3700 Spring Garden Street


The History of the Building


3700-02, 3704-06, 3708:

“two doubles and one one-half double built by same developer. Pennsylvania marble front, cut ashlar with tooled surface. Porch-fronted bays on either side of central entrance porch. Handsome pierced wood cornice and mansarded roof with gabled, bracketed dormers. All good condition.”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


The Scott Atlas published in 1878 shows these lots owned by J. P. Bruner.


Previous Residents


1882, June 27: Title transferred to Lillie W. Peterson by Henry Reed


1883 Directory: Peterson Albert E., lawyer at 400 Chestnut St.

            The 1882 directory lists his office as 627 Walnut St. and him living at 534 Federal St.

                          Whiting Henry W., artist



Albert E. Peterson       49        Lawyer; father born in NJ; owner, free of a mortgage

Lellie W. Peterson        45        Married 18 years, 3 children; father born in MD

Lillian W. Peterson      17

Albert E. Peterson, J.   15

Marion W. Peterson       9

Henry W. Whiting       57        Brother-in-law; artist; single; born in Venezuela, immigrated in 1848, father in MD [actually in MA, his mother in MD]

            Henry W. Whiting joined the Navy at the start of the Civil War and served under Admiral Farragut. He stood at Farragut’s side during the battle of Mobile Bay. After the battle, Farragut detail him to command the defeated Selma. After the war, he studied art under Peter Moran. “He attained considerable fame as a painter of landscapes and sheep. At the time of his death, he held a responsible position in the United States pension office.” (Inquirer, Dec. 20, 1903) His paintings come up for auction occasionally. In 1880, he was living with his mother, Mary, and siblings Charles and Eliza at 3606 Locust St.


1903, Dec. 18: Death of Henry W. Whiting, 60 years old, of 3700 Spring Garden St. He was buried at Holy Cross Cemetery, Baltimore, MD.


1907, Aug. 12: Title transferred to Robert Bromley, Jr. by Sheriff


1907, Dec. 4: Title transferred to Alice Williams by Robert Bromley, Jr.


1909, Mar. 30: Title transferred to John M Dermott by Alice Williams



John McDermott         45        Retail liquor dealer; widowed; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1882; owner, free of a mortgage

John F. McDermott     20        parents born in Ireland

Joseph J. McDermott   18        parents born in Ireland

Anna Loffie                 38        Servant; widowed, 1 child not surviving; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1897

Susan Ward                  22        Servant; single; born in Ireland, immigrated in 1907


1918, Nov. 13: Title transferred to Edmund V. Cassidy and Sarah, his wife by John M Dermott



Edmund V. Cassidy     48        Shipyard clerk; born in MA, parents in Ireland; owner, free of a mortgage

Sarah M. Cassidy         45

Helen Cassidy              23        Shipyard stenographer

Anna M. Cassidy         22        Stenographer at tile factory

Ralph Filer                   22        Boarder; machinist for railroad

Harriett                        21        Boarder


1921, Oct. 17: Title transferred to Ellen Barnett by Edmund V. Cassidy and Sarah, his wife


1921, Dec. 7: Title transferred to Mary D. Shields by Ellen Barnett


1922, Sep. 15: Title transferred to John C. Ritchie and Kate, his wife by Mary D. Shields


1930, Feb. 28: Title transferred to John C. Ritchie



John C. Ritchie            34        Physician in medical practice; married at age 26 owner, house valued at $8,000

Josephine S. Ritchie     29        Married at age 22

John C. Ritchie              6

Charles A. Ritchie          5

Florence Brightmon     33        Lodger; stenographer in law office

Emma Williams           40        Lodger; telephone operator at department store

David Ritchie              6 months  “Relative”



Dr. John Ritchie          44        Physician with own practice, worked 60 hours in previous week; five years of college; owner, house valued at $7,000

Josephine Ritchie         39        Four years of college

John Ritchie, Jr.           16

Charles Ritchie             14

David Ritchie                9

Mary Ritchie                  8

            John Columbkille Ritchie was born in 1896 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pa.  He received his MD degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1921.  He married Josephine Small (1900-1960).  In 1942, they purchased 3709 Baring St. and move there.


1942, Sep. 24: Title transferred to Catharine M. Moser by John C. Ritchie


1968 Reverse Directory: J. S. Jackson, Jr.


< 3600 block of Spring Garden                                                            3702 Spring Garden >

Revised 11/16/2021

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