3604 Baring Street


Description: 3604baring


The History of the Building


3404-06: “two-and-one-half story, four-register Second-Empire style double with convex bowed mansard. 3604 stuccoed over brick”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)


Previous Residents


1872, Apr. 19: Title for 3604-3606 Baring St. transferred to Charles Williams by St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church


1873, Sep. 6: Title transferred to John Shaffner by Charles Williams


1874 Directory: John Shaffner of Shaffner & Stringfellow (John Shaffner & Samuel Stringfellow), knitted goods at 1210 S. 12th St.

            The 1873 directory lists him living at 1212 Arch St.



John Shaffner              42        Manufactured woolens

Martha L. Shaffner       33

William T. Shaffner      14

Elizabeth Shaffner       12

Mary H. Shaffner           6

Edward L. Shaffner       2

Robert Shaffner           5 months

Bridet Dougherty         30        Servant; born in Ireland

Mary Call                     40        Servant; born in Ireland

Mary Gorman              17        Servant; born in England, Irish parents


1882, Sep. 18: Title transferred to T. Ross Hanson by John Shaffner


1884: T. Ross Hanson, President of T. Ross Hanson & Co., 1221 Arch St.


1890 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. T. Ross Hanson

                           Miss Annie J. Hanson


1895: Howell Ross Hanson. Member of Phi Delta theta fraternity. U. of P. Class of 1895. (Catalog of Phi Delta Theta.)



T. Ross Hanson                       57        Manager

Anna J. H. Hanson                  57

Howell Ross Hanson               26        Electrical engineer

Lillian C. Hanson                     24

Charles Edward Hanson          19

Annie J. Hanson                      54        Sister

Lena Hoffman                         26        Servant; born in Germany

            Thomas Ross Hanson married Anna Jane Howell in 1866. She was the daughter of William Howell and Ann Jane Griven. In 1870 and 1880, her father, brother, step-mother and half-siblings lived at 3311 Race St.

            In 1870, they lived at 3617 Powelton Ave.

            In 1880, they lived at 304 N. 37th St.


1906 Blue Book: Mr. & Mrs. T. Ross Hanson

                           Howell Ross Hanson

                           Miss Annie J. Hanson

                           Miss Lillian C. Hanson


1906, Sep. 5: Marriage of Bennie Irene Teabeaut to Howard Ross Hanson. They married in Delaware


1908, May 12: Death of T. Ross Hanson of 3604 Baring St. Funeral services at his late residence.


1908, Nov. 1: Title transferred to Anna J. H. Hanson by Howell R. Hanson, et al.



Anna J. H. Hanson      68        Widowed, 4 children, 2 surviving; mother born in Del.

Lillian C. Hanson         34        Single

Ann J. Hanson             65        Sister-in-law; single; born in Del., father born in Maryland, mother born in Delaware

Elizabeth J. Marris       22        Servant; single

Blanch Morris              18        Servant; single

            In 1920, the three Hansons were living in an apartment building at 3830 Chestnut St. In 1918, Howell Ross Hanson registered for the draft. He was 45 and living at 3818 Chestnut St.


1913, Oct. 1: Title transferred to Richard W. Barnatt by Anna J. H. Hanson. It was then transferred to The Rector and Wardens Vestrymen of St. Andrew's Church of Philadelphia.


Rev. William J. Cox



            “White House Surgeon to Marry Miss Gordon, Mrs. Wilson's Ward, in New York

            “NEW YORK, May 24. President and Mrs. Wilson came to New York today to be present at the wedding of the President's friend and best man of last December, Dr. Cary T. Grayson, surgeon, United States Navy, and chief aide at the White House, to Miss Alice Gertrude Gordon.

            “With the President came Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. McAdoo, the Secretary to the President and Mrs. Tumulty and the prospective bride and bridegroom. The wedding is to be at St. George's Episcopal Church and the officiating clergyman the Rev. William J. Cox, of Philadelphia….”

            Rev. Cox was formerly the bride’s pastor in Washington.


1918: William Cox registered for the draft from this address. He was Rector of St. Andrew’s Church.


