed pork chops? Or? Or? Go ahead, be adventurous!

Rachel Glick will not have her brother's gourds, corn stalks, and straw bales as she had hoped. She will, however, still have a wide selection of cut flowers, including the cosmos, cockscomb, lisianthus and gladiolas that many of you are enjoying. Be sure to stop by her table this week; she promises to show us another spectacular way to display flowers.

Lorelle Becton will have all her usual handmade potions and lotions except for lip balm and body butter; these two favorites will arrive when the weather cools a bit.  Don't forget to check out her soap flavors:  green tea/rosemary, lavender-mint (new), plumeria, green mint, and Egyptian musk.

Viva Veggies didn't get back to me, so I don't know what they will have for us. Check out their table and be surprised.

Jo Rosen of UNI/UCHS expects "this week's offerings will be much the same as last week's - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, chard, kale, beans, herbs (basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, thyme, sage, mint)."  Okra's slowing down, but they hope to have radishes. They will have flowers, pesto, and Metropolitan Bread, and if the stars are properly aligned, dairy products. (They have been having ongoing problems with their dairy supplier.)

Pat McBee reports that they will again have a voter registration table at our market, and they will also have tables at 3408 and 3605 Hamilton Street during the Hamilton Street Porch Sale. They will have "tons of info:  registration forms, absentee ballot applications, location of polling places in Powelton & Mantua, felon voting rights info (yes, felons have voting rights in PA), "8 Easy Things to do to Increase Voter Turn Out," sign up sheets for joining the door to door voter turn out drive, and a chipper upbeat attitude that our neighborhood can make a big difference in the outcome of the Presidential Election."

Meg Wise and Sandy Aidar will not be taking orders for Dutch bulbs this week at our market because they will be working at the Porch Sale Tot Lot table (at 3502 Hamilton) selling your donated goods to support their efforts. They will be back at their market table on September 18th, and will be there every Saturday until mid-October.

Community Note: Don't forget the Hamilton Street Porch Sale that starts at 10:00 (or so) Saturday and runs from 34th to 38th Streets. If you can't find what you want, it probably doesn't exist! Meanwhile, I'll see you Saturday at our Market, while husband Jack will be selling his LP collection at the Porch Sale.

sue minnis