423 North 33rd Street


1850, Jun. 30: Title for 417-435 N. 33rd and 3222 Spring Garden transferred to David B. Paul by Jeremiah Bonsall


1883, Oct. 5: Title for 417-435 N. 33rd and 3222 Spring Garden transferred to John H. McIlvain by David B. Paul

            John H. McIlvain was a retired lumber merchant living at 3305 Baring St.


417-435: “Built 1884 by architects G. W. and W. D. Hewitt. Row of two-and-one-half story brick doubles; porch-fronted. some enclosed. Pressed and corbelled brick trim; paired windows with gabled dormers interrupt cornice line in all but central building in group which has slightly steeper and larger dormers and uninterrupted cornice; 425 and 429 demolished; 433 missing attic floor.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)




1887 Directory: J. Edward Crippen of E. J. Crippen & Co., grocer at 115 S. 3rd St.

            Edward J. Crippen lived at 153 N. 18th St.


1890 Directory: J. Edward Crippen of E. J. Crippen & Co.


1890, Philadelphia Inquirer:


     “E. J. Crippen & Co. to Open Their New Establishment To-day.

     “The Philadelphia fancy grocers and importers of grocers’ specialties have a reputation over the country for enterprise, and recently this has been enhanced by the fine stores, with all modern improvements and the costly store fixtures, that have replaced the old style dingy establishments. There are scores of beautiful grocery stores on the principal streets, and to these has just been added a very beautiful store located at the southeast corner of Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. The formal opening of this establishment occurs to-day. The firm is no newcomer; in fact it is one of the oldest, if not the oldest grocery house in the city, E. J. Crippen & Co.

     “Since 1805 this house, under various names, has been doing the very finest class of trade at 115 South Third street, and a brief history of the business makes interesting reading. The business was established in 1805 at the corner of Front and Drawbridge, now Dock street, the house being known as W. L. & E. Maddock & Co. [E. J. Crippen was married to Mary Maddock.]  On the death of W. L. Maddock, in 1867, the firm took the title of Crippen & Maddock, and in 1873 it became E. J. Crippen & Co., Mr. W. M. Crippen, son of the senior partner, constituting the ‘Co.’  The present members of the firm are E. J. Crippen and J. E. Crippen – admitted to partnership in 1883, W. M. Crippen having died in May, 1882. The business was removed to the present site in 1826, 61 years ago, longer, probably, than any other house in the city has continued to do business in one spot.

     “Mr. J. E. Crippen will have charge of the new store, Thirteenth and Chestnut streets, and only the very finest groceries will be kept. Mr. E. J. Crippen will remain as of old at the old stand on Third street." (Nov. 10, 1890)


1896 Directory: James E. Crippen of E. J. & Co. (Edward J. and James E. Crippen) grocers at 1232 Chestnut St.

            Note: Edward J. Crippen and his family were living at 3305 Powelton Ave.


1896, June 15: At Bay Head, N.J., death of J. Edward Crippen, 34 years old, son of Edward J. Crippen and the late Mary Maddock Crippen; funeral from his late residence 423 N. 33rd St.


1898 Blue Book: Mrs. J. Edward Crippen

                           Edward Crippen Cozens



Lillie A. Crippen                      37        Widowed with 2 children

Violitta Crippen                       15

James S. Crippen                      11

Thomas A. F. Vaughan            60        Boarder; salesman at cane [?] factory; born in Jamaica, parents born in England, immigrated in 1855 and now a citizen; widowed; owner with a mortgage

Anistasia Vaughan                   17        Boarder; father born in Jamaica, mother in Pa.

Annie D. Smych                      30        Servant; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1888


1902, June 18: Marriage of Lillie A. Crippen to Samuel Peltz (3701 Baring St.). They were married by a minister from the Church of the Savior (Protestant Episcopal), 38th and Chestnut Streets.



John C. Margel            44        Master mechanic for a railroad; born in N.J.; renting

Mary Margel                43        Married 22 years, no children

Henrietta Moore          22        Servant; black; married 1 year, no children; born in Maryland



George H. Beardmore             54        born in England, immigrated in 1880, became a citizen in 1888; renting

Amy A. Beardmore                  49        born in England, immigrated in 1880, became a citizen in 1888

William J. Menah                     26        Son-in-law; clerk in ship yard

Clara I. Menah                         23        Office clerk

Simeon Goodman                    34        Lodger; auditor for shipping board; widowed

David Goodman                      32        Lodger; driver for milk company; married

Sadie E. Schrock                      28        Lodger; bookkeeper for an undertaker

Viola M. Snyder                       17        Lodger; file clerk in insurance office

            In 1910, the Beardmore family lived at 3155 G St. In 1930, they were living in Woodbury, N.J.

            William Menah was the son of Walter and Susan Menah. In 1910, they lived at 3911 Haverford Ave. They then moved at 3513 Hamilton St.



< 425 N. 33rd                                                                                                        421 N. 33rd >

Revised 5/8/2018

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