1919, Jan. 27: Death of Lilla Harkins, 26 years old, of 3604 Baring St. Death was registered at St. Andrew's Church. Burial at Woodlawn Cemetery, N. Y. (Records of the Church of the Savior (Protestant Episcopal), 38th and Chestnut Streets)



William James Cox                   46        Clergyman, born in Cape Colony, Africa, immigrated in 1905, father born in Ireland, mother in St. Helena, renting

Helen Bigelow Cox                  41        Born in Mass.

Mary Patricia Cox                      7

William James Cox, Jr.               2 years, 3 months

            William Cox was born in Cape Colony (S. Africa) April 15, 1873. He immigrated in 1905 and was naturalized in 1913. His father was born in Ireland and his mother in St. Helena. During the Boer War, he was chaplain of the Royal Canadian Field Artillery. (Ev. Pub. Ledger, Feb, 28, 1918)

            Helen Bigelow Cox was born in Massachusetts and was living in Worcester, MA in 1900 where she was a 19 year old school teacher living with her parents.

            In 1910, they rented rooms at 1139 N. 41st St. They had been married for two years.


1927 Directory: Rev. W. J. Cox



William J. Cox              57        Pastor, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church; married at age 33; born in S. Africa, father born in Ireland, mother in France; renting for $75 per month

Helen B. Cox               51        Married at age 27; born in Mass.

Mary P. Cox                 17

William J. Cox, Jr.        12

Edna P. Morgan           22       Servant; black; born in W. Virginia


                                                                                                            Helen B. Cox (1878-1948)

1932, Jan. 2: Death of Rev. William James Cox, 58 years old, of 3604 Baring St. He was buried at Old St. David’s Church Yard, Radnor.


            “Served 20 Years at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church; Was Dean of Convocation

            “Native of South Africa, He Held Pastorates in Canada and at Washington

            “Rev. William James Cox, rector for twenty years of St. Andre’s Protestant Episcopal Church, Thirty-sixth and Baring streets, and for a number of years dean of the West Philadelphia Convocation, died at noon yesterday in University Hospital. He was 58 years old.

            “Dr. Cox, who lived at 3604 Baring street, was ill only a short time. His long and active career in the ministry included services in Canada, South Africa and Washington, as well as Philadelphia. He attracted special attention in 1926 by an article in The Churchman, official organ of the ‘low church’ Episcopalians, in which he criticized the stand taken by the Protestant Episcopal Church regarding the annulment of marriages.

            “Born in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1873, he became a deacon at the age of 24 and was ordained a priest the following year. He first served in St. Peter’s Cathedral, Charlottestown. Prince Edward Island, as an assistant rector and schoolmaster. He returned to his native South Africa during the Boer War as chaplain of Canadian infantry. Later he became chaplain at the Garrison Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

            “He came to the United States first as rector of St. Thomas’ Church, Washington, D. C. In 1908 he was made minister-in-charge of Grace Church Chapel, Girard and Leidy avenues, West Philadelphia. Grace Church itself at that time was located at Twelfth and Cherry streets.

            “In 1911 Dr. Cox was called to be rector of St. Andrew’s Church, succeeding Rev. W. Arthur Warner. While he attained a prominent place in the West Philadelphia Convention and in the Protestant Episcopal Church generally. He served as chaplain of the St. Andrew’s and St. George’s Societies….” (Inquirer, Jan. 3, 1932)


1940: 3604 & 3606 Baring

Florence Holmes         42        Five years of college; owner, house valued at $5,000

David Holmes             40        Clergyman at church, earned $2,000 in 1939; five years of college

Arthur Holmes              7

            They lived here in 1935.


1950 Directory: Robert B. Beath



Elizabeth Patterson                 59        Single

Blanche Patterson                    65        Sister; single; 9 years of schooling

Frederick Shuttleworth            57        Lodger; technician at dental laboratory; single; born in England

Patrick Flynn                           24        Lodger; single

Robert Brath                            79        Lodger; single

William Kelley                         33        Lodger; policeman at river bridge; single

Earl Daly                                 33        Lodger; inspector-agent at Customs Bureau, earned $5,800 for 52 weeks of work in 1949; single; 4 years of college

Edwin Levens                          44        Lodger; salesman for drug company; divorced; born in NJ

Information of income and parents place of birth only available from every fifth person plus total for other persons in their household


2009: owner: Amy I. Schlegel

            purchase date: 10/2000


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Revised 4/3/2022

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