3603 Hamilton Street


Description: 3603hamilton


The History of the Building


The northern boundary of the houses on the northern side of Hamilton St. from 31st St. to 38th St. was the northern border of the Bingham-Baring estate.


3601-03, 3605-07, 3609-11, 3613-15, and 3617:  These houses appear to have been built by the same builder but may have been built for three different developers.


 two-and-one-half story Second Empire-style doubles, stone facade over brick. Victorian wood porches…. Slate-shingled mansards with four dormers with decoratively carved wood gables. Ornate wood Victorian cornices. Segmental stone lintels. 3601-03 and 3613-15 have roof cresting”

(Inventory of Buildings in Powelton from the application submitted to the National Register of Historic Places, 1985)



Previous Residents of 3603 Hamilton Street


1872 Atlas shows 3601-3619 owned by J. G. Hardie.

            James G. Hardie lived at 3200 Arch St.  The 1864 Directory lists him as a merchant with an office at 633 Market St.


1872, March 12: Deed transferred from Henry K. Harnish to Samuel H. Stinson.

            The 1872 directory lists Henry K. Harnish living at 3501 Bridge (Spring Garden) St.


1877 Directory (Fall 1876): Samuel H. Stinson, clerk

                                                They previously lived at 3621 Hamilton St.

                                          George H. Todd, clerk


1877, Jan. 25: Deed transferred from Samuel H. Stinson to Jacob Aman.

            This transfer includes the first mention of a building.


1877, Jan. 25: Deed transferred from Jacob Aman to Ida J. Stinson.



Samuel H. Stinson       36        Card maker

Ida. J. Stinson              30

Annie E. Maginly         60        Mother-in-law

Anna Cummings          18        Servant

            In 1870, the Ida and Samuel Stinson lived with her mother, and Elizabeth McGinly age 20, probably her sister.  Ida’s middle name is Josephine with her age listed as 23.  The 1870 directory lists Samuel and Ann E. Maginly, widow of Joseph E., living at 722 N. 22nd St.  The 1868 directory lists Joseph E. McGinley, bricklayer, at that address.


1881 Directory: Samuel H. Stinson


1883, Oct. 18: Death of Ida J. Stinson, 38 years old, of 3603 Hamilton St. Funeral services at her late residence.  Burial at Mount Moriah Cemetery.


1886 Directory: Elizabeth J. Maginly, widow of Joseph E.


1887 Directory: Samuel H. Stinson, cards


1888, Nov. 28: Marriage of Mamie C. Colgan to Samuel H. Stinson. his 2nd.  They were married at the Church of the Advent in Philadelphia.

            He was the son of Hugh and Martha Stinson.  She was the daughter of John and Lillie Colgan.  He was 38 and she was 21.


1890 Directory: Samuel H. Stinson of A. M. Collins Manf. Co.


1899, Jan. 5: Death of Samuel H. Stinson, 50 years old.  Funeral services at his late residence.  Burial at West Laurel Hill Cemetery.



Mary C. Stinson           32        Widowed, 2 children; owner, free of a mortgage

Maude C. Stinson        10        Born in N.J.

Samuel H. Stinson, Jr.    5        Born in N.J.

Winifred A. Irvin         --          Servant; single; born in N.J.


1905, March: Deed transferred from Girard Trust Company & Trustees under the last will & Testament of Samuel H. Stinson deceased to James Howard Chambers.

            James Howard Chambers married Frances Canby Smyth in Philadelphia in 1888.  In 1900 and 1910, they were living at 3839 Powelton Ave. which they were renting.  He listed his occupation as “secretary and general manager.”  In 1930, they lived at 217 N. 42nd St. which they owned.  He was president of a machine company.  In 1880, he was a boarder in house of Cyrus and Mary P. Chambers.


1908, May 28, The Inquirer: “White boy, 17, would like position on a farm. Address or call 3603 Hamilton st.



Dewitt C. France         57        Shirt manufacturer; renting

Jane E. France             62        Married 32 years, 2 children; born in Ken., father in N.J., mother in Ken.

Jean France                  20

Mary Scott                   35        Servant; black; single; born in Alabama

            In 1898, they lived in Ardmore., probably with William Baxter France.


1918 Directory: Alvah J. Emery, principal

                         Thornton J. Emery, principal



Alvah J. Emrey            51        Supervising principal in public schools; renting

J. Thornton Emrey      45        Brother; supervising principal in public schools

Rachel E. Emrey          85        Mother; widowed

Eva M. Emrey             50        Cousin

Joseph M. Lemmen     36        Boarder; paper merchant


Title transferred to Ella S. F. Mitchell by James Howard Chambers



Edward Mitchell          71        Widowed; owner, house valued at $9,800

Alexander Patterson    9         Foster son

Eugene Graham           24        Lodger; bank teller; married at age 23

Laura Graham              24        Lodger; clerical worker at electrical co.; married at age 23

Jane Stewart                68        Lodger

Elizabeth Daniels        31        Servant; black, born in Maryland

            In 1940, Alexander Patterson was living in Belmont, Middlesex Co., Mass.  He still lived in Philadelphia in 1935.  He was not employed.


1935, May 13: Title transferred to Integrity Trust Co. by Sheriff


1935, June 5: Title transferred to Hannah W. Passmore by Integrity Trust Co.



 Hannah Passmore (1877-1947)                        Ruth S. Passmore (1920-2007)



Hannah Passmore        62        Widowed; she lived here in 1935; owner, house valued at $7,000

Harold Passmore         23        Teacher at prep. School; single; 4 years of college

Ruth Passmore            19        Single; 1 year of college

Jane Stewart                78        Lodger; single; 8 years of education; lived here in 1935

Clara Joyce                   75        Lodger; widowed; 8 years of education; lived here in 1935

Dorothy Lahner           70        Lodger; widowed; 8 years of education; lived here in 1935

Mary Webster              75        Lodger; widowed; 8 years of education; lived here in 1935

_ 2nd Hh.

Mary Wickersham        67        Single; 2 years of college; lived here in 1935; renting for $27.50 per month

Margaret Passmore      60        Lodger; housekeeper in private home; worked 25 weeks in 1939 earning $250; single 4 years of high school; lived here in 1935

            Hannah Wickersham Passmore was the widow of John Willits Passmore, a farmer. He died in 1934. In 1920 and 1930, they lived London Grove, Chester Co. Ruth Passmore married Lawrence McKeever Miller in 1946.


1940, June 14: Marriage of Harold J. Passmore to Mary Elizabeth Pusey

            Harold Passmore was a graduate of Dickinson College. He taught math and physics at Westtown School before becoming business manager of George School. He died in Newton, Bucks Co. in 1983.


1947, Dec. 16: Death of Hannah W. Passmore, 70 years old, of 3603 Hamilton St. She was widowed.

            The property was transferred to Margaret Passmore and others. Margaret Passmore was the oldest of Hannah and John Passmore’s five children.


1948, Dec. 27: Title transferred to Francis J. Fiego by Margaret Passmore, et al.


1950 Directory: Eves B. Miller

                         Frank Dituri


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