3716 Spring Garden Street


The History of the Building


3716-18: “three-story double, iron pyrate brick. Victorian porch. Rusticated stone lintels, smooth stone sills; each house has gable with vergeboard, shingled face and smal1 window; slate-shingled mansard with front lip; paired third-floor windows be low gable. --- Contributing.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


They were designed by architect P. A. Walsh (Builders’ Guide, 3/29/1893)


1884, Feb. 4: Title for 3716-18 Spring Garden St. transferred to Edwin Middleton by Louis M. Simpson & wife

            Edwin Middleton was a contractor. He lived at 1704 Girard Ave.


3716 and 3718 are not shown on the Bromley Atlas published in 1892.


1893, Jan. 2: Title transferred to Annie J. O'Calllaghan

            The 1890 directory lists Ann J. O’Callaghan as a leather merchant at 458 N. 3rd St. and living at 1122 Wallace St. She was the wife of Francis O’Callaghan. They manufactured Morocco leather.


1893, Dec. 8: Title transferred to Margaret, Annie V., Mary C. Magee & their siblings

            The Magee siblings lived at 3718 Spring Garden St.


Previous Residents

1896, May 14: “Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Johann, 3716 Spring Garden street, celebrated the tenth anniversary of their reception [sic.] last night be giving a large reception.” (Inquirer)


1897 Directory: Johann Frank J., Secretary & Treasurer, Equitable Trust Co.

            The 1895 directory lists him living at 3958 Aspen St.



Frank Johann               37        Treasurer of a co.; father born in Bavaria, renting

Anna M. Johann          36        Married 14 years, 3 children

Frank Johann, Jr.          8

Philomena Johann          3

Anna M. Johann          13

Maria Rowan               25        Servant; single; born in Ireland


1908: Marriage license issued to Anna Maria Johann and Michael Monaghan



Frank J. Johann            47        Trustee [?] of a trust co.; parents born in Germany, renting

Anna M. Johann          46        Married 23 years, 4 children; mother born in Ireland

Frank J. Johann, Jr.      17

Philomena M. Johann  13

John A. Johann, 3rd        9

            In 1920, they lived at 4615 Springfield Ave.



Henry R. Lewis                        39        Signal man for railroad; parents born in Wales

Mary Lewis                              39        Parents born in Wales

Howell R. Lewis                      15

_ Next Hh.

Frederick Richard                    65        Commission merchant; parents born in Germany

Ann C. Richard                        62        Parents born in Germany

_ Next Hh.

Frederick H. Heidenreich        39        Traveling brush salesman; born in W.D.C., father in Germany, mother in Washington D.C.

Ariel S. Heidenreich                 40

            In 1920, Frederick Hans Heidenrich lived with his parents in Washington, D.C. Frederick and his father, Frederick C. Heidenrich, were stonecutters who worked on monuments. Frederick married Ariel Sophie Myers in Des Moines, Iowa on June 24, 1906. She was born in Stanton, Del. Ariel died Feb. 23, 1942 and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery as the wife of Capt. Frederick H. Heidenreich of the U.S. Army Infantry. He served in W.W.I. In 1942, he registered for the draft in Washington, D.C. He was working as a stonecutter with Heidenreich Bros.


1925, Jan. 21: “Hurt By Exploding Cartridge

            “A cartridge hidden in the coal bin in the home of Henry Lewis, of 3716 Spring Garden street, seriously injured him yesterday morning when it exploded after Lewis shoveled it into the furnace. He was partially stunned, the slug of lead striking him in the ribs. Assisted by his wife, he made his way to the office of Dr. M. C. Thrush, a short distance away, where the wound was cauterized.” (Inquirer)



Max Galisky                28        Motorman for electric railway; married at age 21; mother born in England; renting for $45 per month

Gerta Galisky              23        married at age 16

_ Next Hh.

Mary Thacker              62        Widowed; renting for $33

_ Next Hh.

Mary J. Darby              35        Box maker at a box factory; widowed; renting for $45

James Darby                15

Dorothy Darby            17

Anna Pratt                   45        Lodger; bookkeeper at a bank

Anna Burk                   45        Lodger; bookkeeper at a bank



Clark Killoran              39        Waitress at a restaurant, earned $1,000 in 1939; 8 years of schooling; renting for $27 per month


< 3710 Spring Garden                                                               3718 Spring Garden >

Added: 2/6/2022

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