3728 Spring Garden Street


The History of the Building


3720-22, 3724-26, 3728-30: “three, two-and-one-half story. mansarded double by same developer; crazy quilt schist façade, brick sidewalls. Porch-fronted, most porch columns altered. Full-height first-floor windows; 2/2 double-hung segmental sash at second floor; bracketed cornice below imbricated slate-shingled mansard.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)



Previous Residents



Nathan Stretch             43        Home builder; real estate: $2,000, personal property: $1,300

Annie Stretch              41        Born in England

Mary Stretch                18

Louisa Stretch              16

Mary Alburger             33        Servant

            The 1870 directory (from the fall 1869) lists him as a living at 3734 Haverford Ave. The 1869 directory lists him as a builder living at 2100 Spring Garden St.



John S. Bird                 58        Agent to Indians

Eliza Bird                    50        Born in England

Walter C. Bird              31        Painter

Wm. F. Michael           31        Brother-in-law; clerk

Anna Michael              29        Daughter

Harry Michael                6        Grandson

Emma Dunwood         21        Servant



John S. Bird                 77        Clerk; parents born in NJ; owner, free of a mortgage

Ella Michael                49        Daughter; mother born in England

Wm. F. Michael           51        Son-in-law; manufacturer; born in England, lived in U.S. for 32 years

Harry B. W. Michael    25        Grandson; salesman

Nora Cahill                  25        Servant; born in Ireland


1903, Oct. 1: Death of John S. Bird of 3728 Spring Garden St.

            The house was inherited by his daughter, Ella L. Michael


< 3726 Spring Garden                                                               3730 Spring Garden >

Added: 6/11/2022

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