3607 Spring Garden Street


1886: Real estate sales: “Spring Garden st. – N[orth] s[ided], 57 ft. W. [of] 36tt. Jennette Grier to John A. Kelley; Nov. 15, ’86. 24x100….. $9,600” (Inquirer, Dec. 6)


The 1892 shows this numbered 3603.


Previous Residents


1898 Directory: Pratt William A., engineer, 611 Broad St. Station

            The 1895 directory lists him as “engineer of bridges” living at 808 N. 21st St.



William A. Pratt           45        Civil engineer; born in New York, father in Connecticut, mother in New York; owner with a mortgage

Jennie G. Pratt             39        Married 18 years, no children; born in Tennessee, father in Tennessee, mother in Virginia

Maggie Geena              22        Servant, cook

            The 1910 directory lists her as Jane G. Pratt, widow of William A. Pratt.


1918 Draft Registration: Holland Daniel E., dentist. He was born in Lebanon, Pa. June 30, 1892 and was Single.


< 3613 Spring Garden St.                                                                                            3605 Spring Garden St. >


Added 2/6/2021

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